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Everything posted by Blair

  1. So, my friends and I (Brown Wave) had a spooky experience near The Bunny Man's Bridge (http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?ID=39424). It's supposedly haunted by the Bunny Man and was featured on Fox's Scariest Places... well, the site can give you more info on the story. Basically, the sign that the Bunny Man is nearby is the presence of bones, specifically those of small animals such as rabbits. So, naturally we got freaked out when 200 feet away from the cache, along this railroad track we were walking on, we see a small jawbone and longer, femur-ish bone. We laugh a little, take pictures, and keep walking a little freaked out. 164 feet away from the cache we see a carcass. It's got a thick, long spinal column, massive grey feathers, and redness everywhere. We can't identify it. We're freaked. Brian and I are clutching rusted railroad spikes for protection. We do exactly what you're not supposed to do in the horror movie-- stand RIGHT BY the carcass for five minutes debating what to do-- but then move on and find the cache. Okay, so not exactly a ghost story, but the adrenaline was pumping. And the place is haunted, and in a lovely section of Virginia. Oh, and as we were leaving, this car pulls up and three guys wearing black Blair Witch t-shirts get out and start photographing the bridge.
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