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Short term caches

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What is your feeling about caches which one knows from the on set will have a short life. (i.e., likely be muggled)? What are you expectations as far as cache life (are there any statistics)? By a short life I mean within a few months. While cache is active people will be able to have some fun, so I don't see a problem, so long as it is monitored and promptly archived when gone.

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What is your feeling about caches which one knows from the on set will have a short life. (i.e., likely be muggled)? What are you expectations as far as cache life (are there any statistics)? By a short life I mean within a few months. While cache is active people will be able to have some fun, so I don't see a problem, so long as it is monitored and promptly archived when gone.


I think it defeats the purpose of the whole game. The object is to be stealthy. Why buy a car if it is going to

breakdown in a week!!!!

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I wouldn't have a problem with a temporary cache that had no great chance of being muggled. That would just be an annoyance for the people who DNF, then they don't know if it has or not.


I'd rather see a cache with no great chance of being muggled that is temporary anyways. I can understand temporary caches, and I think they're actually in a way a good thing.

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What is your feeling about caches which one knows from the on set will have a short life. (i.e., likely be muggled)? What are you expectations as far as cache life (are there any statistics)? By a short life I mean within a few months. While cache is active people will be able to have some fun, so I don't see a problem, so long as it is monitored and promptly archived when gone.

I wouldnt see a problem. I thought about this...Basically making a well marked GEOCACHE and putting it where anyone can see, just to see how long it will last. Maybe even paint it Orange :(:(


I think that the location should be described fairly well, just so the innevitable DNFer would know it was gone without lookin for ever.


You should try it...its a Geoexperiment Cache...Testing the Muggles trust! :cool:

Could even try it in different areas...Just to see where the most honest people are :(:)

It would also be cool to see who found em and logged em without being a cacher...Would they be muggles? :(

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I think it defeats the purpose of the whole game. The object is to be stealthy. Why buy a car if it is going to

breakdown in a week!!!!


Because its an everchanging game we play...No rules as far as imagination goes!


It could be a 1-1 cache, no stealth required...just grab it, sign the log and replace it. When the car breaksdown...fix it, send it to the Archive Junk Yard or place a stealthy cache. Either which way at least you got to test drive it. :cool::(


Just say in the description that its out in the open where muggles can see it, or state that its just a test cache and may be muggled...

Film cans are cheap, paper is cheap...why not? or even a tupperware one time, then a film can...just to see!-Not too much interesting about a Film can

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It may not defeat the "purpose of the whole game", but it certainly defeats the purpose of the guidelines:


"Cache Permanence


When you report a cache on the Geocaching.com web site, geocachers should (and will) expect the cache to be there for a realistic and extended period of time. Therefore, caches that have the goal to move (“traveling caches”), or temporary caches (caches hidden for less than 3 months or for events) most likely will not be published. If you wish to hide caches for an event, bring printouts to the event and hand them out there.


We realize that it is possible that a planned long-term cache occasionally becomes finite because of concerns with the environment, missing or plundered caches, or the owner’s decision to remove the cache for other valid reasons. Please do your best to research fully, hide wisely, and maintain properly for a long cache life."

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What is your feeling about caches which one knows from the on set will have a short life. (i.e., likely be muggled)? What are you expectations as far as cache life (are there any statistics)? By a short life I mean within a few months. While cache is active people will be able to have some fun, so I don't see a problem, so long as it is monitored and promptly archived when gone.
Whether this would be acceptable largely depends on your intent. If you place a cache in a muggle-rich area, you should be prepared to replace it when it disappears. This is part of your maintenance responsiblity.


If you placed the same cache with the intention to archive it as soon as it is muggled, it would violate the 'permanence' guideline. This is different from placing a cache in a way that you believe that it will be relatively muggle-proof and then archiving it when you discover that you were wrong.

I think it defeats the purpose of the whole game. The object is to be stealthy. Why buy a car if it is going to breakdown in a week!!!!
When I was young, I would buy a very inexpensive used car because that is what I could afford. I knew that within a week or two, something would break on the cluinker and I would have to fix it. It was the cost of doing business.


The cost of placing a cache in a muggle-rich environment is that you will have to do more maintenance because it is likely that it will be muggled. As long as you are up for this maintenance responsibility, I see no problem with placing the cache.

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