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Bringing home a bug...


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Brought home a TB from a day trip about 50 miles away from home. Here are the options, what would you do?

  1. Find a NEW cache near home and drop the TB.
  2. Find a FOUND cache near home and drop the TB?
  3. Hold on to the TB until you're out of town again to gain even more miles for the TB?
  4. Place in a cache near home that you know has a high frequency of visitors?
  5. Who cares, just drop the dang bug!

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Brought home a TB from a day trip about 50 miles away from home. Here are the options, what would you do?

3. Hold on to the TB until you're out of town again to gain even more miles for the TB?


Bear in mind the distance the bug travels is CACHE to CACHE, not CACHE to HOME to CACHE. Unless you have a cache at home that you dip the bug in. What this means if you haul the bug home 300 miles and then haul it back out of town 301 miles and drop it in to a cache 0.5 miles from the original the bug only traveled 0.5 miles,

not 601.



Edited by jholly
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I've done each of the five options at one time or another.


If the bug has a very specific mission, and I can get it real close to its goal but will take longer than two weeks (such as it wants to go to Hawaii and I will be there in 3 weeks) I will contact the owner to see if they would mind the slight delay.

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Brought home a TB from a day trip about 50 miles away from home. Here are the options, what would you do?

  1. Find a NEW cache near home and drop the TB.
  2. Find a FOUND cache near home and drop the TB?
  3. Hold on to the TB until you're out of town again to gain even more miles for the TB?
  4. Place in a cache near home that you know has a high frequency of visitors?
  5. Who cares, just drop the dang bug!


[*]Place in a cache near home that you know has a high frequency of visitors? . . . You moved it 50 miles or less depending how the crow flies :anicute: .

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