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Cache approval on hold?


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...wassup with that? I've placed some caches that were approved quickly. This weekend, I hiked a rather new trail and placed a cache along the way with permission, mind you, of the local conservation officer. I'm still awaiting approval, knowing this area is frequented by cachers.


Bear & Ting


I thought I was a little off, then I looked at my GPS and discovered I accurate to 12 ft.


Geocachers don't NEED to ask for directions!

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One of the very productive approvers in currently out of pocket and since there are just a very few, that creates a longer wait time. By the way, it isn't true that none have been approved since 10/20. My cache partner is an admin/approver and I know he spent a fair amount of time yesterday reviewing cache listings. Sometimes a cache takes longer to approve than others... if the admins have some sort of concern, they may discuss amongst themselves before offering an opinion. Or sometimes a question may come up that is best handled by an admin from a particular geographic area. Or maybe your cache was just farther down the list than several that took longer than average to review and so you're still waiting! Hang in there... it's an all volunteer crew that don't really get anything but the satisfaction of helping out for their time and sometimes trouble!





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Originally posted by WaldenRun:

Originally posted by T-storm:

By the way, it isn't true that none have been approved since 10/20.



I could not find a cache hidden after the 20th that had gotten approval yet. Now, I only checked MA, CA, and UT...




"Why worry when you can obsess?"

oh that, thats just because geocaching has be outlawed in those states... icon_biggrin.gif


just kidding, but really just relax and wait it out. even if there is a big problem icon_eek.gif(which i doubt) im sure its being worked out as quickly as possiable.



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