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  1. Not sure if this counts as a bug, and it's a very unusual case, but it was an issue for me yesterday. I wanted to look at one of my caches on the app. It's in the midst of an area where I have a lot of finds, so I had the 'Hide my Finds' filter enabled. Here's the unusual bit: my cache wasn't shown. And I think I know why. I adopted the cache, but before I adopted it I found it. So the Finds filter being on trumps the Hides filter being off. Now I'm sure I'm not alone in this situation but I'm also sure there's not many of us (thousands at the very most). I don't see it as something being broken, just something unusual/unfortunate. But I'll flag it anyway, might be an interesting exercise for a programmer to consider.
  2. The problem (no identification of geocaches) occurs on an iPhone 8 Plus. The same version of the app (8.57.0) does not give such an error on an IPhone 6, when logged in with the same account. No problem neither, when logged on the geocaching.com website, via Safari. Is there anything wrong with the new 8.57.0 version running on an iPhone 8? Otherwise, how do I recover proper lists of caches? (filter options have already been reset, and the app itself has already been removed and then reinstalled, without better success)
  3. I work with lists both on my iphone, on my ipad and on the web site. If a list has been deleted from the ipad or the web site, and I open the list function on my iphone, one would thing that a refresh happens and the deleted list would not show. I get all new lists into the list, but the deleted ones are still there. I also tried pulling down to refresh, but the deleted list is still there. If I try to open the deleted list, it will show for a second, and then I go back to the lists overview. I have version 8.10.0 of the app, and it was updated nov 20th.
  4. Since the last update the filter settings for difficulty and terrain do not work. Every time I open the app I need to change/ set it again. Example: I don’t want to see T5 & D5 but everything is shown, even my max. is set on 4. So I have to change to something lower, save it and than go back to my original setting, save it and than it’s usually ok. Sometimes it takes more tries. But the thing is, it doesn’t stay that way. It doesn’t matter if I try it on my iPhone or iPad. It doesn’t work properly on both. This is actually something I don’t like on the computer. Every time I have to set all the filters. Why doesn’t it stay on the last setting???
  5. I make changes to my caches I own via the geocaching.com website (updating the description and hints) and the app is still showing the old description and hint. Am I doing something wrong? How do I get the app to show the new information.
  6. I had a bunch of Lists on Geocaching.com that I deleted. So now I want to remove them from my Iphone. I can not sweep left to remove them. There is no option that I can find to remove them. I have deleted all Routes that I created on Geocaching,com and all lists I don't need but can't get them off my Iphone. I think my next move is to delete the app from my phone and reinstall it. Well I did that and the lists I deleted from Geocaching.com are still there. How do I revove all the old lists from my Iphone. App version 8.57.0 Iphone 12 IOS Version 14.71
  7. A friend of me is blind/visual impaired. While using the only usable app for iPhone, every button is saying "button". Not very helpfully. In the past it was possible to connect buttons to IOS so it can be pronounced. This feature is not working with the app, because with every app chance the button information is gone again. Hopefully it is possible to add a label to each button that can be spoken by voice over. Are there more people having this issue?
  8. I use the GC app on my iPhone for caching. A few days ago, 8/7/21, I discovered that some finds, with notes and photos, are remaining green. Based on this inaccurate info my streak of almost 5 months was interrupted. The (only) cache I found on 8/4/21, which showed green on my phone, was a previous find that I didn't remember. I don't know if this is a problem with my phone or the app. If I delete and reinstall the app am I at risk of losing any/all of the data I've entered?
  9. Last weeks Trails map on iphone app + gocaching map on web is very very slow. Some bricks load (less important). Google maps, satellite works flawlessly... Please fix it. PS: This is not internet quality issue - tested on multiple providers already...
  10. I’ve tested this on both my iPhone 12 and iPad which has a SIM card in it. Following any instructions I’ve found I’ve downloaded and refreshed a couple of lists (even tested this on a small list of 14 caches close to each other). When the download is complete I get the green tick showing that everything has downloaded. When I put the device into airplane mode and switch off the WI-FI select to view the list on maps it doesn’t matter how much you zoom in or out you never get a map displayed. I’ve selected the premium trails map which should be the one that gets downloaded. Can someone please fix this as at times it is required, especially as to how slow it is to view these maps when you are connected. I’m guessing that’s down to bandwidth restrictions on the server providing the maps. Langy
  11. Just upgraded my iPhone and now can't log into the Geocaching App - It keeps saying that "An Account with username 'Tiffany's Slaves' does not exist yet I am currently logged into the site with that username.
  12. When I log more than one “visit” log for my trackable, search functionality freezes for second and every next attempt for search of geocaches. I have to turn off the app forcefully and turn back on to be able to search again. When I want to log visit for more geocaches it is really a pain. In my opinion it would be great to be able to log trackable together with “found it” log in the same way as it works in browser. Version 8.48.0 (1) iOS 14.4.2 iPhone 11
  13. Ich würde gerne die Premium Karte vom Geocaching HQ hernehmen doch leider Lädt diese nur Selten. Gibt es möglicherweise eine Möglichkeit Dies zu ändern
  14. Hi, I would like to report to weird things on the iPhone app. On the Iphone app, when I go view my profile and tap on Souvenirs, I see the SORT_SOUVENIRS_IN_LIST_PLURAL_PLACEHOLDER on the top of the page. Also, I can click on the sort by. The values in the dropdown are not in my native language (dutch), but in english. The rest of the app is in my native language (dutch), so I guess a translation string is missing here for the values in this dropdown. Please also see the attached screenshot. I am using version 8.47.0 (1) of the geocaching app on an Iphone 8 running iOS 14.4.2.
  15. I have done some mystery caches and when using the coordinate checker did so from my home computer. I see no way to do that using my IPhone app. When using the Phone when caching and get Mystery cache and solve the coordinates, how can in check or verify them in the field? How can I input new coordinates, if possible, into the iPhone if I do not have my handheld GPS unit to enter coordinates? I think my brother did that to get the bonus, but do not know how he did it.
  16. My prenium account is retun to basic today, however i see the auto renewal payement on App Store. I have try to disconnect/connect on website and on app but no change, i stay in basic mode .. I put 15 new caches prenium only last weekend and I can't access them now...
  17. How much mobile data usage does the GPS consume using the iPhone app? I'm trying to determine if I need a larger data plan. TIA - Scooterchick (Crystal)
  18. Kennt jemand das Problem? Premium Caches werden mir trotz Premiummitgliedschaft auf derApp nicht angezeigt.
  19. Out today, I noticed that my iPhone was not showing a particular mystery cache (with updated coords) on the map - at either it’s original or updated locations. The cache in question: ‘It's not over ....’ (https://coord.info/GC19XQB). Using the search by GC code function the cache appeared: Click elsewhere on the screen to select another cache or, as here, to simply deselect this cache, and it disappears again: Playing around with filters, I was able to make it reappear on some (but not all) occasions - e.g. by selecting just Mystery caches or, as here, by changing the Terrain search to 1.5 to 4.5: I have no idea whether other caches are dropping off the map or what’s special about this one. Looks like a bug though. Edit: To add insult to injury, I couldn’t find the actual cache either! However, the issue was there before the jigsaw piece was turned into a frowny face. Edit2: I’ve also changed the corrected coordinates so as not to give anything away with the puzzle, but this has not affected the behaviour.
  20. I've had this problem previously and contacted geocaching.com to get it fixed. I have a watch set for nearby geocaches that get archived; like to go look to see what they were. Here are the issues: 1. When the geocaching app is installed on an iPad (don't know about iPhone, but probably the same) it becomes the default app for displaying geocaches. So... I get an email about a geocache (new, archived, owned, ...) and I click on the link. According to Apple, the default app should be the Safari browser (and you can't change that) but somehow it now opens the geocaching app instead. This is an annoyance for me if I wanted it to open in the browser so I could view everything I'd normally see on the website. 2. When the link is for an archived geocache, it is redirected to the app (see issue #1) and I am informed that the geocache is archived (yeah, I knew that) and it will not display anything else. This may be a "feature", but I find it annoying. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the app (that's what Groundspeak eventually told me to do last year) but this time the behavior has not changed.
  21. Ok, I must say I really dislike the new gc app. But so once in a while I want to be able to use it so I have it installed on my phone. Most of the times when I use the phone for geocaching (in stead of the gps) I use L4C. Like most apps L4C has an “open on geocaching.com” option. When de GC app is not installed, safari is opened on the right geocaching page. When the gc app is installed however, it is always so that the app is opened and NOT safari. I believe in previous times you could select to open safari OR the app. Unfortunately this option is no longer to be found. So the only option top open the geocaching.com site in safari is top remove the GC app. Is there any way to disable this irritating link to the app and open the gc.com site in safari?
  22. Using the app, is there a way to just enter coordinates and see where that spot is on the map?
  23. Geocaching using the watch would be a great idea, even if initially we could only use the watch to navigate to cache. Of course would like the other to see other features later like logging and uploading to watch so you can disconnect from the phone
  24. Anyone else having problems accessing Geocaching App via iPhone? (I'm accessing now via lap top). Following download today of the above update, I cannot now access the app. The update was for 'Ongoing maintenance ... small visual changes and bug fixes for a more consistent experience'. Have tried switching phone on / off & downloading the Geocaching App from the App Store, but all I get is a green page with the Geo logo in the middle of it! Help!
  25. I tired to hide a cache today but did not see a way to do this with the iPhone app. Is this possible? Thank you. John
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