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What should be the best GPS for me?

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I'm thinking of buying a GPS and I'm not sure which one is the best for me.

First comes the price. I'm willing to give at most $150-$200. It is kinda low for most of the GPS devices I've seen on various internet shops. That's why I think a bluetooth device interfacing with my cell phone or laptop would be best. BUT :blink: I don't have a smartphone (and I haven't seen maps and GPS programs for Java ME) and I don't want to drag my laptop everywhere I go. I need something that fits into my pocket.

So here are my requirements put into random order:

1) Price. Under $200.

2) Size. Must fit into a pocket.

3) Weight. Under 200g.

3) Capability to log tracks.

4) Some sort of coordinate indication (LED or LCD) or preferably map shown on display.

5) Must work with Linux.


For now I've compared a few devices:

1) Holux M-1000. Great price and size, but can't log tracks and have no display.

2) Holux M-241. Acceptable price and good size. No display, except current coordinates. Can it show distance to target (or even specify targets and waypoints)? Basically it looks like M-1000 plus tracks logging and current coordinates showing.

3) Nokia 5800. There are second hands models under $200 and I think I can hit two rabbits with one bullet - get a GPS and a smartphone :) How is the GPS quality of that thing? I'm open to other suggestions, even to some combinations like very cheap smartphone with no GPS plus very cheap bluetooth device.

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I'm using the cheap smartphone + BT GPS option. I have a Palm Treo, GlobalSat BT-359 and run Cachemate. I really like the combination for caching.


I was hoping I could also use the setup for recording a track and geotagging photos, but I find it a bit cumbersome for tracking. Mostly because it doesn't multitask, if Cachemate is running, it can't record a track at the same time. There's a software called CETUS that can record a track, but I shelved my tracking experiments before I spent much time with it. I'm not sure how well Palm plays with Linux anyhow.


I've got nothing but praise for the BT-359, it seems to be quite accurate, has good battery life and it's lightweight and has a lanyard hole. (And they're pretty cheap on ebay)

Edited by Mosaic55
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Can you do something like cheap phone + Holux M-1000. Holux communicates with the phone via bluetooth and phone with some kind of software (what?) makes a track?


I just thought something about buying a phone - that will mean a replacement for my current phone - Sony Ericsson K800i. I like very much the camer of that phone, so the camera of the new phone must be at least equal in quality.

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