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Everything posted by Delta68

  1. The deafening response suggests that no-one else cares....
  2. I was just looking at caches on the map in North Belgium. They seem to like puzzles and multis there but unfortunately my knowledge of Dutch is very limited. Some caches have an English translation in the description but (unless I'm wrong) the only way to find which ones these are is to view each one in turn. Being able to specify language in a PQ would be great! Thanks
  3. and down again I've changed our cache listings to use nmgeocaching.com instead now. No audit log, but at least it works Thanks for the replies
  4. We have an unpublished (never to be published) cache set at our home co-ords to hold our collection of geocoins which we don't intend to let loose into the world(yet). That sort of thing would make a good point to log back to after each trip... We don't bother keeping a track of mileage - it's just a reminder of how much derv we've wasted on this hobby/habit
  5. Could do with adding GCR48A "Ghostly Tunnel Vision" to that list as well. It's do-able in the daylight (as we did last week) but I reckon it would be much creepier at night (and probably easier)
  6. News item in the Daily Mail
  7. We haven't done many serieseseses but S.O.M is our current favourite as well. Rather than just a string of micros at random locations, each one is at a location which is interesting in its own right. Cats-eyes' C.O.D series is pretty good as well
  8. Geochecker.com appears to be out of action. Bit of a blow really as a couple of our very good puzzles rely on it... Can anyone shed any light on the problem?
  9. Not php, but here's a javascript one I've used on occasions Might be of use to you/someone...
  10. We would have changed it if it had been possible when we first started, but with 400+ finds and 12 hides, I think we're past the point of no return now...
  11. "Due to a recent feature change to our website, we now have the ability to grant username changes under qualifying circumstances." What are qualifying circumstances?
  12. Oh, so it IS possible now? This thread can now be closed
  13. How come jim_h has changed his name to TheCluehunter3 ? See thread 'Easy cache needed in Langley Mill' and click on Topic Starter Edited to add: The sub title should, of course, have read 'I thought name changes were not possible!'
  14. Relax... It will move eventually... ... unless some muggle sets fire to it
  15. We tend to log our finds in the evening whilst relaxing with a glass of wine or two. Last night it took us nearly 2½ hours to log 10 finds!
  16. The two caches I mentioned originally were just two that I had happened upon that week. I could have post other examples. This one for example has only had two visits and I wouldn't be suprised if this was partly due to that fact that it's listed as a puzzle rather than a multi. We quite often go to an area with two or three caches in mind and then see what else it in the area when we get there. Looking at the icons on MemoryMap, we'd more than likely skip over an unknown and do a multi or traditional instead I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with them - just that they more often than not require prior planning.
  17. Just trying to plan a trip to France and trying to see where any clusters of caches are; with the new google map it just isn't possible
  18. Er... no... You have an 'unknown' cache of your own that doesn't involve working anything out at home
  19. Surely this one is a multi not an unknown. and I've seen several others like it whereas ones like this should be an unknown rather than a multi. and there's quite a few more like this as well. When we set our first cache we erroneously called it a traditional when it was infact an offset/multi. We later changed the clues so it was a trad after comments from other cachers... I would have thought it quite important to get it right as cache type is the only thing that cannot be changed at a later date. Mark
  20. If a parking place is suggested then the route to the cache should also have been tested. Yes, believe it or not it happens!
  21. A move of that distance required moderator assistance so it's not for us to comment
  22. There's a cache not too far from us which was moved 2822.7 feet to a totally different road and with a new container. I'd have thought that should have been archived and a new one started - it could still have the same name after all. If it was a new cache I would be tempted to go and do it, but finding 'the same' cache twice* would just look silly on the log. *yes, yes, I know you can find YOSM over and over again but that's supposed to be like that
  23. We're still up for it! Just that having got back from hols work gets in the way! (We both have jobs that include working at the weekend -me alternate weekends!) Soon -promise. G If KandG change their minds we'll willingly place a quality cache for Warwickshire
  24. Shouldn't a major series such as this have been offered for adoption?
  25. An album title rather than a song comes to mind when doing many of the Motorway Mayhem caches. Diesel and Dust by Midnight Oil
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