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Posts posted by RuideAlmeida
Muito bem-vindo!
Olá a todos,
iniciei-me no geocaching a um ano mais coisa menos coisa.
É uma experiência muito positiva onde associo ao máximo a minha pequena família, são sempre momentos bem divertidos.
Um abraço.
It looks clearly a multi-cache if you give all the coordinates for the stages, maybe a puzzle if the geocacher have to solve those coordinates.
Sendo um bom princípio da parte do owner, para evitar a tal destruição, acaba por poder ser ela também deslocada, retirada ou simplesmente recolocada de modo a que essa sigla deixe de ser visível... e aí voltamos ao problema inicial.
Sendo owner de centenas de caches, é frequente receber logs a referir condições e situações relacionadas com os esconderijos, contentores e GZs que não condizem com a colocação inicial... mas que após algumas visitas, o owner deixa de conseguir controlar.
O ideal mesmo, será banir-se os muros de pedra (quase sempre centenários) como esconderijos válidos.
Sure you can recalibrate your device, no harm done.
Most of the times that difference is related to a incorrect datum in the GPSr.
WGS84 is the default standard datum for coordinates stored in recreational and commercial GPS units, but for any reason you may have changed it... please check it out.
Somos da zona da Agualva/Cacém/Sintra, e ainda estamos no início desta actividade.
Vivendo atualmente no Amazonas, sou originalmente de Queluz (como podem deduzir pelo meu nickname) pelo que algumas das caches mais próximas de vós, são minhas (nossas, pois 2/3 dos Kelux ainda lá vivem).
Desde já vos convido a visitá-las a todas... e depois, quem sabe, virem procurar estas e visitarem-me a mim
Qualquer ajuda, disponham.
Please remember that some specific area can have more caches than those that appear on maps... related to final points of multi and mystery/puzzle caches.
Being a Premium Member you can generate Pocket Queries where you can specify the size of the caches, among other things.
Using the tracking number of that geocoin, you can go to the owner's profile.
Then you can send a personal message thru the contact link on the profile page.
Exactly... two Found It on a single cache..
"simrebel has found 380 caches (379 distinct) since 05/05/2011"
Maybe a cache where you logged Found It twice?
Welcome to the forum.
I would suggest that you also post this same invitation in your local geocaching forum.
The other good way to meet local geocachers, is to publish an event cache on a nice location... you will see, they will come.
Bienvenue sur le forum.
Ma suggestion est d'écrire cette meme post aussi dans le forum belge.
Vous pouvez aussi publier une cache evénement, vou allez voir que les cacheurs prés de vous, serons lá.
Mais quatro pontos de interesse geocachante, três em São Paulo e o último no Distrito Federal.
If you use the Geocaching app, you don't need that much.
Being a PM, you can set Pocket Queries of caches, acessing them with your iPad. But caching on nature with an iPad, sound a bad idea... sort of a disaster waiting to happen.
You should get an outdoor GPS, more suitable to rough terrain and weather conditions.
The FTF only applies to the physical logbook, not on the online page of any cache.
If you want to keep a "proof", just take a picture of the log on the logbook... but keep in mind that every log has the same value... just pure personal joy, nothing else.
Did you checked the box "Enable cache listing. It is ready for review. (If the listing is not yet ready to be reviewed, uncheck this box.) Note: Only 'Enabled' cache listings are visible to the reviewer."?
As you can read, reviewers will not see your listing if that box was not selected.
The best way to meet new geocachers is to publish an event cache.
That applies to your local area, but also all over the world.
Instead of using the ZIP codes, simply use the city names.
The better way to meet local geocachers is to publish an event cache in those places. Look for a nice park or so.
I you deselect the box "Enable cache listing. It is ready for review. (If the listing is not yet ready to be reviewed, uncheck this box.) Note: Only 'Enabled' cache listings are visible to the reviewer.", the reviewers wont see your listing... but the GC code will be maintained, unused though.
Maybe you try upload the pictures when the site was in maintenance, or they are too big?!
I finish to upload some right now, so you can try again.
Yes. Probably you logged "Found It" twice in three caches, by instance.
Sometimes we log a "Found It" instead of a DNF or a Note, after that when we log a real "Found It" the system assume it as a double found.
Try to check first every caches that you searched for more than one time.
Then you can check on your profile Your Geocaching Logs... choose "Found It" and verify double logs.
Finally maybe you can obtain that information on some IAAN compilations at your geocaching community.
Do you still have them ? If so, Please send price and contact.
Infelizmente o Vespa anda afastado do GC há uns tempos já.
There are another solution... you can maintain the cache without owning it.
Just as a friend would do for you!?
in Brazil
Estão a chover caches no Brasil!... Aleluia!!
Um bom punhado de novas caches publicadas em São Paulo, Minas Gerais e Amazonas.
Cachoeira São Bernardo
Divisa São Paulo - Minas Gerais
Trilha do Bosque Vermelho mais uma da série Horto Florestal
Corredeira da Pedra do Mármore todas da RoseViagem
MG-188a as três do Zaakdf
Wooden Chapel de Intervales
Rio Preto da Eva
Velho, é o teu Passado! todas do Kelux