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filtering cache searches

happy pilgrim

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is there a way of filtering cache searches? for example, coastal locations only or suitable to get to only by 4 wheel drive vehicle or similar. as it would make finding certain caches more fun rather than always doing long-ish walks?


I may stand corrected but i don't believe there is an easy way to do this unless you are a premium member. Being a member gives you the benefit of running pcocket queries which gives you a bunch of ways to filter for what you are looking for. I'm not sure how you could filter specifically for the examples you mentioned but you can filter to find caches around specific coordinates (near the beach) and/or terrain ratings (would weed out easier or harder caches, most 4wd caches would be listed as 5) to give you a list that you could easily peruse. :ph34r:

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would join premium but only just started, so want to see if we really get into caching first???


One thing you can do without spending money on a premium membership is use the Geocaching Google Maps link. Move the map to display an area you're interested in (like along the beach or an area with 4 wheel drive roads) and see if there are any caches there.


Another premium feature are bookmark list. A premium member can create a list of caches. The premium member can share their list and you don't have to be a premium member to to see the shared list. Perhaps someone knows of a shared list of 4 wheel drive accessible caches in Great Britain.

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