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GEO JEM'S Family

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Everything posted by GEO JEM'S Family

  1. It's true! I was recently at the local Barnes & Noble and was sitting flipping through both the "idiots" and the "dummies" guides to geocaching and almost everything that was in the books I had seen in posts here on the forums. So I decided to save my $ and spend it on something more important like, GOOD "swag" for when we go caching again! no McCrap from us!
  2. We choose Jems family first, the Jem stands for J=Jimmy E=Ella M=Mommy but it wasn't too catchy! so we added Geo to make it Geo JEM's Family! now thats catchy LOL
  3. Hmmm..... Dad shirks his responsibilities--- Mom picks up the slack, and she's the one in the wrong... interesting... very interesting...
  4. 1. Oh, your back. I couldn't stop laughing after reading this! I can't wait to use this one... or maybe i'll try "Thank God your here...!"
  5. I already have the name picked out. Several people have liked it. It's "The G.A.G. Order" and stands for Guys About Geocaching or Guys Always Geocaching. SO, it would exclude females ? Yes, it does exclude females. Before anyone bashes me about being sexist, let me explain. I believe that today's church (in general) has little or nothing for a man. That's why you see moms and children going to church while dad stays home to mow the yard. This club is an effort to let Christian men and boys fulfill their primal need to hunt. It allows them to beat their chest, swing from vines and say "WE BE MEN!" Now, with that said, we are not going to turn away a woman who wants to visit the club to see what it's about. We also are planning family outing days every couple of months. That's a saturday that the men can bring their family and we'll all hunt for a couple of hours and then have lunch in a park. WOW!!!! WHAT CENTURY IS THIS!!??? Sorry but i think the "Church" has done enough to damage families with out having to pull Dad's away from then every Saturday, When he should be spending time with the "little MRS" and the kids!
  6. OK, besides me, who had to look up the word? I had to look it up too! And I always fancied myself a wordsmith! lol
  7. thank you, thank you, thank you! i was just trying to figure out how to use google earth , when i saw this!!!
  8. I monitor my teen on MySpace as well. Every once in awhile I have to email him with a "Change your picture... before your Mom see's that!" Since we do not live with him, it helps us keep track of him even though we are 80 miles apart. He and I can email each other all the time through MySpace, since he practically lives on there. In addition, I have been able to find a bunch of my High School friends that I didn't even know were ON MySpace. Since I went to High School in Virginia and now live in Ohio, it was cool to find a bunch of people there. It isn't only for teens and pedophiles. There are a couple of adults there for decent reasons. Glad to find another one! :-D I'll have to look for you on MS we could start a single parent of myspacers group!!! LOL
  9. thepoetess1 okay... the reason i have a myspace is this... i have two teens that are myspacers, by having my own i could monitor what was going on. lol (the ever seeing eyes of mom are always on you...!!! ) LOL hey, being a single mom, ya gotta do what ya gotta do! anyway, turns out I LOVE myspace! I have met (online only) some really cool artist on there.
  10. thanks so much! now that I know what I'm looking for I'm sure i'll find a few in my area! thanks again!
  11. I have a Q about MOC's... how do you find them on the web site, to be able to go hunt for them. We are members BTY. But, when I put in the zip for our area I don't see anything to signify whether a cache is members only or not. please help! thanks, The M of JEM
  12. thanks so much for all your help. I think I'll go with the yellow Garmin. I found a couple cheapy ones! lol
  13. HI! I'm a single mom with two teens and we have recently discovered geocaching. we haven't gone on a hunt yet because we don't own a gps. I found one on ebay but before I bid on it i was wondering if anyone could tell me if this would be a good one for newbies like us. it's a Garmin 12. and it is with in my price range! lol thanks for any and all help! JEM= Jimmy Ella Mommy
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