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on the way....

Guest cache_ninja

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Guest cache_ninja

how many of you all have run into fellow 'cachers on the way to a cache?

seems i've been reading this once in awhile in logs. it's been a pretty solitary thing for me all along, but i like it that way icon_wink.gif



Guest jeremy

They nodded. The other two times we spent looking for the cache together. I can't say it was a Kodak moment but it was neat (especially in the eyes of the Webmaster).





Guest Krepism

I have never seen a sole!!!! Not that it matters, but it would be interesting to put a meet a few. C/N I noticed a artical with you in it, saying that you thought it would be wierd to meet a fellow geocacher. I tend to think it might a good why to meet new friends. Of course I am new to Utah so I dont have any friends, any way to gain them is a good thing.

Guest bcbpbob

daughter and I met a family of four yesterday as we were all leaving the park. It was the same as a prvious post. We both had our E-Trex hanging from our necks. He looked over and said "GeoCaching?". We spent a little time talking, they had just come from finding one we had found earlier in the day. We exchanged login names, and they mntioned that they were going to find one that we had hid. Small world. Kind of nice to see that it was just another family out for a good time and a hike.

Guest Quinnow

As a matter of fact I went out today to a site about 75 miles from me, and while tromping through foot deep snow I came across a hiker taking pix of the river bed, he wasn't a cacher but after I explained to him what I was doing and he wanted to tag along, he soon after became one. told me he would get a GPS in a week or so and give it a go himself.

Guest swangner

I've never met anyone on the way to/from a cache, but I do know that a couple of times I've only missed them by less than an hour.

Guest Pumpkin Princess

Meeting fellow geocachers: Two different scenarios....one: we came up on two geocachers just arriving to cache > said they had just been to one of ours > good feeling when you hear that, two: a new challenge just posted: getting from one clue to another (4 different ones) to get to a final cache....I wanted to be the first one there but I had just missed a group of three by 27 minutes!! We will have the pleasure of hopefully meeting several fellow geocacher's March 24 as we have posted coordinates for Austin's First Geocache Happy Hour!! Ciao!

Guest Markwell

Just had my first encounter with a cacher - went to a wilderness area, sat in my car looking at the Topo map and setting my car as a waypoint. As I hopped out of my car, put my GPS around my neck and took one last glance at the general direction, a guy about 2 cars away getting ready to leave said, "Going Caching, huh?" Since we were both on borrowed work time (as I found out from our posts), I just chalked it up to a neat coincidence!


Close encounter with cache creator.

My son, his friend, and I found GC15E (River Stash 01) on 03/11. While I was posting our results to geocaching.com, the cache creator was posting a note that (s)he was removing it. We must have missed the cache creator retrieving their cache by only a few minutes and we were posting to geocaching.com simultaneously.

Guest hector

I recently stumbled upon some fellow geocachers and spooked them. They posted later that they stopped looking because the felt we were following them. We were just trying to stay back out of their way so that we could find the cache on our own.


I would encourage everybody to talk to the people you run across while geocaching to avoid this sort of confusion. Maybe we need a secret handshake or a call and response. icon_smile.gif


On a different occasion while signing the logbook we heard some geocachers approaching. (we could identify them by what they were saying , "it's 75 feet this way"). So as not to spoil their hunt we closed up the cache (minus the logbook, which we hadn't finished) and moved back about 25 feet. When they arrived we identified ourselves as fellow geocachers and told them they were close.


Is there any offical geocaching etiquette we should follow in these situations.

Guest jeremy

I usually just say "Geocaching?" It worked once when I forgot to put some of those iZone Polaroid pictures in the cache, and approached someone who was obviously geocaching. There was a gentleman and his son getting out of the car. I said "Geocaching" before I approached and he relaxed a bit.



Guest Ron Streeter

I'm thinking of putting a little card in the hat band of my "Indiana Jones" felt crusher. The card could simply have 48 pt (or larger) letters "GPS".


That way when I see someone on the trail who knows about GPS they can identify themselves to me. The same would be true if I saw someone similarly identified.


The T-shirt would work of course, but depending on weather, it might not be worn. A hat on the other hand (or a GPS in the hand) would be a signal.

Guest Paradigm

The shirt helps, but how about a real hat. It could have "www.geocaching.com" or just "geocacher" on it. This would serve to A) indentify you to other people that know what it means and :D intrigue other people to ask what it means.


Just a thought.




I would love to have a nice geocaching hat. A nice black or charcoal gray baseball cap. Cloth or leather adjustment on the back; none of that plastic stuff. Maybe even a fitted cap that you would order by hat size, that would be really nice. Another idea would be on of those floppy hats that you can get at the ballpark when you sign up for a credit card. Those are pretty good.



Guest peter

Another possibility would be to have patches available with the Geocaching logo. Then people could sew them on their favorite hat, jacket, etc.

Guest jeremy

I'm going to start making hats - I'm just waiting to finish the logo change. Originally the Geocaching "logo" was originally just meant to be a shirt design - it's a bit complicated as logos go. Once I get the new design I'll probably do a half and half - go beige with one half and charcoal or grey for the second.


I'll definitely be doing some decent hats - not the plastic truck driver ones. I'll want to wear it so it'll be good quality.


Hopefully I can get the design finalized this week, and submit an order. It'll take a few weeks to get them back but the quality will be really good.



Guest Moun10Bike

Are you planning relaxed fit caps, or standard baseball caps?

Guest 300mag

Wouldn't mind meeting other geocachers to share our stories or tips.We are pretty quiet here in the great white north icon_biggrin.gif Hopefully this game will become more popular.And the cap idea is great.(i need it to hide my bald spot) icon_wink.gif

Guest kbraband

I don't think I would wear a geocaching hat. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the sport -- the hike, being in the outdoors, checking the website, and all that. I just don't want lots of people asking me to explain my hat.


[This message has been edited by kbraband (edited 01 May 2001).]

Guest unequalman

So far I haven't met any cachers while on the hunt, although being in NYC I am extremely suspicious of being spotted finding or hiding a stash. In fact, I have waited 45 minutes in sight of a cache before grabbing it because of paranoia of possible plunderings. I've also admittedly added an element of make believe to my hunts, so the paranoid adrenaline has become a good part of the game.

Thumbs up for anonymity.

Guest streamer

Recently, while searching for a cache I ran into two other geo-hunters for the first time. We passed web names, handshakes, and where we had caches hidden.

Guest Snowtrail

Went geocaching this weekend and after reading the posts, was searching hours before the owner showed up. I'm kind of glad I didn't meet him because I didn't find the cache, and I'll be back there again to look for it. If he had showed up while I was there, I would have been tempted to ask him for help.


I don't mind meeting other geocachers to or from the trail, but I like searching on my own.

Guest tecmage

On our first cahe hunt, we were in a park, so we didn't think too much about other folks until we saw that others had managed to find the cache within 30 minutes of us tramping through VERY deep snow (and not finding the cache).


Richard and Tracy

Guest Gossamyrrh

I think I'd like to see bumper stickers...as it seems most of the caches in my area have "designated parking", it could help to identify us to each other....especially if one is uncertain if the cacher-on-the-trail would like company or not.

Guest Quinnow

Ok...but how many of you have passed and talked to another Geocacher whil you were in a canoe? I did this last weekend while out looking for one. It was a family of four and the IIIPlus that they had could be seen a mile away. I yelled "Geocacher?" and they yelled "Yup" icon_smile.gif



Quinn Stone

Rochester, NY.14616


Guest makaio

I've only run into one current geocacher in a park parkinglot as I was leaving and he was just arriving. We talked a bit about the cache (I didn't reveal any details) and went our seperate ways. One interesting note was that he mentioned he never logs his finds online, only in the log book. Perfectly acceptable.


What I have done alot, is run into hikers who are non-cachers but ask about the GPS. Upon explanation, they've accompanied me on the hunt and were genuinely excited about finding the 'treasure'. Most, if not all of these folks said they plan on doing more geocaching in the future, so you can say I've met lots of them, only they didn't know they were geocachers at the time icon_smile.gif

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