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Seaching on geocaching.com


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Jeremy, what's the chance of being able to add a feature to search the cache pages like we can search the forum's?

I was just wondering today how many people have used Ammo Can's to hide caches in New Zealand, but you can't do a search on the contents of cache pages, only the Cache Name. (Although I guess it would increase the load on the server, so I can understand it not being implemented)


SELECT CacheName FROM Caches WHERE CacheDescription LIKE "%Ammo%" AND CacheCountry = "New Zealand" icon_wink.gif




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Originally posted by BigNick:

I was just wondering today how many people have used Ammo Can's to hide caches in New Zealand, but you can't do a search on the contents of cache pages, only the Cache Name.

You can use Google with "site: geocaching.com" and the key words you like. It works fine, but you won't find any recently added caches.


Here are some New Zealand caches. None of them contains the word "ammo".


[This message was edited by Gustaf on March 18, 2002 at 09:54 AM.]

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