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Posts posted by intolerable

  1. Didn't the Old Man In The Mountain collapse a number of years ago?


    I grew up spending most of my winter weekends in that area. Beautiful...


    Not that this has anything to do with the contest :-)


    Yes it did! That's why it has an unseeing eye :P:laughing:


    And this is why I posted about the OMITM rather than guesses ;-)

  2. Just recently started caching and instantly fell in love with geocoins and this one sounds excellent. Tried to just catch a glimpse of one at Coins and Pins but couldn't find a picture.


    Anyone have a picture available? I'd love to be able to pick one of these up, but that seems pretty unlikely so would really appreciate being able to see a picture if possible.





  3. Cleverness of the hide.

    We have one multi in my area that has examples of 11 types of cache containers, the only problem is that around half of them violate the cache placement guidlines.


    This is a problem I'm having with finding a place to hide an urban cache. I find a spot that I find interesting to hide, but it always seems to violate some rule.

  4. My family is pretty new to this, but we recently set up a cache which we stocked with Lego pieces from the local Lego Store's Pick A Brick wall. This was in part to help get our 4 year old interested in geocaching, but we also just think Lego bricks can be great fun for everyone.


    We're currently putting together a second cache that we plan to stock with more assorted Lego pieces, some Lego minifig keychains and possibly some of the non-brick/set related items.

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