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Everything posted by Tschakko

  1. I would need to change my address on the list... I will move to México soon too... I can see the list, but I can´t change my data anymore... Please help
  2. I am really looking for a Moun10Bike coin to have a matching coin for my bike. Does anyone know how I could aquire one? My Treasure Thank you so much for your replys. Please PM me, as I am bad in following the forums daily...
  3. Just as I see it now I really desire a Moun10Bike Geocoin. I just recently started biking last summer and it really caught me. I got a Bulls Copperhead 3 and really love it Bulls Copperhead 3
  4. How much would shipping be to get it to México?
  5. Too bad you do not ship international. I would be interested in the Halloween Compass Rose But I guess shipping would be quite expensive :/
  6. This really is a beauty I will have to pass on buying it though. I am leaving Germany by the end of march (hopefully) and can´t take much with me to my new home in México When I am there I will think it over again and maybe order from there
  7. Nice looking geocoin. Simple and clear structured I like it. Congrats to all that received one of those and thx to the giver for adding another treasure to the game
  8. Today was my first day of work, after 3 weeks of vacation in Mexico. And there was a surprise waiting on my desk. A package stuffed with many surprises and goodies. I did not think it would arrive. Thank u so much missionperson (I guess everybody can guess who it is) U really made my day, I got much more than I had hoped for, I love all the coins P.S. I could not wait for the camera and had to eat some likorice
  9. Today was my first day of work, after 3 weeks of vacation in Mexico. And there was a surprise waiting on my desk. A package stuffed with many surprises and goodies. I did not think it would arrive. Thank u so much missionperson (I guess everybody can guess who it is) U really made my day, I got much more than I had hoped for, I love all the coins P.S. I could not wait for the camera and had to eat some likorice
  10. I am sorry, but I was not able to buy and send a postcard. I have been sick since saturday and could not make it anywhere...
  11. Update: Looks liek everybody got their coins adopted except the two paired with fairyhoney... I sent her teh names agin and hopefully she is gonna do it soon, I do not know her for being like this... Also we got the first coin picked up, Congrats to TeamEccs21
  12. This one reached me the day I got my wisdom teeth pulled It hurt to smile, but I could not help it Thx so much Tschakko
  13. When I got home the other day, I found this great coin in my mailbox Thx again for hosting this Cointest and for this great Coin. Cheers, Tschakko
  14. I am pretty busy these days, I will go through all the posts one of these days and check if there is still someone missing their mission
  15. wohoo, today I was cointacted. I opened my mailbox together with a friend and was jumping around when I opened the letter. Thought it was a diferent coin from the Canada Cointest but I found a beautiful Cointact-Mystery Coin together with the well known Message. It´s #188. Thank u so much, this really made my day. I am so much into SciFi, I really was hoping to get one of these It passed a long way, as it went to my old adress first
  16. Really cool coin Congratulations to the recipients I could not really make sense of everything on the webside, but I guess this is wanted ...
  17. Congratulations, both coins look just aussum Well deserved!
  18. Email sent: 06-14-2010 Received Name: 07-01-2010 Outgoing Mission Sent: 07-07-2010 Incoming Mission Received: - Can´t wait for mine to arrive
  19. Wow, u got two MIckey Divers, that is just aussum You got urself a great bunch of coins...
  20. I got some really great mail today. VAnelle u made my day! Thank u so much, I really love the coin u sent me for the cointest I was hoping for this one and did not even realize they were micro coins until today (I am not used to inches) But as I am a fan of micro coins this is even better
  21. How do u know they did not have anything with Monica?
  22. Mission 1: 1. Participating: YES 2. Nick/destination received: YES on 7/1 3. Adoption Request sent: YES on 7/5 to Laval K-9 4. Adoption Request accepted: YES on 7/6 5. Outgoing coin released: YES on 7/6 6. Incoming coin picked up: Mission 2: 1. Participating: YES 2. Nick/destination received: YES on 7/5 3. Adoption Request sent: Yes on 7/5 to Goosefraba1 4. Adoption Request accepted: YES on 7/6 5. Outgoing coin released: YES on 7/6 6. Incoming coin picked up: Thank u guys for the really great coinchoices that I was able to adopt. I really hope they r gonna make it here so I can hold them in hand
  23. My vote goes to catsnfish. Although I would take bribes by mekk to change my mind ;-P
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