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Goxsonar - Missing Icons??


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Hi there-


I recently downloaded the latest version of GPXSonar on to my Pocket PC, and seem to have evrything working, however, I am missing several icons on the screens. For example, when I pull-up a cache on screen, it is missing the stars for the ratings and the smiley icons for the logs. (Sometimes it is hard to tell if it is a find or DNF, plus without the stars, it is difficult to tell if it is a 2 star or one and a half) There are "pages" in their place as if there was supposed to be an image there but did not load properly.


Other icons, such as travel bugs, notes, and more are on the system.


I know I shouldn't worry about the small things, but was wondering if I did something wrong when loading my program.


Can anyone shed some light on this for me??


Thanks in advance to all who helps (or even tries!!) ;)

Click on "View" at the bottom of the page, turn on "Show Images". ;)

Thanks very much for the help! I did as you asked, however, there was no way to show "all" pictures. I did however, find that if I individually click on each image, then go to view, I can have them show each icon individually.


That will get me what I need.


Thank very much for the input!!



Posted (edited)



I've observed the symptom that you describe while writing and testing GpxSonar. The problem seems to be related to the current memory usage of the PPC (unless you've turned off the images of course). If you're kinda low, Pocket IE seems to randomly "forget" to load images. It those cases, refreshing the page (with a reload) sometimes fixes the problem. In other cases, you actually need to do a "Show Picture" to see it.


My recommendation to you would be to close as many apps as you can before running GpxSonar and PIE. If the problem persists, try a soft-reset of your PPC.




Edited by -=(GEO)=-
I've observed the symptom that you describe while writing and testing GpxSonar. The problem seems to be related to the current memory usage of the PPC (unless you've turned off the images of course). If you're kinda low, Pocket IE seems to randomly "forget" to load images. It those cases, refreshing the page (with a reload) sometimes fixes the problem. In other cases, you actually need to do a "Show Picture" to see it.


Hi Fabien,


Thanks for the hints. I suspect you are 100% correct because shortly after I posted the topic in the forum my PPC crashed, losing everything in it. When I re-downloaded it, everything was working flawlessly. I have since managed my memory and have most stored on a SD Card.


I really appreciate the input!





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