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Posts posted by T10X

  1. To blindly ban all virtual vacation caches is wrong. All regular caches are banned in Nat. parks and State parks are going that way. Virtuals are all that is left. As far as maintaince goes, I think most virtuals are maintaince free. If it does require maint., the cacher should be prepared to do so. I don't think you would be taking a local cacher's spot, if they liked the spot they would have one there already.Some said they are lame, don't hunt them, besides, there's alot of lame 1/1 regular caches. What's to be banned next,Lame 1/1 reg. caches? Just some wandering thoughts.

  2. I am new to geocaching (5 months 30 finds) this is the first site I heard about and use. I think it is great. Recently I heard of a different site and tried to post it to this topic (list of competitors) but it was intercepted by the powers that be and not posted, still waiting for a explanation. Maybe thats why others are tiptoeing around the question of listing competitors. Maybe they are afraid of a little competiton. As I tried to state in my original post, the "other" site brought you to this sites caching page and I questioned why that is so


    [This message was edited by T10X on July 04, 2003 at 09:28 PM.]

  3. My unit came with 3.12 installed and a CD to upgrade to 4.06 I now use 4.06 with no problems. Here's a list of up grades for 4.06 1. supports Mapsend World Wide and Blue Nav. 2.Added features to show object description on map or database. 3. Added feature for the database listing so that it will change the 1st char. to the next or previous alphabet if the ZOOMIN or ZOOMOUT key is pressed. 4. Added "Advanced" NAV Units selc. 5. Added a "Format Card" option to card utilities. 6. Added a feature to draw a second line from current position to destination after an "GOTO" or "route" is activated. 7. Added max speed and average speed to nav. data customization options. 8.Added ability to search nearest to any object. 9. Fixed problems with waypoint projection with primary datum not set to WGS84. 10. Fixed track history collection bug. 11. Fix problem with waypoints projection when distances less than 0.10miles/nm/km 12. Added warning messages when trying to save current position to a waypoint before first fix or the fix is 2D in auto mode. 13. Some improvements were made to map drawing. Hope this info help

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