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Everything posted by NOSNOW

  1. We are in the UK now. Thanks for the offer, but we are busy caching now.
  2. Our first day out and we almost got a smiley. Lesson learned - pre charge batteries are not always pre charged.
  3. We are off to the next Megas, GCF 2011 EU and CWG! How many caches will we find from the time we leave home until we return? For a tie breaker question, how many countries will we find caches in. i.e. 6 caches – 3 counties. Rules: Cointest will end when we get home. One guess per day Posts that have been edited our disqualified. Good Luck, we will post when we have time and internet.
  4. I was also thinking about the same one you did. This Hannibal is a lot nicer. It is a very nice coin, I will have to pick one up at the event.
  5. We have a winner! LadyBee4T. I will send out the coin tomorrow. Thanks for playing everyone.
  6. We have a tie and the tie breaker did not work. So we will have another tie breaker. I have e-mail both and have ask another question, "How many miles did we drive?". The person who is closest will win the coin. We had a total of 45 finds with the last one being 1.5 difficulty. Both LadyBee4T and sheltiedogshowlover had 45 and 1.5. Here is a picture of some of the rain we had.
  7. all is well...the dogs were barking at a squirrel in the backyard, and the as for the foul stench, well, let's just say I had Mexican food for dinner last night, and I'm old! so with no further delays, members of the geocoin forum let me introduce the never before seen blue tongued laval.... the image has been captured forever on a trackable geocoin, and due to the graphic nature of the image, is a one of a kind. the only question now, is should the coin be sent to the authorities in Toledo, auctioned to the highest bidder, or sent to the blue tongued laval as a peace offering? I think I better mail the coin....really quick! Here goes my reputation I have no regrets, I had so much fun at the Bash. Blue is my favorite color and it fitted very well with the event t-shirt Thanks drneal for this kind gesture Now I have to find a name for this colorful coin See I told you it was friendly and nice.
  8. We made it back safe and sound. I just need to do the logging and compile all the guesses. This should be tonight some time. Thanks for playing.
  9. Back in the hotel for a quick shower. It's been raining!!!!! We were not able to get a cache yesterday, but we did cache in the rain and so far we have topped our best day, and there is still another event and more caches tonight (the rain is stopping - I hope). Will post a picture later of the rain, Shadow's Friend only fell (I did not push either) a couple of times, she's ok, but her glasses are not.
  10. The Minnesota one also got published today. GC31QHT
  11. Just because you can put them in one post, does not mean that you have to. You never know when we will check in to give an update on our status. One more hint, we are helping with an event on February 26, 2012. That means that we will need to have found a cache on every date of the year by then. If you would look, this whole weekend is open for us, in fact the next 7 days are. But that mean we are going to have at least 4 (Friday, Saturday, Sunday and there are two event on Saturday. You know we can’t pass up an event).
  12. We will be attending West Bend GC2E0MD. We will be leaving on Friday after work and returning Sunday. This is the first time that we will be attending this event. It sound like a fun event, we have lots of friends that have attended in the past. Same as before, guess the number of finds we will end up with, also include the difficulty of the last cache as a tie breaker. A total of six (6) guesses are allowed, it is OK to put them all in one post if you like. An example of a guess would be 3 1.5 (Hint #1: There are three events)
  13. Doesn't it work that way with traditionals too? You have a way of taking my words right out of my mouth. That scares me. Yes, but you probable haven’t found 7 stages are 3 hours into when you discover you don’t get a
  14. Where do all the pigeons go to lobby to be the bird. Remember you don’t want to make a pigeon mad.
  15. Time for an important update...a picture of the rare creature has emerged and has been sent to me.....coin to follow! finally, a glimpse of the oh so elusive creature....coin to follow! I remember seeing that creature. If I remember correct it is friendly and nice.
  16. How much did the mystery coins go for? Not as much as I excepted.
  17. I'm waiting for BLUEEYEDAUSSIE and UKTIM
  18. The links did not work for me so here are the pictures.
  19. This Butterfly almost had an interesting adventure on e-bay last May.
  20. I also temped the power of the Federal government. I placed the coins I got a MWGB in the mailbox, so far my door have not be broken down. Here is the picture. Got to go, I hear someone at the front door.
  21. I received the last coin. Now just waiting for confirmation from two that I send coins to. Thanks for hosting the math trade!! Sent to waiting confirmation of received: BLUEEYEDAUSSIE, UKTIM LEWISCLAN77, MAMOREB, NIKON-ING (2)[in hand for GW9], PINGOS, SCIFICOLLECTOR, SHELTIEDOGSHOWLOVER (2) Waiting from: TOOJIN, SIX LITTLE SPOOKIES, STEBEN6, PINGOS (2), GREENISH, KEEWEE, WILG, BLUEEYEDAUSSIE, ESEURAT
  22. You can check out this post, It has a link with a nice list of coins.
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