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Posts posted by CdAGeoGeeks


    No one is responsible for the integrity of found its on lab caches, if it becomes possible to armchair log dozens or hundreds of caches a day with no consequences then the find count will be useless and do not underestimate how important the find count it.


    Conversely, don't over estimate how important find count is either. Your numbers mean nothing to me, and I suspect mine mean about the same to you. Find count is only valued by what an individual puts on it. Some rate it very high, some very low. Mine? I honestly believe I am the only person who should care about my finds, and if someone else is putting value on them other than the cache owner, then please stop and go play outside for a while.

  2. New! Fun! GS has put out a new something. Kind of planet apes feel but not. Anywho, I went to the Seattle page and it states that you will unlock a video at each place. Anyone know if this is smart phone required? I know, odd. Some people still have dumb phones.

    Link please to the Seattle page?

  3. Looking at bookmarked lists is another way we have found places that used to hold caches. Looks to some of the older members and you can find all sorts of interesting archived caches and places where things used to be. It can help you with a bit of history in your area.

  4. At the same, I have a hard time believing anyone would be upset about someone walking up to their lake, saying "Nice place to live" while signing a slip of paper, and then being on their way.

    Ask Trayvon Martin


    Seriously? Did you really just go there?

  5. Domo!!!


    Please read here & here for the latest updates on Lab Caches.


    From the release: Additionally, Lab Caches are not included in the My Finds Pocket Query (or other Pocket Queries) and will not result in any Souvenirs being awarded.


    So they are going to count once more for my stats but I won't be able to generate them on a My Finds PQ so they will still mess up my other party stats programs. Thanks guys; that really doesn't solve anything.

  6. There's a fairly indepth discussion about a similar badge in the American Award scheme here...


    Personally I could be considered a bit old fashioned with award schemes but would all of this not be better off as a part of a navigation badge? I know at my group the scouts can't use a map and even the leaders struggle meaning that when they get to venturers and they are expected to be able to navigate in the bush they are screwed.


    The BSA (US Scouting) initiative for the past decade has been dedicated to advancing technology and evolving the program to keep kids involved.


    Geocaching is a great opportunity to combine gps, computer and navigating skills. Navigation isn't a merit badge; Orienteering is for older Scouts and the Map & Compass belt loop is for younger scouts. By keeping caching separate, they can still combine some of the skills the other badges require, but allow different awards for them based on the level of expertise and the different activities involved. Personally, I feel letterboxing is a much closer activity to Orienteering than GeoCaching is. Several of the existing merit badges combine similar skill sets; every outdoor activity has some first aid component in them. This is simply a great example of where two badges have some common area of overlap. I like the new badge.

  7. So then this is a temp thing again?? That kinda stinks... I was hoping to apply the maker event to my event I'm planning for in June. Granted its a trackables event, but I feel that the maker event can apply here as well.


    I agree that you make a container or camo, not the spot which you pick to hide your cache.


    We like the idea of a tracker maker themed event. That could be a lot of fun, and then you could start them out in a race or something if anyone wanted to. We like that a lot!

  8. I wasn't expecting that much discussion of this question. I was sure I just wasn't understanding what was being asked. To me, asking who gets FTF at an event is like asking whether it's a good idea to use snow tires on a motorboat.


    In our state we just call them 'Bumpers'.

  9. Typically, saying you were part of a team in most traditionals is enough to let the log stand with your explanation. We have found that some Virtual owners do require the information to be resent with the new cacher name in the sake of preserving the validity of the logs.


    I would relog the cache and resend the information. It should be fine.

  10. When I was a young man going to college a cougar wandered into a bar downtown. A buddy of mine left with the cougar. He was criticized for dating the cougar but it was ... wait. Not that kind of cougar. Never mind. :laughing:


    It was probably just one of those Washington State Cougars anyways.

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