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Multiple Owner Cache


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Is it possible to have more than one owner for a cache? If so, how do you enter this in the listing screen?


Will both users be able to modify the cache listing and attributes like any other cache that you own?






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The short answer is no. When you create a listing there is one account that maintains the listing. However you can add your co-hider to the text of the hider so when people view the listing they can see the other user account.


However, one plan is to create a new group functionality where you could assign a group members certain abilities for a listing. Families or friends could use this to create groups and as the owner of the listing you can give permission to other members to edit the listing. The group itself could then show how many combined finds or hides you have.



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This feature would be awesome. Would a search for individual users show that they have combined hides? Or would you have to search the group to see the hides?


It would be nice to have the group linked back to the users so you could search either on the users or the group and find the caches both ways. If this is what you meant, sorry.


Thanks for the response.

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