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Odyssey Voyager

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september 11, 2007


please take a moment out of your day today to reflect on this most solemn occasion, the sixth anniversary of the attack on this Nation. say a prayer for those who perished on that day, and keep their family and close friends in your thoughts too. thank you, to all who have aquired a "code 3" geocoin. funds raised from auctions of this commemorative coin have helped many through donations to the American Red Cross and have sent our soldiers in Iraq, some much needed care packages. this coin has been successful above and beyond my expectations when the thought of creating it first came to me and my co-designer. i have achieved my personal goal of reaching out and helping others, and so now, on this special anniversary, i will officially suspend my affiliation and ties with this coin, and with this website. i will hold no more auctions. its been a very tough year, but this coin has helped me realize that through it all, we must persevere and carry on. good luck to all, and may your Higher Power also grant you serenity and peace.


~the geocacher formerly known as Odyssey Voyager

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