woof n lulu
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Posts posted by woof n lulu
The Cicadas like ticks are everywhere this year. I've seen log after log about them in the forums.
Placing Caches on Vacation / Beyond Your Maintainable Distance
Placing caches on vacation or outside of your normal caching area is unacceptable and these caches may not be approved. As the cache owner you are obligated to be in a position to manage your caches, and caches placed on vacation require someone else to maintain them for you. It is not uncommon for areas to be cleared, trails to be blocked or closed, objects used for virtual or multi-caches to be moved or removed, etc. You must be able to react to negative cache logs and investigate the location quickly. Please be responsible. This guideline applies to all types of caches including virtual caches.
NM, TX, NV, AZ so far..hope for CO this fall
Please don't take offence,but if you were working for me I would fire you!I submitted a cache Sunday evening,it's now wednesday ,we'll almost thursday and you still have not even looked at it!I can do a better ,quicker job than you easily!!!!This is pathetic!!!I love and support this sport,perhaps you do not!!!
Suck it up princess!
The fact that the Approvers are volunteers aside, they have careers, families, and other commitments in their lives. The folly of thinking that Geocaching is the ONLY interest in their lives would be ludicrous. It amazes me that they have so much devotion to this sport, that they put in the massive hours they do in order to make us happy campers. You can see by their log times on here the late hours they keep, and the early morning hours they are logged on taking care of business.
I think it would perhaps make one more patient, and be more willing to wait their turn in the process, instead of coming in the forums and starting negative threads, and hoping to speed up thier own wait. It's a game...enjoy it.
Just my opinion
Your screwed...
You musta teed somebody off...
Then you have to contact your insurance company and fill out a clam claim
I hate it when someone uses the word twaddle!
ditto ...
You forgot to mention your forum babysitting duties...
In between your approver duties that is...
How about who reaches 10k and doesn't post have more posts in AS then in other threads. I think that's a goal worth striving for.
Um....did you ever think its the AS thread that keeps the moderators sane..?
And most of us in there do post elsewhere to be helpful, but after a year or more, the posts have repeated endlessly, and someone else is only too eager to pick up the torch.
AS is the one place on these forums anyone can go and post off topic as much as they want and not get flamed for it. strange, for a thread that so many posters say they never read, a lot of people seem to know everything that goes on in there. we have fun. if you don't want to have fun, fine. we do.
And I would add that for the amount of posts in that thread, there has been very few warnings given out. The AS thread keeps the mayhem in one spot...take it or leave it.
Mayhem. You call that mayhem? I call it a refuge.
Did I say the mayhem was IN the AS thread?
How about who reaches 10k and doesn't post have more posts in AS then in other threads. I think that's a goal worth striving for.
Um....did you ever think its the AS thread that keeps the moderators sane..?
And most of us in there do post elsewhere to be helpful, but after a year or more, the posts have repeated endlessly, and someone else is only too eager to pick up the torch.
Sane? Are we looking at the same Abject Silliness?
Well we all are sane for the most part...except Torry, but then he isn't insane, he just has too many mouths to feed, and evil is not necessarily insane.
How about who reaches 10k and doesn't post have more posts in AS then in other threads. I think that's a goal worth striving for.
Um....did you ever think its the AS thread that keeps the moderators sane..?
And most of us in there do post elsewhere to be helpful, but after a year or more, the posts have repeated endlessly, and someone else is only too eager to pick up the torch.
AS is the one place on these forums anyone can go and post off topic as much as they want and not get flamed for it. strange, for a thread that so many posters say they never read, a lot of people seem to know everything that goes on in there. we have fun. if you don't want to have fun, fine. we do.
And I would add that for the amount of posts in that thread, there has been very few warnings given out. The AS thread keeps the mayhem in one spot...take it or leave it.
Doesn't do a thing for me...
How about who reaches 10k and doesn't post have more posts in AS then in other threads. I think that's a goal worth striving for.
Um....did you ever think its the AS thread that keeps the moderators sane..?
And most of us in there do post elsewhere to be helpful, but after a year or more, the posts have repeated endlessly, and someone else is only too eager to pick up the torch.
I can pretty much guarantee you that the winner will not be Team GPSaxophone. The winner will be whomever the moderators bet on. We will just put all the other contenders on moderated posting.
BrianSnat, you still have my PayPal info., right?
So you will hold everyone back until I catch up right???
Think Fried Green Tomatos here...I am older, and have more money...
now if you'll excuse me, i have to duane myself before i hit the racecourse.
River-o-Fudge Forum Threads
2 cups (12 ounces) semisour sock puppets
2 tablespoons snide remarks
3 tablespoons but you didn't read the guidelines
4 cups mind your mods
1 cup but mods.....
3 quarts popped corn
This has got to be a classic post...Thanks Johnnie
You should make a sig line outta it...
Give him a chance to wake up....
But at the end of the day when you lay your head down....aren't you tired and HAPPY ?
Instead of popcorn can we have fudge please...?
If someone were to see my username in a log, they could be offended, unless they looked at my profile, they would not understand the usage of "hooker".
Ive been told that, in Spanish my username has a completely different meaning. "Is that what you intended?" I often hear. NO. I dont speak Spanish, and dont care what it means there.
So, what does Pto really stand for/mean?
Why should I have to explain that? It is my username, and that's the way it is.Exactly. IM just glad the offended crowd didnt take Spanish 101......
Actually I thought it was Klingon...
I did not want to, BUT, guess I have to put something in. First Duane's "handle"... DON"T CHANGE IT !!! when I first saw it, I read the "ch" as in CHeck, not caCHe, after all it is the beginning of the syllable.
Just for your clarification
YA (your)
CHIT ( )
Has nothing to do with caching or checking.
BTW, regarding profanity, you have to look at the big picture.
If it is allowed then eventually this site will fall under sites that have to be screened out by some IP's because of the content.
Example: I'm sure there are a lot of AOL users out there. It would be a shame if more AOL users never saw the site because the content was deemed to be offensive by AOL.
Ya know until you brought that up, I never thought of it in that context, but it makes sense.
Use any profanity enough on a site, and eventually the adult content has to ring an alarm.
Thanks Mtn-man
Thanks for the organized page.
On a related question- what are the "social" norms about logging a reverse cache that someone else already logged (i.e. another cacher found the same example I know of). I am guessing it is not "done" but, I dunno.
Most cache pages will state that you cannot log something that has been logged by another cacher. There are a few that will let people log the same finds but, in general, you have to find something no one else has.
And it becomes a pain in the keester to wade through all the pages of some of the locationless to make sure the one you want to list has not been done already.
What Is Frustrating You?
in General geocaching topics
What frustrates me...whining tadpoles. It must be a new breed of amphibian