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Everything posted by Delta68

  1. You forgot Wherigos Deci High-tech Multis avoided by most cachers (and virtually abandoned by Groundspeak) The stated co-ords are usually the starting zone. The cacher follows a series of zones to a final location where the physical cache is hidden There may be a story to follow and tasks to complete along the way The GPSr has a high probability of crashing before you get to the end Nice icon though! Mark
  2. Strewth! By my reckoning there's 158 10 Year! events in Germany (compared to 30 in the UK) They're certainly keen to celebrate!
  3. What we do is: When marking a cache as found on the Oregon, we add the tracking code of any tb we're leaving as a comment. I then have a Greasemonkey script (which I wrote) which automatically selects the trackable(s) from the dropdown when logging the find using the field notes. (It also adds our find count to the end of each log as well ) Mark
  4. and if permission is granted, state it clearly on the cache page
  5. I'm sure someone will lend you an Oregon when you want to do a Wherigo... Mark
  6. You're not the first to do this and almost certainly not the last Mark
  7. With all due respect that's a daft thing to say. I would go to Ireland specifically find 'Europe's First' but I wouldn't go just for another new one in the same location! You don't know if it's worth doing until you've done it, but you can almost guarantee that one that has been around for years is going to be worth visiting. Like a many other folk, we're also trying to fill the month set grid... this is a good reason to go the extra mile for an old cache Mark
  8. We always look out for old caches while caching in a different area and would certainly do a 2 mile round walk for a cache set in 2001 We almost certainly wouldn't bother for a new cache... Mark
  9. 'People watching the cache' can also include people who have the cache on a bookmark list Mark
  10. A similar question was asked not long ago about insisting people sign the log book when tools are required to open the cache. My opinion would be if you need something slightly unusual to open the container eg screwdriver, spanners, key on a TB, unlock code etc I'd list it as a Mystery/Puzzle However, if you can open the cache with bare hands but need special equipment to reach it eg boat,abseiling kit diving gear etc it would be a trad Mark
  11. We've not been to Ireland caching (yet) so my opinion is worthless. However, GC43 Europe's First would be close to the top of the list! Mark
  12. Still says 'Collectible Information" Mark
  13. Jeremy's already getting in the mood.... maybe His Facebook status the other day: Mark
  14. I noticed this as well Strangely, the 'Owned Caches' side is still ordered as Keystone described... Mark
  15. There's a sign when you leave the M40 at J16 which has four of symbols on - it looks like an advert for Sony PlayStation Mark
  16. We used to but not so much now Our 1000th took a vast amount of preparation and was very rewarding to complete. We DNFed the one we'd chosen for our 2000th and had to settle for a simpler Multi instead, so after that disappointment we more or less gave up trying to select special ones for milestones (as long as it's not a throwaway drive by it will do! ) Might choose a biggy for our 4000th though Mark
  17. I placed two challenge caches last August on for '9 Square' and one for a 'cache per day' Rather than have the cachers list all their completed caches, I wrote a web page where the cacher simply uploads their 'My Finds' pq and the web page parses the file and displayed the final co-ordinates if the requirements were met. I tested it with a pq of 12000 finds and it worked well. However, the idea was rejected by the reviewers. Never mind I decide it was a duff idea anyway. Why? An awful lot of people don't even log one-day events on the correct day!!! So it would be very easy to fiddle the system... Mark
  18. There is actually a good reason not to log trackables into new caches until after they have been published
  19. International Space Station (GC1BE91)
  20. Nate, mate! While you've got the 'hood up' on the bookmark lists, can we have: Premium Member Icons and 'Found it/Mine' ticks/arrows so they look more like other search pages... Thanks Mark
  21. Super! Shall I try and log Locationless caches again - in the interests of testing for bugs of course! Yes please! I haven't, but someone just did! Trying to think of a reason for saying who it was... Failing. Now the whole world knows about it as well!
  22. Super! Shall I try and log Locationless caches again - in the interests of testing for bugs of course!
  23. That's not quite the same! There are still two active and I kind of hoped to go and find one one day... Mark
  24. Only about a dozen cachers worldwide had logged them... wouldn't have done any harm to let the logs remain It would have been nice for us 'later comers' to have the chance of getting a full set of icons...
  25. "Nordley walk 6 (School View)" by The Washers (GC19GT3) Showed up on the app as he showed the features so I knew they were in the Midlands and then we recognised the road layout on the map screen page
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