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Colorado Adventure Cache

aka Monkey

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The Colorado Adventure Cache is now open! If you live in the Colorado area and would like to participate, be sure to swing by and check it out.


Colorado Adventure Cache




It's been a long day. Heck, it's been a long month. Your leg is just now healing from your ill-fated trek to Patagonia. "Belloque," you mutter to yourself. The last three, no, four artifacts you've gone to uncover, Belloque has beaten you to it. Usually by following you there and then "inconveniencing" you at the last minute. The last inconvenience nearly took your leg off.


Although he won't say it, you know Marcus is disappointed. The museum has been riding him hard about the lack of new acquisitions, and the pressure has been getting to him lately. Come to think of it, you haven't seen Marcus in a week. You've never known him to sulk, but then again, you've never given him a reason to before.


As you lean back in the chair in your office, casually thumbing through student papers that you've been putting off grading, there's a knock at the door. It opens to reveal Jonathon, Marcus's assistant. "Hello, Jonathon! How long have you been back in town?" You see the look on Jonathon's face, and don't wait for an answer. "What's the matter? Is there something wrong with Marcus?"

"I'm afraid there is. I just arrived this morning and was going through his stack of mail, when I found this."


Jonathon hands you a postcard. On the front is a photo of some animals that you immediately recognize as llamas. "Oh no," you say to no one in particular. "Marcus, you old fool..."



Sorry you couldn't come along on this one. The museum insisted. Belloque is after the Box of M'keolo, and we absolutely must not let him get there first. Your job and mine are both riding on it. I decided to go after it myself (with your help of course). I'll keep in touch along the way. Wish me luck. I think I may need it.

- Marcus


The Box of M'Keolo. You weren't even sure whether it was real. Well, if Belloque's after it, you know it's more than just a myth. And it must have real value. From the bits and pieces you had learned, M'keolo was a shaman from some Amazonian Indian tribe. The box was thought to confer some sort of mystical insight, some sixth sense upon whoever opened it. Well, that's just great. Belloque isn't interested in insight. He only knows the joy that cold, hard cash can bring. And at the moment, no one seems to have more funds than the Nazis.


Well, there's nothing you can do to get Marcus back now. The postcard shows he's already in South America, and Belloque can't be far behind. Your leg barely lets you walk, let alone chase Marcus Brody through the jungles of South America. "Let's just hope he doesn't come across the Hovitos," you say to Jonathon, trying to force a smile.


"Who are the Hovitos?"

"It's a long story. I'll tell you about it sometime. Right now, we need to get to work."

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