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Mapsend Topo customization

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In the Yahoo groups related to the SporTrk and the Merdian units, I've found some limited notes on how to customize the Export.cfg file to improve contrast on the GPS display, and also to alter the copyright notice for the Topo data that is displayed on one of the startup screens.


Does anyone have MORE detailed information on hacking that export.cfg file? I'd really like to dig more into what migyht be done with that [LAYERS] section, but if anyone else has details of how it works it would save me a lot of time experimenting.




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RE: http://www.dengoods.com/meridian/


Right, I already had that and it was a great help. But what I was looking for was more detail on what you could do with the various items in that config file.


For example, DenGood's customization sets all the road types to Dark_Grey intead of black, and turns off the STREETS layer for any mapview over the .4 mile size. But there's 15 pairs of numbers defined for each layer. I've found that these define at what zoom level and detail settings (highest, high, medium, low, lowest) an object and it's name become visible on the display, but I don't have all the details.


There are also some specifications for line styles and box fill types, but I'm not sure what all of the possibilities are or how they're applied. And I haven't a clue how the [GROUPS] or [POI] section work, or how I might be able to modify it.


I was hoping someone already had more of this figured out, which would make my own experimenting/hacking go a lot faster.





[This message was edited by Lee David Rimar on May 25, 2003 at 02:33 PM.]

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AFAIK, you know more than most of us on this by now. There was one or two people over on the Yahoo list who played around with it as much as you and may have some more information to share; I'm not sure if they're over here, too. Most of us took Denny's suggestions and left it at that. Good luck!



Often wrong but seldom in doubt

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Originally posted by Cracker7M:

I thought each pair might be for each zoom level, but there are 15 pairs and 17 zoom levels...


I found a file (written in German!) on the Yahoo Mpasend group that explained it. As I don't understand German at all, translating just the few paragrahs I needed took over an hour icon_smile.gif Here's my terse, English version:


Take that set of 15 numbers and break them into 5 groups of 3. The first three are for the HIGHEST detail display, the next three for HIGH, then MEDIUM, etc..


For each detail setting, and each triplet of numbers, the FIRST number is the zoom level where OBJECTS in a layer becomes visible. The LAST number is the zoom level where the NAMES of the objects are first shown. The file I read said the purpose of the middle numebr still wasn't figured out.


I thought finding someone who had mozt of this worked out would save me time - now I wish I had studied German in school!





[This message was edited by Lee David Rimar on May 26, 2003 at 04:33 AM.]

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