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Everything posted by Delta68

  1. Although the reviewers can change the cache type (and have done in the past ), these days they will only change it if the owner had chosen had the wrong type when it was set. eg a newbe setting a cache as a Trad when it should have been a classed as a Multi Mark
  2. Don't set one hoping to get lots of visits - it won't! Set it to prove to yourself that you can and if you want to own a relatively rare icon I set one of ours is as bicycle only. This has restricted the number of potential visitors even more but those who have done it have really enjoyed it! I'm not really bothered if it doesn't get done too often. I enjoyed the challenge of setting it... Mark
  3. I have to admit that if we didn't have an Oregon or PDA we'd have probably done exactly the same as this We have set three Wherigos. Our first is solvable with a bit of detective work (ie. google and notepad) but our second are third are uncrackable
  4. Setting a Wherigo takes A LOT of time and effort; far, far more than any other type of cache. It seems a bit unfair that we can't even insist that they are done as intended by requesting the log file... Mark
  5. Some UK Wherigo stats: The UK has 30 active Wherigo caches, 4 of which are temp disabled (+ 6 archived) set by 22 different cachers 27 were set in 2008 9 were set in 2009 They have had a total of 721 finds between them Found by 447 different cachers This makes them far rarer than Virtuals! Would anyone miss them if they disappeared? Probably not! Mark
  6. Unfortunately, I doubt NR would contact UK reviewers as they would not even be aware of their existence. They would more likely contact Groundspeak directly, who, unfortunately, have a history archiving first, asking questions later Mark
  7. Erm... you're not showing as a Premium Member... Mark
  8. I happened across Rural TV while flicking through channels a few weeks ago Just seemed to be a bunch of red-necks getting all dewy eyed about vintage tractors Mark
  9. Gets my vote! I love seeking out caches which haven't been found for ages I have/had a bookmark list of (UK) caches which haven't been found for over a year but it's very difficult to maintain Mark
  10. However, even if the cache is archived it can still be 'Found' I have a bookmark list with archived webcams, virtuals etc and some get logged now and again. The main thing is to police it strictly, if there is any bogus logging TPTB might/will lock the cache permanently! Mark
  11. Just logged our first FTF of the year 00:35 uk time
  12. Hmm... looks like cheating to me! I spent far too long on this one in preparation for a visit to the area a few weeks ago How? Well I knocked up a little computer program to write a gpx file containing all the points within 1000m with the correct checksum (about 4000 or so) I then opened the GPX in google earth and looked for places that matched a 4.5 terrain Tried a few in geochecker until it complained so I gave up then We actually drove past along the M4 West -> M5 North earlier today... Mark
  13. We had it happen a couple of times and only noticed when we parked up to start a walk. VERY frustrating and even took to taking the netbook with us in the backpack just in case we had to reload them again. This hasn't happened for a while now though -touch wood- and I don't know what I did to fix it Mark
  14. Hmm... that effectively says that Multis of more than a couple of mile aren't allowed (unless it's a circular walk) I'm not sure that is intended.... Edited to add: IMHO, in this instance, the starting point should be within 1-3 miles of the published co-ords Makes it easier when you plan to go to an area and want to see what puzzles nearby to solve in advance. I think the guidelines were to prevent people setting a puzzle cache where the final location is the result of a solving a puzzle but putting fake co-ords miles and miles from the final location. Mark
  15. That used to be the case but the reviewers are tightening up on this: I'm sure Deci won't mind me quoting him... By 'virtual' he means random co-ords that may be used for Puzzles
  16. No! The published co-ordinates for a Multi must be at the first location The 1-2 mile rule is for Unknown/Puzzles Mark
  17. Yes, you have to close the open cartridge in the builder first and then the 'compile' option will become available. Click on that and browse for the .lua file etc. Mark
  18. I've just figured out which cache you mean. We would have definitely been up for it but we already have plans to be caching elsewhere that day Can't wait to see the photos Mark
  19. Hmm... strange how no one seems to know
  20. There's currently 29 active Wherigos in the UK. There's even an as yet unfound one: The Winding Charm GC1YVMR The first Wherigo we found involved a 160 mile round trip... Mark
  21. Sysagent, as you're already a Premium Member I would have thought there would be no point whatsoever in buying a Geomate Even if it's just for a child to use, you'd be better off with an Etrex Thanks Mark
  22. Email subject line: "[WPT] geoawareHQ sent you an adoption request" Thanks Mark
  23. Even more impressive when you know that his finds are all his own. Some 'high-number' teams consist of two or more cachers who find caches separately but still log under one team name! Well done Alan! That's one hell of a lot of torches err... caches I mean Mark
  24. Set the main co-ordinates as 0 and 0 Mark
  25. Thanks for the reply that's not quite what I wanted. What I wanted was the input textbox on an 'Input' to be pre-populated. I think what I might do is set display text dynamically showing the current value and then only update the variable if something is actually entered Thanks Mark
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