Just had a first look at Wherigo\\kit and have to say for a beginner to Wherigo it is superb! So much so that the first Wherigo I followed could have been made in it!
I hope one day Ranger Fox decides to do more with it, as I am sure a man of his talents could do say - multiple branches of the route (choose your own adventure style) and still keep it as simple as it is.
That's it - just praise for the man and the builder (which really deserves its own pin at the top of this forum along
Oops! I mixed my notes... These error messages are from OpenWIG (used by WhereYouGo and other Android players). Anyway, you could try the workaround below...
You'll have to replace this code:
function MoveZonesRelativeToCentroid(zcart, newCentroid, oldCentroid)
local allZones = zcart:GetAllOfType('Zone')
local previousStates = {}
for _,zone in ipairs(allZones) do
if zone ~= nil then
MoveZoneRelativeToCentroid(zone, newCentroid, oldCentroid)
with this