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Just had a first look at Wherigo\\kit and have to say for a beginner to Wherigo it is superb! So much so that the first Wherigo I followed could have been made in it!


I hope one day Ranger Fox decides to do more with it, as I am sure a man of his talents could do say - multiple branches of the route (choose your own adventure style) and still keep it as simple as it is.


That's it - just praise for the man and the builder (which really deserves its own pin at the top of this forum along with Urwigo and Earwigo for newbies to see).

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I appreciate the compliment. I do want to do more with it, but my schedule is the major constraint. I'll divert some time from geocaching into Wherigo\\kit after I've met my goal for the year and caught up on logs.


As for pinning the topic, my humility will not yet let me do that. But I suppose I can use the forum to elicit feedback.

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Have to say that this program you built is quite the handy tool. Talk about simplicity of creation for what I wanted to do. I built a cartridge using it and then clicked the "build" button. I now have a .zip file containing a xml and lua. Perhaps I missed something regarding this but what now? Import it into one of the builders? How can I take what I just made and get a .gwc file out of it? Is that even possible or will I have to look at the lua code in order to understand what I need to do in one of the current builders?

Edited by coachstahly
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You can get a GWC by going back to your list of cartridges (click on your user name). Click on your cartridge in the list and your cartridge's details will display on the right size. You will see a link that lets you download a zip, GWC, and GWZ file depending on your preference and what you would like to do.


I created Kit so you could do one of two things once you get that far. You could simply publish the GWZ to Wherigo.com (by either downloading it or clicking the "publish to Wherigo.com" link in the same menu area) and list your cartridge. You could also download your cartridge's source and open it in a Wherigo Builder application of your choice to edit the cartridge further.


It's difficult for me to provide a concrete answer to what you're asking as I don't quite know what you want the GWC for. You could be asking how to get the GWC cartridge so you could test it in the field or you could be asking how other people get the GWC so they can play it and unlock the cartridge on Wherigo.com. For the former, follow the first paragraph. For the latter, follow the second paragraph to list your cartridge on Wherigo.com.


As for the XML file, it's a byproduct of how I'm zipping the file. It's not needed by anything, not even Kit. I had other things of more importance to work on when I was programming Kit, so I let that slide. I was more interested in making sure the thing worked properly 100% of the time.

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Thanks for the quick reply. I want the file to initially do a test run on my own to see what sort of tweaks I may need to do before publishing (and then eventually publish).


You really should pin this at the top due to the sheer ease of use. Imagine how many more Wherigos there would be if they were all initially this simple!

Edited by coachstahly
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Attempted to compile (.gwc) the cartridge to try it out and received the following error. I'm certain my password is correct as I logged in after I received this message the first time. I had to validate my account (done) and then logged in once again. Not sure where to go from here.


Error<br><br>Was your password correct? Please visit the previous page and enter your password again.<br><br>Server was unable to process request. ---> Exception of type 'System.ApplicationException' was thrown.<br><br> at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall)

at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters)

at RangerFox.Wherigo.Kit.UI.WherigoCompiler.CartridgeCompile.CompileGWZFile(Byte[] cartridgeFile, DeviceType deviceType, String username, String password) in C:\Users\OWNER\Desktop\Wherigo Kit\WherigoKit\WherigoKit\Web References\WherigoCompiler\Reference.cs:line 79

at RangerFox.Wherigo.Kit.UI.Carts.Download.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) in C:\Users\OWNER\Desktop\Wherigo Kit\WherigoKit\WherigoKit\Cartridges\Download.ashx.cs:line 84


Thread was being aborted.


at System.Threading.Thread.AbortInternal()

at System.Threading.Thread.Abort(Object stateInfo)

at System.Web.HttpResponse.End()

at RangerFox.Wherigo.Kit.UI.Carts.Download.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) in C:\Users\OWNER\Desktop\Wherigo Kit\WherigoKit\WherigoKit\Cartridges\Download.ashx.cs:line 91


I ran the .gwz and received a download. However, upon attempting to load it manually I received another error message, which I'm guessing is the same error.


Upload a Cartridge GWZ File


Error Occurred


Exception of type 'System.ApplicationException' was thrown.

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This is odd. Another similar cartridge I'm working on compiled the .gwc just fine. Not really sure why that one loaded and the other one didn't. I have both listed as a geocache and have titles for each zone. I think the only difference is that I have messages and questions to appear once the player enters the zone on the one I'm getting errors for and have nothing input for the one that loaded fine.

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I downloaded the zip file Kit was generating for your cartridge and found a few more characters that I should not have allowed when generating zone names (and the length, too). I make a quick update to Kit so you'll be able to create a GWC and publish. However, Groundspeak's Wherigo Builder still doesn't like something about the lua Kit is generating. I'll have to fix that later (I'm running late to meet people for caching this morning, so that's all I could fix right now).

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I downloaded the zip file Kit was generating for your cartridge and found a few more characters that I should not have allowed when generating zone names (and the length, too). I make a quick update to Kit so you'll be able to create a GWC and publish. However, Groundspeak's Wherigo Builder still doesn't like something about the lua Kit is generating. I'll have to fix that later (I'm running late to meet people for caching this morning, so that's all I could fix right now).


Don't worry about it right now. Have fun caching!


For kicks I created a duplicate cartridge and called it a different name. I didn't "build" it but compiled it and it came out fine. I see that you've done some updates so I'll try compiling the original one to see if that's fixed as well.


It compiled just fine this time. Thanks for your hard work getting this up and running and it certainly deserves to be pinned!


1.1 (the renamed one) uploaded just fine to Wherigo.com.

Edited by coachstahly
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I resolved the problem and wrote it up in the release notes (the "News" section). In short, it's all about the zone name length and retaining compatibility with Groundspeak's Wherigo Builder. If it's compatible with that, it should be compatible with every other builder.


When you upload a picture, Kit will automatically resize it to 230px wide, according to the media specs topic I've referenced heavily in the past when building my own cartridges. Really, since most cartridges are now played via cell phones, I can probably make the pictures larger and let the Garmin units do whatever. You can bet this will happen when the Wherigo spec starts to be developed again by either Groundspeak or the community.


I don't mind others referring people to Wherigo\\kit as long as they understand it's not intended to be a full builder application. I'd love to add a few more kits to the site and allow it to create more open-ended cartridges. For the latter, I'll have to think hard about the UI because the whole premise is to keep things as simple as possible. Let people play with Kit, then when they mature and want to do more things, that's when they'll be ready to tackle the other builders. This is my intent.


At the end of last year, I decided not to do my usual end of year geocaching number run and just hole up in my place for a little more than a week, breaking for two days to do a run with friends when I wanted a break. This was the only serious programming time I got during the year, and it produced much of Wherigo\\kit. I have to think about what I want to do this year. The thing is, the community now has all the tools: players, builders, a compiler (more on that later when the person is finished and wants to announce it), and a wiki to keep things organized. I think the thing holding us back most is the Wherigo cartridge listing site. It's really tempting to make my own listing site, starting where Groundspeak left off, and adding all sorts of functionality and tools the community wants and needs. Primarily, the player and builder authors need a web service to communicate back and forth with the listing site. I see that as the first major floodgate. So, I'm toying around with the idea that developing something like this, with the intent of Groundspeak absorbing its content when they offer an API and tools that make this new site redundant, would offer the greatest benefit to the community's development of Wherigo tools in Groundspeak's absence. And since my free time is at a premium throughout the rest of the year, it might be a good idea to open source the site so others can contribute features and tools. So, anyway, that's what I'm considering at the moment.

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I am in the process of building my first Wherigo using Kit...First let me say I think it is great and nicely intuitive...I have been trying to edit the Zone names as an afterthought but it doesn't seem to want to let me do this. When I open the zone and click on the current name....I can delete the default and type in the new one but I can't figure out how to get it to save it. Maybe I don't understand what "click off to save" means...I have tried a number of different ways but no success. It's not a big deal but thought it would be nice to name the zones instead of just "New Zone". What am I doing wrong????

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I had been using the Groundspeak builder, which I preferred over the other available alternatives. But when I rewrote a cartridge, the builder was much more difficult because the maps are broken. So I put a couple of Wherigo projects off to the side in case I ever had more time. I recently noticed the Kit and it makes all the difference. I recommended it to a friend who wanted to put together a cartridge but was struggling with builders. Thanks for doing this -- it is too bad that Groundspeak did not do something similar from the start since it would have made the process much more accessible.


Now I just need to develop the storyline and art for a Wherigo that has been in the back of my mind. Unfortunately, the Kit cannot take care of those details for me.

Edited by geodarts
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Alright I've spent the last hour building a cartridge and I went to get the GWC so I could test it out on my device soon and no matter what option I try I get this message




Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


at RangerFox.Wherigo.Kit.Cartridges.Zone.ToLua(String cartridgeName, String nextZoneLuaName, Int32& callbackFunctionCount, String& builderGeneratedFunction, String& callbackFunction, Dictionary`2& authorFunctions) in C:\Users\OWNER\Desktop\Wherigo Kit\WherigoKit\Cartridges\Zone.cs:line 325

at RangerFox.Wherigo.Kit.Data.Lua.LuaExporter.ToLua(Cartridge c) in C:\Users\OWNER\Desktop\Wherigo Kit\WherigoKit\Data\Lua\LuaExporter.cs:line 147

at RangerFox.Wherigo.Kit.Data.Lua.LuaExporter.ToGroundspeakBuilder(Cartridge c) in C:\Users\OWNER\Desktop\Wherigo Kit\WherigoKit\Data\Lua\LuaExporter.cs:line 38

at RangerFox.Wherigo.Kit.UI.Carts.Download.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) in C:\Users\OWNER\Desktop\Wherigo Kit\WherigoKit\WherigoKit\Cartridges\Download.ashx.cs:


Did I mess up?

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Alright I've spent the last hour building a cartridge and I went to get the GWC so I could test it out on my device soon and no matter what option I try I get this message


Did I mess up?

Only partially. I didn't correctly anticipate anyone would create a question and not give a correct answer message. I also didn't properly remove the hyphen from zone names, but that was another issue altogether. I had to use the actual cartridge data to test, but doing so caused the pictures to become disassociated with the cartridge. I still have the picture files (if you need me to send them to you), but I don't know which ones went where in the cartridge, so I did not try to fix that part. For the rest of the test, I was able to download and compile the cartridge.


And, thus, we come to the phrase so many developers say after they've fixed something: "Try it now."

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i used the Kit to build a cart, downloaded the zip file and extracted the lua. When trying to open a lua file in the Groundspeak builder I get this error message:


Error Reading Cartridge.System.BadImageFormatException:

an Attept was made to load a program with

an incorrect format.(Exception from HRESULT:0x8007000B)

at Groundspeak.Wherigo.ZonesEngine.ZonesEngineDll.InitializeEngine(Byte[]


at Groundspeak.Wherigo.ZonesEngine.ZonesEngineDll.InitializeEngine(String

strDeviceId, String strLogFolder)

atZonesAuthor.LuaFunctions.ReadLuaCartridge(String luaFileName)



No images are loaded.

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You know, I just checked the number of cartridges loaded in Kit. Wow. For not advertising it other than my forum signature, that's pretty neat.


There's a reason I haven't added another kit to Kit. Since a little before Christmas, I've been putting in as many hours as I can into another Wherigo-related project for the community. It's a big one and a few others are contributing their part (I still need someone for graphics). When I'm done with it (July or August, I guess), I'll take a month off then start adding another kit if the other project doesn't again demand my attention (and if it's not October because nothing gets done in October due to my photographing haunted attractions).


Unfortunately, I have a caching run in Idaho scheduled for the same time as Geowoodstock this year. I've attended numbers five through ten, so it's odd I'll actually be missing one this time. No one asked me to run a Wherigo panel this year, so I guess it's fine I'm skipping out. (I might be willing, but the only way I'll volunteer is to be asked.) So this means I'll have to find some other mega event to attend this year.

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Sure I'm doing something wrong, but When using the cartridge that I created and I move into the Zone using the Wherigo app on the iphone the action doesn't take place. I'm using the question and answer kit.


Thanks in advance. I've really wanted to do these for a long time but wasn't going to invest in a new GPS just to play this game, but...


Jolly Pirates

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Please give your zones unique names. To rename a zone, bring up the balloon callout by clicking on the zone number in the map, then by clicking on the zone's name. Give it a unique name, then click elsewhere on the callout to save the name (this is mentioned in the tutorial box when you first view the builder). Do this for all zones, save the cartridge, then try to play it.

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Please give your zones unique names. To rename a zone, bring up the balloon callout by clicking on the zone number in the map, then by clicking on the zone's name. Give it a unique name, then click elsewhere on the callout to save the name (this is mentioned in the tutorial box when you first view the builder). Do this for all zones, save the cartridge, then try to play it.


Thanks that did it!


I had been clicking on everything, except what I needed to!


Thanks again.


Great tool!

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Ranger Fox,


I've gotten lots of compliments on my Wherigo carts and I refer them back to your kit if they want a relatively simple introduction without the steep learning curve.


I'm including a log I received yesterday from a group of cachers who did my Public Art (not Public Art 2) Wherigo (I think you've looked at one or the other in the past).


"It is Wednesday and that means it is time to cache again. Today we are in the Northeast Indy area with Catlon, Tomturtle and Obione. Enjoyed the art work .The four of us, one using Oregon 450t, another using a Oregon 450 , one using a Oregon 500t and the last using a Nuvi, crashed at the same spot, luckly I also had the cartidge running on my Android phone and had no issues, so on we went and finally found the cache. Would like to also note one of the objects was not a display today. "


According to the cachers, all three GPS units crashed on stage 3 (as have previous users of the cart). One of the cachers thought that the description might be too long for the GPS unit to handle but I wanted to see if you could possibly take a look when you have the time. There's no hurry as smart phone users are having very few issues with it and it's not getting on a regular basis anyway.

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I'll have a look at it soon, once I'm to a good point to pause what I'm currently working on. I don't have an Oregon or Nuvi, so all I can do is guess. It's worrisome all the Oregons crashed together as I've always assumed they were fickle and flaky and there wasn't a reliably repeatable reason behind their crashes. If I can see what may have caused the Oregon players to crash, I'll fix it. But, if I can't, I'd rather not chance touching something that seems to be working for the other players.


As you said, the smartphone players are taking over. This will be doubly so in a year or two.


Perhaps I might see you at the Wherigo event in Saint Louis next weekend?

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As you said, the smartphone players are taking over. This will be doubly so in a year or two.


Perhaps I might see you at the Wherigo event in Saint Louis next weekend?


I find more and more people using smartphones now than GPS units.


I REALLY wanted to go once I saw it mentioned in a post but I have a volleyball tournament I have to coach in next weekend!

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I created a Wherigo using Wherigo\\kit and the test ran great. Got me to the final and everything functioned and displayed. My question is: Do I now have to add script/other to get it to display a completion code at the end. When we got to the final, it said the completion code is none. Is this normal? Will it add a real code when published? Do I need to use another program (I've been making adjustments to proximity with Urwigo)?

I could use guidance at this point.

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Yes, I did enjoy the event. They worked me like a dog. I didn't get back to the hotel until 2AM both nights and I had to be up before 9AM. I was also able to visit the Gateway Arch, albeit briefly. In all, the event was quite nice. I was very happy to interact with others who are interested in Wherigo (no one local to my area is interested). Still, I would have liked to have more time to look around the area. Oh, well, the geocaching excess will come at the end of May when I'll be in Idaho. This was my first time in Missouri and will be my first time in Idaho. My map of the US still looks like two giant parenthesis!


I got back in last night and had a few things I had to do before getting to bed. At some point, I'm going to get some good rest!


Thanks for asking.


Here's a link to the game jam blog.

Edited by Ranger Fox
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Trying to get my 2nd cartridge using KIT to publish (Beautiful Beaufort)...when I try to Download the GWC or Publish the cartridge I get the following:


ErrorInvalid username/password combination.<br><br>Was your password correct? Please visit the previous page and enter your password again.<br><br>Thread was being aborted.<br><br> at System.Threading.Thread.AbortInternal()

at System.Threading.Thread.Abort(Object stateInfo)

at System.Web.HttpResponse.AbortCurrentThread()

at System.Web.HttpResponse.End()

at RangerFox.Wherigo.Kit.UI.Carts.Download.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) in C:\Users\OWNER\Desktop\Wherigo Kit\WherigoKit\WherigoKit\Cartridges\Download.ashx.cs:line 126


Thread was being aborted.


at System.Threading.Thread.AbortInternal()

at System.Threading.Thread.Abort(Object stateInfo)

at System.Web.HttpResponse.AbortCurrentThread()

at System.Web.HttpResponse.End()

at RangerFox.Wherigo.Kit.UI.Carts.Download.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) in C:\Users\OWNER\Desktop\Wherigo Kit\WherigoKit\WherigoKit\Cartridges\Download.ashx.cs:line 143


I know I am using the correct password...I've tried it a number of times using both Chrome and IE and always the same issue...sometimes the line numbers that are indicated change. I don't remember running into this error when I did my first cartridge. I saw a previous message with the same basic issue so started checking my script..

All the zones have unique names...I shortened some although they were all less than 25 characters...I looked for any unusual characters anywhere...I even opened the LUA script using Notepad and could not see any obvious (to me anyway) places where script is crashing. The actions are multiple choice questions with something to do for both correct and incorrect answers..Wish I knew what more to look for.

It's got to be something simple somewhere I am overlooking but after spending 2 days looking for it...I need some help, please .

I have attached the zip files for the cartridge


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Yeah, I see. I believe this is related to the problem others have reported using the Wherigo site's online cartridge compilation service.


I'll see about switching it to use a new cartridge compiler that is still in validation. If it works properly, I won't need to send your password to the Wherigo site's web service to compile the cartridge (which is a relief to me because I thoroughly dislike asking for someone's password in the first place).


Let's see what I can do about it this evening.

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I recently encountered the same problem while trying to test my first cartridge. I verified that my password was correct and tried again with the same result.

This is not a solution to your problem-just a way to work around it (or at least the way I did it).

I downloaded the GWZ file from Wherigo\\kit for manual upload to Wherigo.com.

Used their compiler feature and uploaded my GWZ to get a GWC file.

It worked great for me.

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I have updated Wherigo\\kit. In this update, I'm using the compiler from a project you'll hear loads about towards the end of the year. I tested the compiler out on the ten most recent cartridges and worked great. It is vitally, extremely, most definitely important to report any GWC compilation issues.


Because I'm not using the Wherigo site's compiler, you don't have to supply your password for this operation (that makes me very happy). However, the completion code on all cartridges produced with Kit will be "TestUnlockCode_" (I'm using that underscore to make it fifteen characters long).

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Still having a problem with my new Wherigp...I see that you made changes so since then....

Working in the Wherigo Kit program...I can zip the file, upload the GWZ file and upload the GWC file to my computer(no password requested).

If I try to use the Publish option...I get that same request for my password and the same error that my password is invalid.

If I go to the Wherigo.com site, I can use the upload the GWZ option and it seems to compile and the cartridge shows up on the Wherigo.com site as having been created by me. I can select it and look at the front page of the cartridge with the basic info. But, if I try to download the cartridge back to my PC as if I was going to actually run it I get the following error message:


System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> Exception of type 'System.ApplicationException' was thrown. at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall) at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters) at Wherigo.GSPCartridgeService.CartridgeService.GetCompiledCartridgeWithMetaData(GWZMetaData gwzMetaData, String CartridgeFileName, String CartridgeId, Int64 PlayerId, String PlayerName, DeviceType deviceType, String CompletionCode) at cartridge_download.btnDownload_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)


It seems that the cartridge is compiling properly because if I load the GWC file that I can create while in the KIT program to my tablet and smartphone (both Androids)...the cartridge will run as it should...I just can't get it to publish to the Wherigo.com site and have it downloadable for someone else to use. I even tried downloading the finished cartridge using my husband's account name. I also tried downloading some other random cartridges and have no problem.

I can make the cartridge available if you want to try it ad see if you get e same message....

I hope I am making this understandable for you.

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I'm not surprised about the functionality for sending it to Wherigo.com. If the site is having trouble compiling a cartridge from another source, it might be using that same code during the upload from another source.


I'll look at the rest of this at some point during the weekend. I was trying to use this time to work on this other big project. Looks like I'll be going back and forth.

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Stupidly basic question. Im new to building a cartridge, so when I have done so, how do I test it on my iPhone. Once thats done and it works as I want it to, how do I upload it to Wherigo.com .... and will that automatically get it listed on geocaching.com ... I apologise for the stupidily basic questions.

You'll propably tell me there is a 'how to' somewhere.





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There is no dumb question on this forum as long as it's on topic. There's only people trying to learn. While it is part of my official responsibilities, I consider it my mission to make sure everyone is comfortable coming to this forum for help and at ease in asking honest questions. So, please, ask all you need to get yourself up and running.


Wherigo\\kit uses the same way as other builders for you to test:

  1. Send the cartridge to Wherigo.com.
  2. Finish the cartridge upload page to post the cartridge. Just make the checkbox to show the cartridge in the directory is not checked.
  3. Get on your iPhone and bring up the Wherigo player app.
  4. Go to the menu option that sends you to the site to download a cartridge.
  5. Click the "My Home" hyperlink.
  6. Find your new cartridge in the list of your cartridges.
  7. View your cartridge's details page through the links on your "My Home" page.
  8. Download the cartridge normally from there.


I was trying to think how you'll be able to test cartridges in the future. And you know what? I don't think there's anything on Project Foundation for working with test versions of a cartridge. Looks like there's even more more work ahead for me.

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There is no dumb question on this forum as long as it's on topic. There's only people trying to learn. While it is part of my official responsibilities, I consider it my mission to make sure everyone is comfortable coming to this forum for help and at ease in asking honest questions. So, please, ask all you need to get yourself up and running.


Wherigo\\kit uses the same way as other builders for you to test:

  1. Send the cartridge to Wherigo.com.
  2. Finish the cartridge upload page to post the cartridge. Just make the checkbox to show the cartridge in the directory is not checked.
  3. Get on your iPhone and bring up the Wherigo player app.
  4. Go to the menu option that sends you to the site to download a cartridge.
  5. Click the "My Home" hyperlink.
  6. Find your new cartridge in the list of your cartridges.
  7. View your cartridge's details page through the links on your "My Home" page.
  8. Download the cartridge normally from there.


I was trying to think how you'll be able to test cartridges in the future. And you know what? I don't think there's anything on Project Foundation for working with test versions of a cartridge. Looks like there's even more more work ahead for me.


Thanks for the prompt reply .... looks like I know what I'll be doing this weekend, sitting down and developing an idea to try out.

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Glad I found this builder. I have started and given up building a Wherigo cartridge several times. With the Ranger Fox kit I was able to create a working cartridge. I have enjoyed playing a number of cartridges and wanted to bring one to my area. With the ability to do Wherigos with a phone, I hope to see an increase in cool cartridges.

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Great builder! I've been working on a cartridge for a while now and have not had any problems compiling a GWC file until today. I now get this:


Error<br><br>An internal error occurred when using the new cartridge compiler to compile the cartridge. Please report the following:<br><br><br>Request for the permission of type 'System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermission, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed.<br><br> at Wherigo.Compiler.Compiler.Compile(String filename, DeviceType device, String username, String completionCode) in C:\webshare\Wherigo\Wherigo\Compiler\Compiler.cs:line 211

at RangerFox.Wherigo.Kit.UI.Carts.Download.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) in C:\Users\OWNER\Desktop\Wherigo Kit\WherigoKit\WherigoKit\Cartridges\Download.ashx.cs:line 107


Thread was being aborted.


at System.Threading.Thread.AbortInternal()

at System.Threading.Thread.Abort(Object stateInfo)

at System.Web.HttpResponse.AbortCurrentThread()

at System.Web.HttpResponse.End()

at RangerFox.Wherigo.Kit.UI.Carts.Download.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) in C:\Users\OWNER\Desktop\Wherigo Kit\WherigoKit\WherigoKit\Cartridges\Download.ashx.cs:line 114

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Well, that's too bad. The last update I made attempted to use a new compiler to create GWC cartridges since there were problems with the one on the Wherigo site.


I'll look into it in a little while. I have to reach a point in this other project where I can pause and shift back to Kit.

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