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Everything posted by DARKSIDEDAN

  1. Thanks Goldenwattle, I love the idea of the SideTracked caches. It brings a new element into the game.
  2. This is great news. I asked in the forum and on FB about 4 years ago how the ACT could get a MEGA. Well now it's coming.
  3. I did my AL stages in order and got very poor reviews. People lost the point of why they were in order and just focused on the fact that they couldn't do them out of order. Makes me want to scrap the idea and start again.
  4. I have Excellent News. In March of 2024 Canberra, Australia will be hosting a MEGA Event. See the Link Below: Note: Link below is to an external site not associated with Geocaching.com and contains an Informational Video about the upcoming event. https://www.bing.com/search?q=oz+mega+announcement&form=ANNH01&refig=62b9ff73d4b74a36b5b96bb69b492358&shtp=GetUrl&shid=3f57b077-3469-4323-b156-f758d8e5c167&shtk=T3ogTWVnYSBFdmVudCBBbm5vdW5jZW1lbnQgLSBzaG9ydCBjbGlw&shdk=VGhlIE96IE1lZ2EgQ29tbWl0dGVlIGhhdmUgYW4gaW1wb3J0YW50IGFubm91bmNlbWVudCB0byBtYWtlLi4uIFZpZGVvZ3JhcGh5OiBUYW5rZW5naW5lIChUaG9tYXMgU2NodWx6ZSkgRWRpdGluZzogTm9fVG9tb3Jyb3cgKExpbmRhIFBldHJpY2hvcikgTXVzaWM6IE1vbnVtZW50IGJ5IFRyYWNrVHJpYmUgKHNvdXJjZWQgZnJvbSBZb3V0dWJlKQ%3D%3D&shhk=UlyKmXsr8I4T1hcoLFXQyYYv4aiQbC9vAQuWZygBn6Q%3D&shth=OVF.HJDtXyfx%2fMEG6xkp8HyufA
  5. I hope it turns up Jayeffel
  6. Is it possible that some areas are over saturated with geocaches? What do you think? I love caching and finding ANY cache, so for me there can never be to many caches in my local area to find. I say the more there are to find the better. My final though is; If you do not like Guard Rail caches, Tree climbs, Power Trails, ect. Then dont find them. But let other people to find them if thats what they want to do.
  7. EVERYONE THOUGHT THE ORIGIONAL CANBERRA NATURE PARK CACHE (CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA'S OLDEST CACHE) WAS LOST FOREVER UNTILL DARKSIDEDAN FOUND IT AGAIN On the 16th April 2016, I attended the 15th Birthday Event for Canberra Nature Park by Alex, Helen & Jock | GC6CF | Australian Capital Territory, Australia. It was at this event with great sadness that I found out that the original Canberra Nature Park Cache (the ACT’s Oldest Geocache) had been lost forever and replaced by Sol de lune a 5 years earlier. After the event I walked down the hill with some of the other geocache crews to find and sign the logbook for Canberra's Oldest cache even though I had found the cache 12 month ago. The other geocache finders all went to a pile of rocks and pulled out the replacement cache for GC6CF. I yelled out "That's not the right cache, the cache is over here". I ran 40 to 50 meters away and pulled out from a crack in the rocks, the Original Canberra Nature Park by Alex, Helen & Jock | GC6CF | Australian Capital Territory Australia, including all the old original logbooks dating back to the very first day of placement. Sol de lune (the current caretaker of the cache) came running down the hill as fast as he could to find me holding both the original and the replacement cache. When I had originally found the Canberra Nature Park Cache (the ACT’s Oldest Geocache) I didn’t have my GPS with me so I just searched around for it. Not known to me at the time I had found and signed the original cache, not the replacement. Twelve months later I had both an original and the replacement cache in my hand as well as a smile from ear to ear. It gave me pleasure to know that I am responsible in giving this piece of ACT Geocaching history back to the Geocaching community to enjoy on its 15th Birthday.
  8. EVERYONE THOUGHT THE ORIGIONAL CANBERRA NATURE PARK CACHE (CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA'S OLDEST CACHE) WAS LOST FOREVER UNTILL DARKSIDEDAN FOUND IT AGAIN On the 16th April 2016, I attended the 15th Birthday Event for Canberra Nature Park by Alex, Helen & Jock | GC6CF | Australian Capital Territory, Australia. It was at this event with great sadness that I found out that the original Canberra Nature Park Cache (the ACT’s Oldest Geocache) had been lost forever and replaced by Sol de lune a 5 years earlier. After the event I walked down the hill with some of the other geocache crews to find and sign the logbook for Canberra's Oldest cache even though I had found the cache 12 month ago. The other geocache finders all went to a pile of rocks and pulled out the replacement cache for GC6CF. I yelled out "That's not the right cache, the cache is over here". I ran 40 to 50 meters away and pulled out from a crack in the rocks, the Original Canberra Nature Park by Alex, Helen & Jock | GC6CF | Australian Capital Territory Australia, including all the old original logbooks dating back to the very first day of placement. Sol de lune (the current caretaker of the cache) came running down the hill as fast as he could to find me holding both the original and the replacement cache. When I had originally found the Canberra Nature Park Cache (the ACT’s Oldest Geocache) I didn’t have my GPS with me so I just searched around for it. Not known to me at the time I had found and signed the original cache, not the replacement. Twelve months later I had both an original and the replacement cache in my hand as well as a smile from ear to ear. It gave me pleasure to know that I am responsible in giving this piece of ACT Geocaching history back to the Geocaching community to enjoy on its 15th Birthday.
  9. Found this Geocache Size Guide on another website and though I would share for anyone that is unsure about Cache sizes when hiding a cache. Micro: The most common cache size, a micro Geocache container contains only a small logbook. A Micro geocache is less than 100ml. A nano is an even smaller version, but is usually marked as Micro. Small: A small container is 100ml-1L in size. A small container can hold a pencil, a logbook, and small swag. Regular: The size of a Regular cache container ranges from 1L-20L. A regular cache container can hold a logbook, swag, and a pencil. These types of containers can also be used for TB Hotels. Large: A large cache container is the most rare of cache sizes. A large cache size is over 20L. Large cache containers can hold lots of swag, a logbook, and a pencil. These cache containers can also be used as TB Hotels. Virtual: A virtual cache container is usually a Virtual Cache or Earthcache types. Virtual cache do not have a physical container. Other: A cache with an Other marking says that that particular geocache does not fit in any of the categories above. Other cache containers may have unnatural shapes or are nanos.
  10. What New Cache Type should Groundspeak create next? A Gadget Cache type, bring back the Lost and Found cache type, make Challenge caches their own type? Show me your creative side and come up with something unique.
  11. For me there was nothing more exciting than going to a MEGA Event for the Lab Caches. I was so excited to see what someone would come up with. I was very proud of my 40 plus Lab Caches that I had found at various MEGA Events. Then came Adventure Labs in their Thousands and my Lab Cache Finds are now more than 500. I love Adventure Labs but I can't help but think that they would have been better off with their own unique icon so that Lab Caches and Adventure Labs were two totally separate types. What do you think?
  12. I found this website that explains the Village Hall Series (Warning: This is a link to an external website that is not associated with Geocachig.com) Geocaching Village Hall Series / National Themed Series (wixsite.com)
  13. If you can't find it, you shouldn't claim it as found.
  14. https://www.flagcounter.com is what I use, its good and you can edit the settings.
  15. ACT is just about to go through the same thing
  16. There are several Geocaching series that are popular in the UK in addition to the Church Micro series. I know about the most popular are 'SideTracked' thanks to a well know local geocacher by the name of Goldenwattle, but what are Little Quest, A Fine Pair, 'War Memorial', Village Hall and FYI Caches?
  17. I did find the throw down but it was not what the CO had described so I knew it was not the Geocache. That was on my 3rd visit where I removed all the Camo (about 500kg of Rocks) by hand and placed it on the Grass next to the bridge. I realized then that there was no cache to find. I then had to replace everything I had moved back to its original location.
  18. If you were not limited by Time, Money or Physical Ability, What Cache is on your "Must Find" Wish List? For me it would be the following geocaches: Earth's Roof - Mount Everest Peak (GC2BX63). International Space Station (GC1BE91) Antarctic Views (GCDECD) Lego - einer ist zuviel (GC13Y2Y) Mission 8: Wattle’s Edge (GC1058) Mission 11: Tallow's Sand (GC1412) I have dreamed about finding this caches. Sadly some of these geocaches are beyond my physical limits and some are long archived.
  19. If you were Offered the Position of a Geocaching.com Reviewer, Would you take it? What do you think would be the Pro's and Con's of being a Reviewer?
  20. The Canberra Nature Parks Management Plan 2021 has a whole section on Geocaching. What is peoples opinions about this Management Plan? Is this the end for Geocaching in Canberra or can Geocaching survive? Note: Zone 1 Areas are in Dark Green and Zone 2 Areas are in Light Green
  21. I personally drove the 90 min each way three times to go and look for 'trolls home'.GC7VEKC. I also spent 3 hours looking for it in total. I can 100% say that that cache never existed.
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