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geocoin or travelbug drops notifications


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Hmmmm...the only possible way I can think of is to watch the cache and check back when a notification is sent because of a log. Double check to see if a bug was inserted.


You may get a bit more attention if you ask a Moderator to move this thread to the Travel bug Board.

I will do a bit of research on this matter to see if there is a more effective way. :)


Resources: Travel bug Board - http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php?showforum=9

Edited by Zac A Young
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i didn't see it on the drop down list of options, but does anybody know if it's possible to have a notification set up where you would know if someone deposited a geocoin or travelbug in a nearby cache even if you've already logged that cache previously?


I'm not aware of a drop notification, but it sounds interesting. the =8 forum would be the place to ask for such a feature.

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i didn't see it on the drop down list of options, but does anybody know if it's possible to have a notification set up where you would know if someone deposited a geocoin or travelbug in a nearby cache even if you've already logged that cache previously?


I'm not aware of a drop notification, but it sounds interesting. the =8 forum would be the place to ask for such a feature.


i was going to show my newbie-ness and ask what the heck a =8 forum is but i figured it out and posted it as a feature request http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php?showtopic=203589

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