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Sync comments/notes between app and website?


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I have asked this question in another thread, but a new topic is probably the right place to bring it up:


Is there a way to add comments/ideas to a specific cache (both on the website and using the official app) and to sync these comments from one platform to another?


Let's say that I have found out that a certain riddle alludes to a specific object but I can't go there right away, or that I want to keep track of my progress with solving an elaborate mystie. I want to remember this detail and I want to add it to the cache so that just I myself can see it (= without spoiling it for others), on the website as well as in the app when on the go.


I have found out about bookmarks, lists and about personal notes that you can write and save on the cache site itself, but I haven't found a way to sync such an info to my Android phone (having bought the Groundspeak app, I'd have expected this to work). Somewhere I read that comments added to a bookmark should get synced along with a pocket query that includes that specific cache that I added to a bookmark list, but after downloading the query to my phone, I don't see the comment I had added to the cache on the website.


I'd find this very useful and I guess that there must be some way to do it. I would especially expect this to be possible with the 10$-app, as opposed to the free alternative that we shouldn't talk about. Overall, I don't see many reasons for having bought the official app, except the idea of supporting the company (which I probably already do by being a premium member!?).


Any idea would be appreciated!


Greetings from Vienna,



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I use the official iPhone app, and all my personal notes are synced between the two. On the app, the personal notes section is called notepad, and you can see it when you scroll down on the cache page on the app...


I don't know if that he's at all, but maybe notepad is on the android app as well...

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Hello Condorito,


Thank you for your answer!


I can't find "notepad", nor anything comparable in the app on Android. I might have missed something, of course, but it seems to me that the iPhone version is different and - at least in this regard - more evolved than the Android version.

It seems to me that the only way to do it would be to access the cache on the website from within the app and to read my notes there.


The more I compare the two apps, the harder I find it to understand why people should buy the official app (at such an app price!) rather than c:geo.


I bought the app because some user seem to think that it is better because of Pocket Queries and for Trackables, but it seems to be short of certain options that c:geo offers (such as bearing and distance input) and if the OFFICIAL (!) GC app does not let me sync notes with the official website, it may become more than just a little annoyance if I'm getting used to let's say saving my notes when solving long puzzles.


Again, it could very well be that I'm just not seeing it - in this case I apologize for my criticism and I'd appreciate if someone could show it to me on Android.


Otherwise, as it's too late for a refund, I'll probably leave a 3* (max, rather lower) review in Play store.


If there wasn't a free alternative, users would have to cope with the shortcomings of what Groundspeak offers (I admit that c:geo doesn't let me sync notes either, but Groundspeak SHOULD!).

It's not that the Groundspeak app is unusable (btw, I haven't found a way to save caches for offline use in case of bad cell connectivity - c:geo seems to offer this!), it's just that c:geo seems to be almost equally usable (if not even more in some regards) and with Groundspeak not even syncing all the necessary detail from their own website, I probably won't recommend the official app to others - regardless of the reasons why the free alternative shouldn't be talked about.

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Wow, the android app does seem to be missing various features... The iPhone app has a way to save caches to the app as well, and you would have expected the android one to have it as well.... Yes, it looks like you'll have to go with c:geo or the website for now... Maybe you can put a feature sugggestion in the Feature Discussion and Suggestions forums....


Sorry I can't help more...

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Thanks, Braytography!


I obviously hadn't seen the possibility to save caches for offline use within the official app. Thanks for pointing it out!


As for the notepad, I'd be happy to know if they plan to bring it to the Android app too. I use Evernote very much and you're right, it will/would be easy for me to save notes there and to switch between the apps until they enable that option on Android to. Still, I think that because the whole game isn't exactly new and because they sell an app at (relatively) high prices, they should put in as much functionality as possible and as quickly as possible (of course not at the cost of quality) in order to make a decision for Groundspeak's app and against the "competition's" freeware seem more attractive. Evernote is a workaround, but when buying an app for 10$ and paying for a Premium membership, I'd expect the app to sync notes too and to be on the same level as the iOS app.


Don't get me wrong - it's not that the price hurts. It's by principle - I wouldn't expect to sell much to already paying customers at a relatively high price if my product doesn't offer the same as or more than another product that's given away for free. But as we can see, I am among those "fools" - or let's say I am among those who paid in order to show his support. And hey, at least, it makes one feel good, doesn't it? ;)


Again, thanks for your answers, Condorito and Braytography!

Edited by alexhager
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