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Posts posted by Delta68

  1. Ihre Englisch ist besser als meine Deutsch!


    When using the builder, you can load a .lua file and use 'Publish to my machine' to compile it.

    The 'compile a cartridge' is only enabled if you DO NOT load a .lua file into the builder.

    You can then browse for a .lua file to compile.


    Does this make sense?

  2. Yeah I can see exactly where you are going wrong.

    Fore example, your function:


    function zinputchurch:OnGetInput(input)

    Church = concvathex(Church)

    -- #GroupDescription=camp question --

    -- #Comment=camp question Comment --

    if Wherigo.NoCaseEquals(concathex(Church),"3537") then


    should be:


    function zinputchurch:OnGetInput(input)

    Church = concathex(input)

    -- #GroupDescription=camp question --

    -- #Comment=camp question Comment --

    if Wherigo.NoCaseEquals(Church,"3537") then



    Also, it makes life easier if you use the same variable thoughout; thus:


    function zinputchurch:OnGetInput(input)

    var= concathex(input)

    -- #GroupDescription=camp question --

    -- #Comment=camp question Comment --

    if Wherigo.NoCaseEquals(var,"3537") then


    That way you can do a search and replace for all instances of

    var= "concathex(input)" with var= concathex(input)

    when the builder messes it up again.



    I just noticed that your 'Church' one above has a typo in the function name (a stray v) as well which wouldn't help matters!


    Do you need to edit the LUA file and then directly upload it before playing on the emulator?


    You can compile the edited file using the Builder just do: tools -> compile a cartridge. You can then run the compiled cartridge in the emulator.

    Do not open the lua file in the builder though as this option will be greyed out.


    Also, I found that I had to set my pc to US regional settings to prevent the file being knobbled...

  4. I tacked this onto the end of another thread in the Travel Bugs section but I was worried it might be overlooked:


    Is this functionality still being supported?


    It works ok for our older trackables but not more recently activated ones


    for example if I try this one straight in a browser window




    I get this error:


    XML Parsing Error: no element found

    Location: http://img.geocaching.com/stats/tb.aspx?gu...18-02133bd8fdfa

    Line Number 1, Column 1:



    but our gingerbread man works fine:





  5. Is this functionality still being supported?


    It works ok for our older trackables but not more recently activated ones


    for example if I try this one straight in a browser window




    I get this error:


    XML Parsing Error: no element found

    Location: http://img.geocaching.com/stats/tb.aspx?gu...18-02133bd8fdfa

    Line Number 1, Column 1:



    but our gingerbread man works fine:


  6. In the 'Else' section you can display a message informing the user that the answer is wrong and then re-call the input script again.


    The alternative to this would be to get the cacher to exit and re-enter the zone to get the event to trigger again. This is messy in my opinion and looks very strange in real life <_<

  7. We only log trigpoints when they appear as GC45CC; can't be bothered with logging trigpoints by themselves on a separate list.


    If you want GC45CC to move to any particular trigpoint, outforthehunt is very quick in answering emails (allowing for time difference etc).

    We requested this a couple of weeks ago so a virtual could be included in a set of caches we set...

  8. I think the one with the biggest difference between external dimensions and internal dimensions was the size of a pigeon (ok was as pigeon!) but the cavity for the log was more like a nano...

    Rest assured it was a plastic pigeon! :blink:




    We have a 1ltr size box, which is (according to Groundspeak) is 'large' BUT an ammo can is also classed as 'large'.


    Yeah, I'd have said that a 1 litre box is a small and an ammo can is a regular :rolleyes:

  9. I expect this has been mentioned before.


    I just created a PQ from a public bookmark list


    Observation 1: the page still has the 'eBook Format' checkbox


    Observation 2: Why aren't the standard Filter Options available on this page? eg ignore finds.



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