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woof n lulu

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Everything posted by woof n lulu

  1. ..And decided to smack his....
  2. the sixth ring of Vatra
  3. Joy in looking and comprehending is nature's most beautiful gift. --Albert Einstein (03/14/1879-1955)
  4. Kick someone square in the...
  5. quote:Originally posted by Pantalaimon: quote:Originally posted by mckee:Who here has performed a sex act at a cache site? With someone else? Or just by yourself? Pan ROFLMAO...oh oh...my sides hurt _Here there be tigers._ - My response when asked by a fellow Geocacher to describe the attitude of the forums.
  6. Is that BBQ I smell?
  7. The forums were a buzzin...
  8. How can I tax it?
  9. Health food store in town
  10. God rest his soul, and give his family peace.
  11. Well from what I have learned from previous posts, the cache is owned by the people who placed it...we are guests who visit it and leave our mark. period. And as I have stated before, Geocaching is based on the honor system...some people have it...some people don't. Imagine publishing for all to see that you don't... hrmmmmmph
  12. In southern NM, under rocks w/scorpions, covered in sticks,under a mesquite, or in the middle of a cactus patch
  13. Vigorously scratch our big hairy
  14. In a tutu of lace...
  15. There once was two cachers named Gallant and Goofus. Who said go ahead man and spoof us. They went out for a cache, Came back with a rash. And _ _ _ _ _
  16. ROFLMAO OMG. I've fallen into a loony bin thread ! too too funny You guys are sick...
  17. Hello ! lulu of the team woof & lulu. Our daughter(cactus flea), who is in the army, got us hooked on geocache hunts. My husband did the first out of curiousity, and then we went from there.Doing some caches with our daughter & son in law in southern arizona. It gets us off our butts and out in the fresh air and sunshine, Which at our age is important. We are going to Vegas the first week in Oct. and have some caches printed off to do. Then on to a touring trip thru Texas, with a whole bunch of caches to do! BTW: Another natural redhead with intervals of grey
  18. And when is it acceptable to take 2-3 items and leave only one?..that will deplete a cache quicker then anything. I guess its a matter of being less self indulgent, and thinking of others, especially the cache owners. We are getting ready to put out three caches, and I have had a really good time looking for stash for them, but find some of this awful discouraging to read. My read is: Geocaching is based on the honor system. Some people have it, some don't. Just pick one....
  19. Thank you for adding us to your list snoogans. We have not been here long and don't know all of you like you seem to know each other, but we really enjoy reading the posts and joining in occasionally...but love the idea of being able to speak freely (We get rather earthy at times !)when the need arises... Just another bar nut
  20. The person above me has some pretty funny stuff to say. And the picture of the person above snoogans kinda grows on ya after awhile. Have been caching about six months, but fairly new to forum - at least adding my 2 cents worth.
  21. quote:Originally posted by mtn-man:
  22. "Virtuals" are old and overdone? These roadside signs are part of our history, and some of us find them fascinating to read and/or visit. On a day of rememberance that is an ironic statement.
  23. woof & lulu
  24. quote:Originally posted by TEAM 360:I wonder how many people posted to this thread while they are at work? Does your boss know that you are surfing geocaching.com while on the clock? Maybe the supervisor there should install a program to track the websites visited, in order to increase efficiency. Just playing devils advocate here. You would be surprised how many companies do keep track. They might not use the information right away, but if you leave under less then favorable circumstances, it can be used again you for any claims you might lodge against them. People just dont realize in how many different ways they are being kept track of, take the little micro computer installed in a percentage of cars now. Do 10 miles over the speed limit and have an accident, and you might find your insurance company not paying because they can use this little tidbit as an out. But on the upside....sure am glad I have a GPS & cell phone just in case something happens while caching...at least I will know where I am and can call the coordinates for rescue. Thankfully falling off a mountain does not change the coordinates much, only the altitude and attitude...
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