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Dazed, Confused, but Excited in NC

The Whomping Willows

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Hi all,


Our brand new team (of 4) found two caches today. Our first. We found a TRAVEL BUG! The kids were quite excited, ok, we all were quite excited. Now we are lost. I have been to the page to enter the number. I know I can read, but I'm a bit confused about what to do next. So bear with me.


I enter that we found him/her.


Then I have to pick where I'm going to put him/her before doing so? This is where I'm a bit lost. Can I change it once I get there if I decide it isn't a great place for the bug?

What is the reasoning behind this? If I choose a place and then don't get there for a few days, it seems someone could be disappointed if they thought it was there.


Do cachers like/want me to take him far away from where I found him or can I just take him to a new cache a few miles away?


Thanks in advance for the help. We're catching on and having a wonderful time.....hats off to whoever started this.


The Whomping Willows


No, you don't have to choose ahead of time where you will place the bug. A second log is created after you've placed it. Once you've entered the retrevial log, it places the bug in your personal 'inventory' for easy placement when you log a new cache. (By selecting a bug to place in the cache when you are logging the cache log, it automatically updates the travel bug to reflect the placement, and to link it for showing up on the cache.


As for where/how far to place the bug, it's best to read the stated goals for that particular bug on it's traveller page. Different people feel differently about whether they'd rather have you hold on to it until you can move it a long way, of if they'd just as soon you place it somewhere close if you have to...as long as you keep it moving.


As for how long is ok to hold on to it, there are varying opinions on that, as well. (My own personal goal is to try to re-place a bug before the second weekend of my having it passes.) However long you keep it, I believe it's a fairly unanimous consensus that if you haven't placed the bug fairly quickly, it's a good idea to e-mail the owner, to let them know that you haven't forgotten about it, and to inform them of the bug's status, and how soon you plan to place it again.


Welcome to Geocaching, by the way. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have. icon_smile.gif




No, you don't have to choose ahead of time where you will place the bug. A second log is created after you've placed it. Once you've entered the retrevial log, it places the bug in your personal 'inventory' for easy placement when you log a new cache. (By selecting a bug to place in the cache when you are logging the cache log, it automatically updates the travel bug to reflect the placement, and to link it for showing up on the cache.


As for where/how far to place the bug, it's best to read the stated goals for that particular bug on it's traveller page. Different people feel differently about whether they'd rather have you hold on to it until you can move it a long way, of if they'd just as soon you place it somewhere close if you have to...as long as you keep it moving.


As for how long is ok to hold on to it, there are varying opinions on that, as well. (My own personal goal is to try to re-place a bug before the second weekend of my having it passes.) However long you keep it, I believe it's a fairly unanimous consensus that if you haven't placed the bug fairly quickly, it's a good idea to e-mail the owner, to let them know that you haven't forgotten about it, and to inform them of the bug's status, and how soon you plan to place it again.


Welcome to Geocaching, by the way. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have. icon_smile.gif




Originally posted by The Whomping Willows:

Hi all,


Our brand new team (of 4) found two caches today. Our first. We found a TRAVEL BUG!


The Whomping Willows


Be careful when you log the find after you leave the Travel Bug. You might have to scroll down your screen to see the drop down box you need to access to drop off the bug from your 'inventory'.


... Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--

I took the one less traveled by, ...



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