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Posts posted by Delta68
I think the 'world' record is actually 15 in a day
(That might have been with a bit of unlocking-a-locationless cheating though)
Geolypix Rio 2016 eh?
A.P.E. Country!
Anyone for 12 icons?
OK, so we've got a nice Geolymix Souvenir as well
The Geolympix Mega: Oxford 2012 held its first annual event at Oxford Town Hall in Oxford, UK.Annual??
No... I mean do a log on your own geocoin, selecting the option 'grab it from somewhere else'. When I look at your geocoin that is one of the logtype options I have.
Riiiight I see now!
Yes that worked. Thanks
Can you do a 'grab it from somewhere else' log to pull it back into your universe?
Nope! The only options are 'recalculate distance' and 'move to last location'
My Wherigo coin (link)is stuck in limbo
It is in Unknown Location and the 'move to last location' option doesn't work
Please can someone give it a kick?
Some of the best "converted" red phone boxes I've come across are book exchanges - in such, we're not furtling, we're browsing.
Also, I've found a cache in one that was converted to tourist information thingy, another was a display of poetry written by locals
Far more interesting and cleaner than grotty old BT phone boxes
Don't know, I use the Geo Forum Tidy Greasemonkey script and have them all hidden
Same here!
I think the first pinned topic ought to tell everyone how to hide them!
We're going on holiday to York next week. Does anyone have any cache recommendations?
We spent an evening there last year on our way up North and amongst other things did the virtual GC4762 The Stonegate Devil
and the excellent York City Walls Trail GC23VTC etc
When I started caching in 2007 there used to be a static (or it might have been random) map on the home page show some caches.
This was changed in about 2008 (I'm guessing here) to use the user's location grabbed from the web browser but it was so inaccurate it was soon scrapped
For me it was about 100 miles out. Totally pointless
All Wherigo caches are field puzzles of a sort by nature, so an attribute would be redundant. The games must be played in the field to find the final location of the cache.
OK, I see what you mean.
However, most Wherigos are 'go there, now go there, now go there' sort of thing until the final location is reached. Admittedly it has to be done 'in the field', but not exactly puzzling
I'm currently developing a Wherigo which requires far more thinking in order to get to the final location. Hence the desire to put a Field Puzzle attribute in order to distinguish it from the more common type...
Even more inexplicable is that you still can't have Scenic View for an Event!
This was brought up a couple of years ago and I thought it had been changed
Good point. I just did some quick PQ previews, and there are 10 PMO ECs in Canada, and 126 in the US. What reason might someone have for doing this? Audit log?
This has very quickly gone off topic but since you're asking, we have three EarthCaches and they are PMO.
When we first changed all our physical caches to PMO we left the EarthCaches but then got a stupid TFTC log from a non-premium member. Deleted the log and set them all PMO
(Before you ask, the person didn't answer any of the questions)
Why aren't all Attributes available for all cache types?
Seems daft really
If a Trad can have 'Field Puzzle' why can't a Wherigo?
Yes, yes, I know I can start the cache page as a Trad, set the attributes and then change the type to Wherigo but that's not the point...
To be honest, I wouldn't worry about it.
Seven weeks or so isn't a very long time for TB to be stuck.
It's just another TB and the owner hasn't even logged on for over four years!
If I view a cache before going out to find it then I'll look at the attributes. But mostly I just go out and use the GPSr (Oregon/Colorado)....which has been mentioned don't support attributes (gpx 1.0.1?)
It's not a 'depends' then is it? It's a 'no'!
I wasn't asking if anyone uses Attributes
I was asking if anyone uses them while out caching
eg reach GZ and then have a look at the attributes
I used to to search for scuba caches...
Really? When you were already out caching?
Most certainly do!
Are you using paper cache listings?
They don't show up on our Oregon
Does anyone refer to cache Attributes while out caching?
if the cache is at the published coordinates but involves some sort of puzzle element to open it then it's a traditional with the Field Puzzle Attribute.
If a puzzle has to be solved in order to derive the location of the cahe then it's an Unkown.
This matches what's happening with caches round here that have recently been published.
Have a look at this one GC3ANDR
It's listed as a Trad with field puzzle but the 'puzzle' part is having to visit several other caches in the series first
It's got a combination lock on it and the parts of the code are in other caches even though there is no mention of this anywhere
How can this NOT be a Puzzle?
Also, if you ran a PQ with the cache in it or downloaded the gpx file from the cache page all your previous logs would be in there
Yeah, I like this idea!
Does anyone 'police' Benchmark logs?
in Benchmarking
Happened upon this one today. Seems to be a popular choice for couche cachers