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Android App: GCC - GeoCache Calculator


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Geachte Cacher,


in de laatste weeken heb ik een „kleen“ App voor Android ontwickelt. De ziel was meest mogelijk functies, die ik en mijn vrienden al op zoek gebruikt hebben, in een App te verenen. De naam van dit App is "GCC" (GeoCache Calculator) en is sinds gisteren in de market verkrijgbaar.


Natuurlijk is dit alleen de begin en er volgen voor en na meer functies. Al nu staan er meer dan 70 verschillende berekeningen voor de Cacher klaar.

Iedereen die dit App nu aankijken zou willen, mag het, natuurlijk kostenloos, van de market downloaden.




Een gedetailleerd oversicht van alle functies zoals Screenshots vind je onder: http://gcc.eisbehr.de


Het zou leuk zijn ook kritiek, hulp of ideen te ontvangen.

Ik hoop dat de een of ander iets met dit App kan doen.


Lieve groeten & gelukkig Caching,

Daniel / Eisbehr


PS: een beetje promotie is altijd goed! :)

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The Update to Version 1.0.1 is ready!



- new: Formula Slover

- new: GC Base31

- new: Phone Keys: Text To Number

- new: Phone Keys: Text To Input

- new: Phone Keys: Vanity Code

- new: Heatindex

- new: Windchill

- new: Tables

- new: First Start Dialog

- fix: Alpha Numeral Input Mode

- fix: Rail Fence Output Check

- fix: Cross Total Neg. Product

- fix: About Version Space

- fix: Home Menu About German

- fix: Internal Registry Package


The new version is now on the market! :)

Feedback are always welcome ...




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Ik ben hier en daar wat spelfoutjes tegen gekomen (heb ze op dit moment niet op een rijtje voor je, in ieder geval ergens to ipv two)

En zou het mogelijk zijn om het berekenen van het snijpunt van 3 cirkels (met bekend middelpunt en bekende straal) toe te voegen? Niet iedereen kan dat op z'n gps en het wordt wel af en toe gebruikt in caches in het veld... Verder ziet het er op het eerste gezicht erg compleet uit

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The next big update is out there!

Get it now over the market ...


Man new functions, features and fixed some problems. I improved many things and implement ideas and feedback from other users.


In this update GCC have implement all code tables from myGEOtools, completly offline.

And some new coordinate calculation functions.


A few screenshots of the new version:

- Home Screen

- First Start Screen

- Colors

- myGEOtools


- Brainf**k / Ook!


A full feature list and more informations on:



It would be nice, if you visit me on facebook:



Greets and have fun,

Daniel / Eisbehr




* new: Fully myGEOtools Integration

* new: Color Picker and Converter

* new: Clear Input Buttons

* new: Kenny's Code Cipher

* new: Brainf*** / Ook Converter

* new: Scytale Cipher

* new: RSA Cryptography

* new: ADFG(V)X: Second Key

* new: Coordinates: New Calculation

* new: Coordinates: Projection Distance Unit

* new: Coordinates: Projection Re-Use Button

* new: Coordinates: Bearing Unit

* new: Coordinates: Output Target

* new: Coordinates: Distance Units

* new: Coordinates: Intersection Distance

* new: Coordinates: Intersection Circle

* new: Formula Solver: Remove Dec. Place

* new: Formula Solver: Formula View

* new: Numeral Systems: Floating Point

* new: Numeral Systems: Negative Bases

* new: One Time Pad: Rotation Select

* new: Over-Worked Menu Icons

* fix: Home Menu Registry

* fix: Faster Rotation Algorithm

* fix: Faster Cross Total Algorithm

* fix: Projection Bearing Check

* fix: Projection Distance Input

* fix: Formula Solver Values Input

* fix: Remove Unit Test

* fix: Coordinates: Projection Distance

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Na de mededeling dat deze Android App gekocht zou moeten worden is dit topic even onzichtbaar geweest.

Aan topicstarter Eisbehr is om opheldering gevraagd.

Er is echter niets veranderd.

De Applicatie is nog steeds gratis beschikbaar via de gegeven link in het eerste bericht.

Neem de download uit de linker, grijs gekleurde, bovenhoek.

Edited by Sivota
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Hello Cachers!


Today it's one month ago, since the last update. Just right for 35.000 single installations. I'm sorry about that long time you have to wait. Excuse me! But fot this, i have a very big update for all! Over 50 points where changed, created or improved!

I have try to respond to all user feedback. I hope i did a good job on that.


The main features in the new version are enigma, with 57 rotors, pi with 1.000.000 digits and prime numbers up to 1.000.000.


And as visual highlight i created a new theme in the GeoCaching.com style.




I even over-worked the website and you can now follow on twitter! :)

- http://gcc.eisbehr.de

- http://www.facebook.com/geocachecalculator

- http://twitter.com/geocachecalc


Have a lot of fun while use and trying. As always, please let me know you feedback!



Daniel / Eisbehr






- new: Enigma

- new: Prime Numbers (through 1.000.000)

- new: Pi (up to 1.000.000 digits)

- new: Geohash

- new: ASCII / UTF-8 Converter

- new: Seven New myGEOtools Tables

- new: Alpha Numeric Offset

- new: Alpha Numeric Direction

- new: Cross Total: Claculation

- new: Cross Total: Cross Product

- new: Automatic Main Menu Sorting

- new: Main Menu Render Engine

- new: Checkbox Replace Control

- new: GeoCaching.com Theme

- new: Coord: DMS Seconds Decimal Point

- new: Coord: UTM Decimal Point

- new: Coord: Conversion Engine

- new: Coord: Conversion Rounding

- new: Coord: Decimal Accuracy Setting

- new: Coord: MGRS Input Mask

- fix: Coord: Intersection Bearing

- fix: Coord: Different Type Bug

- fix: Coord: Converting Float Bug

- fix: Coord: 0/90/180/270/360 Degree

- fix: Coord: Switch UTM North/East

- fix: Coord: Bearing Label

- fix: Coord: UTM Converter

- fix: Coord: Bearing Accuracy

- fix: Coord: Distance Accuracy

- fix: Color Select Error

- fix: Color Crash in Pro Version

- fix: Rot-X Output Label

- fix: Numeral Systems Remove Messages

- fix: Vigenère Position Change

- fix: Vigenère Ignore Whitespace

- fix: Vigenère Rotation Error

- fix: Cross Total Alternating

- fix: OneTimePad Rotation Error

- fix: Projectile Units Rename

- fix: Projectile Accuracy

- fix: myGEOtools Maya Table

- fix: Brainf**k Mode Label

- fix: Removed Unused Packages

- fix: Removed Unused Classes

- chg: Rename Brainf**k

- chg: Renamed Package Structures

- chg: Alpha Numeric Checkbox

- chg: Alpha Numeric Seperator

- chg: Rot-X Icon

- chg: Template Names

- chg: Light Orange Template Icons

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,Hello Daniel,


Is het mogelijk om het volgende toe te voegen aan het formula gedeelte in de (geweldige!) GCC App ?


Formula to solve: "52 "(A*B)",7"(A+C)

A= 3

B= 7

C= 9


Resultaat: 52 21,712


Het gedeelte tussen de quotes (of elk ander scheidings teken) wordt dan niet in de calculatie opgenomen maar overgenomen in het resultaat.




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Hello together,


appositely on the 11.11.11 we got the newest GCC Update for you on the Market. It's mostly containing improvments on the Interface/GUI and add new functions in the existing tools and areas. We hope that all things are got even better as before. ;)


I want to tell you about some specifics of the new version. Some things were wished by many people. We're glad to presend you the result of our work and happy about the new features.



1. Widgets


There are two things in GCC wich are used over and over again. These are the formula solver and the coordinates. If you have to use this things many times, it's can be a bit annoying, that you have to open GCC first to get into the functionc.

Because of this we have invented the two widgets for you. With this little helpers you can easily and quick get into the function you needed at most without starting GCC and seek for the function you need. Just click on it. Give it a try.





2. Formel Rechner - Einsetzen von Werten


We heared man times about this function. And we many times got the question, when this feature will come. Because of this, we're happy to say: here it is! Now you can replace or insert calucations inside of a text in the formulas.

To do this, you have to set the calculations or value letters inside of squared brackets. As an example: "N52∞ 7.[a][c][a+b]'"


I even wrote a quick and simple help for the formula solver, because we have no help / manual at the moment. If you know about the features or need help, see:




3. Function Search


Because of the big amount of function, tables and other things inside of GCC, we're decided to implement a search engine in GCC. With it you can search in all content of gcc anf quickly find your needed tool. To access the search bar, you can press the search key on your device or got over menu -> search.




As an little, extra feature we made it possible to calculate math expressions and formulas inside the search bar. It's the same like the formula solver.





4. Coordinates, many news here!


We have done much changes inside the coordinates. Many in the background, but even many new stuff. Amongst others we have implement two new intersection calculations. An intersection with two lines by four points, and the intersections of three circles by three coordinates points can easily be calculated.


Inside the new settings area at the coordinates, you can set the after decimal accuracy for DEC, DEG and DMS coordinates. It also can be set, wich coordinates format you prefer for you usage. This format would be choosen by default.


The input methods of all coordinates were even redone. We hope that you can work easier and faster with the new improments in this area.



5. Swiss Grid


Yes! It's here!

We got many wishes for this function. Now you can convert and use coordinates in the swiss grid format CH1903 or CH1903+[/b]. You can use them in all coordinates functions.



6. Other important new things


- GCC is now "tablet ready"!

- New myGeoTools Table "Cherokee".

- New letter and number counting in the Cross Total and Alpha Numeric.

- ADFG(V)X is completly redone and all bugs were removed. Now even with matrix output.

- The numerals systems now can convert very big numbers.

- The roman numerals can now convert different calculation rules. Even when they not completly "correct". ;)



I hope you like the upadte and have fun with GCC! Let us know when you finde some failures or bugs. Even if you have new ideas for us, we're gald to hear them.


Greets & happy caching,

Daniel / Eisbehr




Complete Change-Log:

1.0.5 (11.11.2011)

- new: Widget(s)

- new: Function Search

- new: Calculations In Search Bar

- new: ADFG(V)X Alphabet and Matrix

- new: Tablet Ready

- new: Coordinates Intersection 3 Circles

- new: Coordinates Intersection Lines

- new: Coordinates Swiss Grid (CH1903/+)

- new: Coordinates Default Input Mode

- new: Coordinates Default Output Mode

- new: Coordinates Options

- new: Alpha Numeric Counting

- new: Crosstotal Counting

- new: myGeoTools Cherokee Alphabet

- new: Phone Input Type for Numbers

- new: Google+ Page Link

- new: Locus Free Contributor Link

- new: Formula Solver Value Replacment

- fix: Formula Solver Close Cursors

- fix: Formula Solver Clear Values Warning

- fix: ADFG(V)X Decrypt Bug

- fix: Enigma Different Bugs

- fix: Numeral Systems Big Numbers

- fix: Layout Scaling (SP to DP)

- fix: Morse Code Special Chars

- fix: Roman Numeral Strict

- fix: Roman Numeral Converting Rules

- fix: VigenËre Offset Bug

- fix: VigenËre Decode Bug

- fix: Error Handling for Select Activitys

- fix: Removed Unused Classes

- fix: Playfair Decrypt Error Message

- fix: Alpha Numeric Input Mode

- fix: Resistor Typo

- fix: Pi Typo

- fix: Prim-Factors Typo

- fix: Coordinates Message Count

- fix: Coordinates Error Tags

- fix: Coordinates Empty Field Error

- chg: Coordinates Input Functions

- chg: Coordinates Remove Unused Code

- chg: Coordinates Intersection Descriptions

- chg: Coordinates Radius Label

- chg: Coordinates Minutes Leading Zero

- chg: Split Coordinates Structures

- chg: - Bearing Class

- chg: - Distance Class

- chg: - Midpoint Class

- chg: - Intersection Bearing Class

- chg: - Intersection Distance Class

- chg: - Intersection Circle Class

- chg: Settings Activity Class

- chg: Global Spinner Replace

- chg: Global Checkbox Replace

- chg: Changelog Show Less

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Tot nu toe een geweldige tool en een mooie vervanger voor mijn PGCT tool die ok op mijn "oude" windows phone gebruikte...

So far a great tool and a nice replacement for my PGCT tool ok on my "old" Windows Phone used ...


Het enige wat ik nog in deze Android app mis is het RD coordinaat (omrekennen) of te wel "Dutch Grid"

The only thing I am missing in this Android app is the RD coordinate (conversion) or as "Dutch Grid"


More Info: http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rijksdriehoeksco%C3%B6rdinaten

See also: http://atarist.home.xs4all.nl/geo/gps_rd.htm


GPS-data omrekenen van WGS-84
naar Rijksdriehoekscoördinaten (RD)
door Rinus Luijmes, naar een programma in C door E. Schrama.
Definitie van gebruikte constanten:
x0 = 155000 λ0 = π × 0,0299313271611111
y0 = 463000 φ0 = π × 0,289756447533333
k = 0,9999079 l0 = π × 0,0299313271611111
R = 6382644,571 b0 = π × 0,289561651383333
m = 0,003773953832 e = 0,08169683122
n = 1,00047585668 a = 6377397,155
π = 3,14159265358979
In te voeren coördinaten:
xWGS84 = [WGS84-coördinaat voor noorderbreedte in decimale graden*]
yWGS84 = [WGS84-coördinaat voor oosterlengte in decimale graden*]
De ingevoerde coördinaten xWGS84 en yWGS84 dienen te liggen in het gebied dat door de topografische
kaarten van Nederland is beschreven.
Berekende coördinaten:
xRD = [berekende x-coördinaat in RD-systeem in meters]
yRD = [berekende y-coördinaat in RD-systeem in meters]
φd = x - 52
λd = y - 5
φcor = ( -96,862 - φd × 11,714 - λd ) × 0,125
λcor = ( φd × 0,329 - 37,902 - λd × 14,667 ) × 0,00001
φbessel = x - φcor
λbessel = y - λcor
φ = φbessel / 180 × π
λ = λbessel / 180 × π
qprime = ln( tan( φ / 2 + π / 4 ) )
dq = e / 2 + ln( ( e × sin( φ ) + 1 ) / ( 1 - e × sin( φ ) ) )
q = qprime - dq
w = n × q + n
b = arctan( exp( w ) × 2 - π / 2 )
dl = n × ( λ - λ0 )
d1 = sin( b - b0 )
d2 = sin( dl / 2 )
s2ψ = d1
2 + d2
2 × cos( b ) × cos( b0 )
cψ = sqrt( 1 - s2ψ )
sψ = sqrt( s2ψ )
tψ = sψ / cψ
ψs = sψ × 2 × cψ
ψc = 1 - s2ψ × 2
sa = sin( dl ) × cos( b ) / ψs
ca = ( sin( b ) - sin( b0 ) × ψc ) / ( cos( b0 ) × ψs )
r = k × 2 × R × tψ
xRD = r × sa + x0
yRD = r × ca + y0
Met “decimale graden” wordt de coördinaataanduiding bedoeld met de graden als geheel getal en de minuten en seconden als fractie, voorbeeld:
6°34’54” is in decimale graden: 6 + (34/60) + (54/3600) = 6,5816666… graden.
5°12,463’ is in decimale graden: 5 + (12,463/60) = 5,20771666… graden.
Verklaring van gebruikte functies:
ln( x ) de natuurlijke logaritme (met grondtal e) van x
e is het getal van Euler: 2,718281828… als ln( x ) = y dan geldt ey = x.
exp( x ) het getal e verheven tot de macht x oftewel 2,718281828x.
sin( x) de sinus van x
cos( x ) de cosinus van x
tan( x ) de tangens van x
arctan( x ) de boogtangens of inverse tangens van x
sqrt( x ) de vierkantswortel uit x

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Hallo Daniel,


When I were looking to your app. I also notice that the RD conversion (Dutch Grid)is not possible.

I really hope just like molletje83 (above post) that you find a way to put the conversion methode RD to WGS84 or reverse possible in your app.





Ik sluit me hierbij aan. Ook ik zoek een app die coördinaten tussen dutch grid/rd en wgs84 kan converteren.

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I was looking through the awesome collection of tools in this application and was wondering if there's a digital root calculator in there somewhere that I missed?

I've seen this used a few times to validate the results of a puzzle cache by taking the digital root of the final coordinates. If it's there, can you point me to it, pls? If not, is it something that can be added in a future version?

Thanks in advance


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I downloaded today the application for my Tablet pc medion with android 4.03

When I open and use alpha numeric put the words in its ok.

But when i click show cross over I get fatal error code a3.6


what can I do I must before sure before I buy the application


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I have a Samsung Galaxy S2 (with Android 4.0.3) and when I open "myGEOtools" in GCC I get on every chapter a blanc screen.

Is there someone who knows how to solve this problem?


edit: I just found out that I must tap on the screen and then resize it. So I think this is a bug in Android 4, that needs fixing.

Edited by Nuffie
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We're got a bit lately christmas present for you all!


It took us at least over two years to get this update to the market. Many things happened in between. To us. To geocaching. And even to GCC. We're got many, many mails with ideas, requests and reports of bugs. Thanks to all of you for supporting us, even with this long time in between. We hope you will like the changes and the new features.


There are many new function, chippers and helpers available, like Solitaire, Tap Code, Deadfish, Bacon, Zuse, ... and many more. The highlight would be the "periodic table of elements" and the thumbnails of the mygeotools tables in the list, you will find in GCC now. And, of course, we hopefully fixed the annoying bug in the "mygeotools" table view for all of you.


If you got a bit time or you're just interested, you can read the full changelog below. And as always, please let us know, if anything does not work as expected, you get stuck, or even with some ideas.


Check the store for update:



Happy caching and a happy new year,

Daniel (eisbehr) & Mark (s-man42)





- new: Solitaire

- new: Cross Total Range

- new: Kamasutra

- new: Atbash

- new: Affine

- new: e (Euler's number)

- new: Phi (Golden Ratio)

- new: Tap Code

- new: Deadfish

- new: Rotation +/- Buttons

- new: SHA3 (Keccak) 224

- new: SHA3 (Keccak) 256

- new: SHA3 (Keccak) 384

- new: SHA3 (Keccak) 512

- new: Rotation Ellipsoids

- new: Bacon Cipher

- new: CCIT2 / Zuse Z22

- new: Gade Cipher

- new: Astro - Sun/Moon Rise/Set

- new: Astro - Easter Date

- new: Astro - Easter Years

- new: Astro - Seasons

- new: Astro - Shadow Calculator

- new: Periodic System of Elements

- new: PSE to Text

- new: Gauß-Krüger Coordinate Format

- new: Maidenhead/QTH Coordinate Format

- new: DNA

- new: Polybios

- new: Substitution

- new: Tapir

- new: Scytale Width

- new: More Digits in Pi-Functions

- new: Vigenère Autokey

- new: Kennys Code - AutoDecode

- new: Thumbnails of MGT Tables

- new: Added Descriptions for MGT Tables

- new: MGT Table: Babylonian Numbers

- new: MGT Table: Barbier Alphabeth

- new: MGT Table: 8-Point Braille

- new: MGT Table: Deafblind

- new: MGT Table: Fakoo

- new: MGT Table: Sign Writing

- new: MGT Table: Greek Alphabet

- new: MGT Table: Lorm Alphabet

- new: MGT Table: Nießen Alphabet

- new: MGT Table: Quadoo

- new: MGT Table: ROT5

- new: MGT Table: Cyrillic

- new: MGT Table: Shutter Telegraph

- new: MGT Table: Enochian Alphabet

- new: MGT Table: Space Invaders

- new: MGT Table: Dancing Man Code

- new: MGT Table: Templar

- new: MGT Table: DTMF / MFV Signals

- new: Redone Icons for HD Devices

- new: Jelly Bean Icons for big Screens

- new: Copy more than one Coordinate

- new: Lock Screen-Orientation in Settings

- fix: MGT Search Bug

- fix: Railfence Bugs

- fix: GC Base 31 Bugs

- fix: Base85 Decode Bug

- fix: Kenny Decode Bug

- fix: Autocorrection disabled

- fix: OTP Key Length Bug

- fix: Alphanum Bug

- fix: myGeoTools View on Android 4.X

- fix: MD4 Output

- fix: Error on empty Search

- fix: Prime Factors

- fix: ADFG(V)X

- fix: Heat Index

- fix: Geohash Layout

- fix: SwissGrid-Projection

- fix: SwissGrid-Input

- fix: Kennys Code - Special chars

- fix: Enigma Rotor Numbers

- fix: Typos

- chg: Versioning

- chg: Many Performance Improvements

- chg: CircleIntersect also with Inner Point

- chg: Enigma Labels

- chg: Order AlphaNum Output

- chg: Permutation Output

- chg: Updated Table: Arcadian

- chg: Updated Table: Atbash

- chg: Updated Table: Ath

- chg: Updated Table: Braille

- chg: Updated Table: Freeson

- chg: Updated Table: Gypsy Signs

- chg: Updated Table: PSE

- chg: Updated Table: POSTNET

- chg: Updated Table: Roman Numerals

- chg: Updated Table: ROT13 / Caesat

- chg: Updated Table: Dragon Runes

- chg: Updated Table: Phoenican

- chg: Updated Table: Mayan Numbers

- chg: Updated Table: Puzze Code

- chg: Updated Table: Ogam/Ogham

- chg: Updated Table: Segment Display

- chg: Updated Table: Flag Semaphore

- chg: Updated Table: Chappe Code

- chg: Updated Table: Vanity Code

- chg: Updated Table: Hieratic Numbers

- chg: Updated Table: Glagolitic

- chg: Updated Table: Greek Numbers

- chg: Updated Table: Indian Numerals

- chg: Updated Table: Japanese Numbers

- chg: Combination Coord Distance/Bearing

- chg: No Restart for Theme Change

- chg: Internal Translation Files

- chg: New Line-Break Handling

- chg: Settings API Level 17 Ready

- chg: New Morse Icon

- chg: New Kennys Code Icon

- chg: New Color Icon

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a new update (1.7.0) should be available at the play store soon. Google may take some time to roll-out the app.

Check the store for the update:



Happy Caching! :)



- new: Gray Code

- new: BCD

- new: Aiken

- new: Libaw-Craig

- new: Stibitz / Exzess-3

- new: ASCII Sums

- new: Scrabble

- new: Colorsystem YPbPr

- new: Homophonic

- new: RC4

- new: Pig Latin

- new: Tapcode versions

- new: Coordinates Mercator Projection

- new: Coordinates Midpoint (Three)

- new: Coordinates Equilateral Triangle

- new: Coordinates Intersection

- new: Coordinates Resection

- new: Coordinates Cross Bearing

- new: Coordinates Date Converter

- new: Coordinates Icons

- new: Setting for Default E/W and N/S

- new: Hash Whirlpool-0

- new: Hash Whirlpool-T

- new: Hash Tiger-128

- new: Hash Tiger-160

- new: Hash Tiger2

- new: Hash SHA-0

- new: Hash SHA-224

- new: Hash HAS-160

- new: Hash RIPEMD-256

- new: Hash RIPEMD-320

- new: Hashes HAVAL

- new: MGT Table: Hobbit Runes

- new: MGT Table: Tengwar

- new: MGT Table: Astronomy

- new: MGT Table: Zodiac

- new: MGT Table: Bluebox

- new: Numeral Bases: +/- Buttons

- fix: Gade output

- fix: Morse

- fix: Tapcode layout

- fix: Tapir layout

- fix: Typos

- fix: Big Number Output

- fix: Astronomy Moon

- fix: Hash Whirlpool

- fix: Coordinates Intersection Bearing

- fix: Vigenere Autokey Bug

- fix: Colors: RGB to HexCode

- fix: Coordinates: Gauß-Krüger

- fix: Menu enabled

- fix: MGT Table: Freemason

- fix: MGT Table: Gypsy Signs

- fix: Vigenère Encryption

- fix: PSE Exception Bug

- chg: Phone Menu

- chg: MGT Table: Angerthas / Cirth

- chg: MGT Table: DTMF

- chg: Gade Output

- chg: Coordinates order

- chg: Empty Coordinate Input Handling

- chg: Coordinates Intersection Precision

- chg: Coordinates UTM/MGRS revised

- chg: Coordinates SwissGris Precision

- chg: Color Value Precision

- chg: Alphanum -> Letter Values

- chg: \'show cross total\' -> \'show sums\'

- chg: Playfair Output

- chg: Coordinate Intersection (Three) Output

- chg: Geohash moved to Coor. Converter

- chg: Renamed internal Packages

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