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Everything posted by frex3wv

  1. Anyone know where I can buy permethrin at a local store?
  2. In case anyone is interested - you can go to the cache page - and from there - watch a video of our event. Enjoy and please comment.
  3. "2) use 39 feet per rail, that was the most common standard." any explanation on this would be greatly appreciated, as I have seen references to rail distances and have never really understood it (such as "10 rails from the station" etc.) Thanks.
  4. Can someone tell me (in simple terms) why intersection points aren't used in surveying (and are therefore not necessary to report)? Thanks.
  5. *Bump* (since the event is less then a week away!) If you are planning to attend - please leave a note on the cache page!
  6. http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_detai...b8-6528e0ce4314 Hope you can make it!
  7. Hello All: I have a friend who recently got an Etrex Legend for her Birthday. We went geocaching together over the weekend and it seemed as though her arrow didn't point in the direction of the cache. Her distance indication did go downward as we approached ground zero so I know the unit was functioning well. My Mag's arrow did point in the right direction - which is the gauge we used in determining something was amiss with her unit. Any thoughts or suggestions on this issue whould be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  8. I have to say that you regulars on here are MUCH better then me at using topo maps to find marks and solve questions. With that i mind - can someone tell me (besides for google earth which I do use) what the BEST free program is online to look at topos in my area? I have seen a few thrown out there - but I am wondering which are best, most comprehensive, user friendly etc. Thanks very much, as always, in advance.
  9. Thanks. That helps. Here is a list of the # of WWFM's that are going to take place (to date): http://www.geocaching.com/bookmarks/view.a...bb-dbcb6469e10f
  10. I am thinking about hosting a "WWFM" event on May 10th and the spot I have in mind may be within a .10 of a mile from a regular cache. My questions is: does the .10th rule apply to event cache locations/coordinates? Thanks in advance.
  11. Has anyone actually found the remains of these "stations" I don't rely on them to get me to the generally right area of the benchmark's location (since they are basically all gone it seems), so I never even think to look for their remains - I am always so focused on the disk etc. If you have found any - maybe you could share pictures..... Also - maybe we do need a thread dedicated JUST to RR related questions info etc. what does everyone think?
  12. I have also run across the term "capstone." I believe that when I found a mark with this term it was in what I thought was the top of the abutment. Thanks for the input mloser. I will have to return for another try at it. Still wondering what the "low rail" reference is. Any RR buffs out there know?
  13. I know what Holo means - I find myself reading over descriptions time and again - slowly..... trying to make heads or tails. I did try for one yesterday with several other adults - and because I had the help - I didn't bother with the compass ( I am still reading over all the posts - and trying to decide what to do). Here was the part of the description I was using: IN THE TOP OF THE SOUTH BACK WALL OF THE EAST ABUTMENT, ABOUT 7 FEET SOUTH OF THE CENTERLINE OF THE TRACK, AND ABOUT 1.5 FEET LOWER THAN THE TOP OF THE LOW RAIL. I went to the abutment I firmly believe they are refering to and used a metal rake to remove many years of debris and dirt - then used a broom. No benchmark - and I am baffled. Anyone have any idea what I may have done wrong and can anyone tell me what a "low rail" is? Should the term "back wall" be telling me something about it not being where I normally have found them? I am stumped.
  14. ok - so is the concensus thus far "true" north on the GPS. Here is the specific line in a description that finally made me ask the question: "IN THE TOP OF THE SOUTH BACK WALL OF THE EAST ABUTMENT"
  15. Hey guys - I realize this may be a pretty simple question to answer - but its easier to post here then research out - so here goes........... My Mag. GPS gives me the choice of True or Magnetic North. I will never use this for geocaching (I don't even use the maps) but I DO want to use it for the sake of finding benchmarks utilizing the descriptions on the datasheets. So.... when the surveyor writes that a mark (either ref. or station) is this direction or that direction - which one of those two "north's" should I have my gps on? See - told ya simple - but I do need to know....... and have been meaning to ask for months. Thanks in advance. I hope you all are well!
  16. *Bump* Just in case there are other who haven't commented........
  17. I too am thankful to everyone who has helped me on here to learn more about benchmarking. I have asked many questions and gotten TONS of great responses back. Thank you. To those of you just starting out - welcome! As an aside - when I ask questions - I TRY to ask ones I think many would be interested in hearing the answer to........a slight contribution I hope (since I don't have many answers to offer just yet).
  18. Thanks for the input - if anyone else has comments I'd still love to hear them.... and a question - am I right that the 500 takes AAA batteries? has this been a problem for anyone? Also - has anyone had WAAS problems (my 600 can't find the WAAS signal - but my 210 does great in that regard).
  19. I have been asked by a friend I turned on to geocaching recently about some gps unit advice. I have used a Mag 210 and a 600 - but never a 500. (To be honest I like my 210 best out of the 2, but anyway....) Can anyone tell me if I should recommend the 500 to my friend (based on your experience with the unit) - I found it at cosco.com for 120.00 or should I tell them to get the 210 which I found for 135.00? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  20. Welcome to benchmark hunting! The folks here will be a great resource for you! I'd answer you - but others will give a much more thorough answer! But one thing i will say - if it sais location "adjusted' the gps should get you within 10-30 feet (or closer!). If it sais "scaled" you need to really use the "go to" (physical description) that is on the page and was written by those who placed the benchmark. Good luck and enjoy!
  21. Personally - so long as I have a window seat - I wouldn't ask or worry about it. I highly doubt they say a word about it. But I do like DCC's idea of asking the pilot as you board - i am sure they wouldn't mind being asked and would be fine with it.
  22. It figures that after the fact of asking - I find this log from a nearbye mark (with pic of vertical rail and remains of old milepost). Adding this post here so folks can get a sense of how they placed it in these parts at least. Its HX2286. Also - can someone tell me what the pictured monument could be in a post by "man in the wild" for HX2593? Thanks! (edited to correct error pointed out by mloser)
  23. Thanks. Now I have this weird feeling I will be looking for a needle in a haystack - darn...if only the mark was adjusted!
  24. I had posted on page 1 of this thread - but one more thought........ Geocaching is supposed to be "family friendly" or so I thought - which is why Groundspeak has some of the cache content rules it has - how does this fall in line with THAT goal? Whats next - some list on who shouldn't cache because of their race, gender, marital status or whatever (and no - I am NOT into political correctness AT ALL - but.........) Maybe we should start a simple list here on if we think this guy is rude. I vote yes.
  25. I only have a few hides - and haven't had to trade logs out yet - but it never crossed my mind to even check for dishonesty. I would never fake a log - so I don't think like that. Don't get me wrong - I am sure it could happen - and when it does - i'll hop on here and ask for advice as to how to best handle it.
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