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Formula for figuring coord w/ azimuth & distance

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Does anyone know a formula or program that will give a terminal coordinate when you have a given coordinate, a distance from that coordinate and the azimuth (in degrees from true north). I found a program on the fcc site, but it only goes to the second decimal point, and I need it to the standard 3 decimals.

Thank you,



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If you own a GPSr, chances are you can do this directly on the unit. Check your manual for terms like "projecting a waypoint". Some units, such as the Garmin OR and CO, allow you to perform the operation directly by specifying the distance (in any convenient unit of measure) and the bearing (true or magnetic, depending on how the unit is set). Others, such as the DeLorme PN-40, require you to do it graphically on the map page. Can't say I recommend the latter since it's amazingly tedious -- but the functionality is there.

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