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Posts posted by Delta68

  1. The Event Calender page is not fit for purpose. This is fact! not just my opinion. Some time ago I wrote a GreaseMonkey script which stored distances etc in the 'nearest.aspx' page using the GUID as a key and then displayed them next to the event details on the Calender page. It also filtered out all countries I had no interest in.


    Sounds messy but it worked fine for a few years until the last site update; now guid is no longer used in the nearest.aspx page (it uses a combination of gc code and name instead) but guid IS still used in the calender page rendering my GM script useless


    So, like I say,

    'Improve' things by all means but at least be consistent!


    :mad: :mad:


    I am under no illusion that this will make one jot of difference.

  2. In the meantime, load your PQ into GSAK, filter on all caches by the one cacher you want to ignore and then add to the ignore list using the API tools.


    Takes a matter of seconds and you can then ignore hundreds.


    I do this all a lot for one reason or another.


    The more 'positive' reason is to remove swathes of puzzle caches from the PQs. I don't want to exclude all puzzle caches as some might be 'bonus' caches or 'challenge' caches etc

  3. Feel free to move this somewhere more appropriate if necessary...


    One of my GM scripts is failing since the last site update. For some reason the script is firing three or four times when the nearest.aspx loads, but only once on the forum pages so it's not a fault with the script or my version of FireFox or GreaseMonkey


    You can try this with a simple script containing just alert() and see how many times the message box pops up


    Anyone else had this problem or know how to resolve it?






    Wherigo seemed like a great idea at first, spoiled by a lack of development.


    Disagree totally on that point!


    Yes, Groundspeak and Garmin may have given up on it but it's still going strong with the phone based players and web-based development tools.


    We've =Wherigo+Cache&hidden_fromyyyy=&hidden_frommm=&hidden_fromdd=&hidden_toyyyy=&hidden_tomm=&hidden_todd=&bml_owner=&bml_guid=&submit=Filter&submitbutton=Filter"]set a few and =Wherigo+Cache&fromyyyy=&frommm=&fromdd=&toyyyy=&tomm=&todd=&submit=Filter&submitbutton=Filter"]found a few and the range of ideas for game play never ceases to amaze me! :)



  5. I have to agree that it's blummin' heavy handed locking a thread about FindStatsGen! :mad:


    FindStatsGen goes hand-in-hand with caching and if Groundspeak's own stats pages weren't so pathetic there would be no need for anyone to use it!


    The OP or other cachers might have wanted to comment on the Project-GC link I posted or is that verboten as well?




  6. I think the 'mileage of Trackables passing through the cache will be reasonably accurate' reason is nonsense.

    If that was the case Multis would have the same restriction.


    I think the main reason is that if you are planning to go to an area and see a puzzle, set about solving it only to find that the final location is miles and miles away you'd be pretty miffed.




    The point about paying in USD isn't about paying the VAT or not, it's about GS now forcing us to pay in £ (or Euros), but them paying the currency conversion charge and charging it back to us, plus a bit extra "just in case",


    Have you tried this?


    I renewed my PM last week expecting to have to pay £24.99 and I got charged $29.99




    I'd say, get and renew asap and set up an auto renewal while it's still a mess!



  8. Heavy-handed moderation on this site is enough to kill it! :mad:


    I only use Facebook for Geocaching related stuff and I use my own name. Whereas this is a joint caching account. For that reason I usually communicate with the reviewers through Facebook as well.



  9. When I add to the watchlist, I like to be reminded what's there.

    Caches that could be removed are there on the page to view.


    I can honestly say that I have NEVER added a cache to the watchlist and then done ANYTHING with the watchlist other than click 'back' or closed the page


    I think the only time I remove anything is when I've received one too many emails about a cache/trackable and I click the link within the email

  10. When I click the link to add to watchlist, it then shows me the watchlist.

    I don't need to see the watchlist. If I am using my iPhone or something with a very slow connection it is piggin' irritating having to wait for a wage to load which I don't even want to see!


    It need updating so it works like the 'Add to Favorites' link


    So there!


    Yes, there is bound to be someone who likes to view their Watchlist each time they add a cache to it but I'm pretty sure they would be in the minority :blink:



  11. Meet (pub/hall ect) 1-25 attendees

    Event (camping/stay on site) 25-100 attendees

    Mega Event (what the braver than me organise :o) 500+ attendees


    I think my definitions would be:


    Meet: Pub etc, no new caches eg Brummie Meets or stanthews's monthly Wiltshire Events where attendees generally just talk about caching


    Event: Outdoors but where new caches are placed/released and attendees actually go caching eg Coming of age 3. (Camping events would fit in this category :) )


    Mega Event: 500+ attendees




  12. There's a tripointing site http://www.trigpointinguk.com/ which has nothing to do with Groundspeak or geocaching (although a lot of the user names will look familiar)


    The other option is the moving Virtual GC45CC which visits trigpoints around the UK. Any previous trigpoints can be claimed and you need to quote the YSM number in your Found It log.

    Have a look at the map on http://yosm.org.uk to determine what the YSM number is.


    However, if the trig isn't listed, you can't log it*



    *yet ;)




  13. All known moving caches are excluded from the souvenir scheme.

    Bookmark list of excluded caches:



    I think these were added over time so some cachers might have souvenirs which were awarded before the cache was excluded (if you see what I mean)


    We have a stray Kentucky State souvenir and I have no idea which cache triggered it.



  14. What "distances" are you expecting to see?? From what point?


    Well, for the PQ from Bookmark list I'm CERTAIN that it used to show the distance from from home for each cache! :huh:


    Not so sure about the route PQs because I've only ever previewed those in order to tweak the setting to get the result as close to 1000 as possible

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