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  1. I discovered geocaching through the official app, and to this day spend more time on it than on the desktop site. I want to be able to write thoughtful logs, but when I'm out and about it becomes such a chore. I like to be able to log caches as I find them, so my system has become logging them with the standard 'will update later' placeholder, and updating the logs to be more substantive when I get home. As much as it sounds like a first world problem, it is annoying having to take out my laptop to update these logs when I do everything else by the app. It baffles me that something as simple as updating text on a log has to be done exclusively on the desktop site versus the official app, especially when waypoints and notes are already accessible between both mobile and desktop. Do others feel the same way? I feel like if there were more people like me, the app would've been updated by now. Or is there some technological hurdle I'm missing when it comes to editing logs through the app?
  2. Hi, I use the Geocaching.com app on my IPhone 14. I use it for example to direct me to go from one cache to the next. I will be soon travelling to places where ther ewill be no internet availability while driving. My question is if I set up a List of caches to find, is there some way I can use the Geocaching.com app offline (because I will not have internet) which will direct me to drive (take that road and then change to that road etc) towards my next cache. If it's possible I would love to know the step by step on how to do it. Thanks in advance. Regards Greg
  3. When I try to send a message to another cacher from inside the app, the message fails. I get the following message: Message failed to send. I use the iOS version of the app. Please advise.
  4. I have a mystery cache (GC9GMVZ) with an URL to an external sound file that I needed to update. The old had the file name Musikora.mp3, the new Musikora2.mp3. The change was immediately effective in the Web interface to the cache, but in the iPhone app it's still pointing to the old file, and it's been weeks since the change. I have only tested this in my own phone, so I don't know what happens for someone who's never looked at the cache description before. Is there some kind of caching going on here? What can be done to make the app to show the correct file? (I tagged this as iOS, since that's where I have seen the problem. I don't know if it's the same in Android.)
  5. There is new UI that shows the cache details at the bottom of the screen when navigating to traditional caches. It appears to be for traditional caches only right now. Bug: The displayed distance to the cache does not update as you get closer to the cache. Opinion: not a fan of the new look. It unnecessarily takes up screen real estate and doesn’t provide any new or helpful information. All the information in that pop up is the same that you see on the previous screen. The cache information screen should contain the cache information. The navigation screen should be for navigating. 🧠
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  6. Hi, I noticed tonight when I go to my profile on the iOS app, the first page with the Wheel of Challenges, Finds, Hides, Statistics, etc. It shows what I believe is my correct number of finds: 250. But when I click on that 250 and it takes me to the list of my finds, the small text at the top of the list displays "You have found 247 caches so far." As far as I can tell these two numbers should match. They match on my wife's phone and I can't see any logical reason why they should not match. I'm attaching screenshots of both screens. My forum name matches my actual name on geocaching.com and I don't care about hiding that information.
  7. Hello! When I attempt to log into geocaching mobile app, it says “Network error” And I am unable to log in. If any of you have any ideas of what the problem might be, let me know! P.S I am using a VPN, but it is in my country so… I am also on the most recent version of the app
  8. Hello, Using version 9.6.0 on IOS 15.5, several variables are not showing their actual value but just variable_PLACEHOLDER Examples : CACHE_DETAILS_FAVORITES_PLURAL_PLACEHOLDER PROFILE_STATISTICS_PLURAL_PLACEHOLDER PROFILE_SOUVENIR_PLURAL_PLACEHOLDER ...
  9. After obtaining version 9.7.0 from AppStore earlier today, the Geocaching app constantly crashes at startup on my iPad. Since it crashes, there is no possibility for me to obtain screen-shots, nor is it related to any specific cache. I am running iOS 15.5 on an iPad 4 mini with over 90 GB free space (out of 128 GB capacity). I have cleared the app from the active apps (swiped it away), as well as rebooted the entire iPad, but the problem remains.
  10. Has anybody else had this problem with both the app and the website? On the IOS app; On the map caches logged on the app aren't showing as found caches until I click on them. Caches logged on the website aren't showing as found on the app at all. Logged caches aren't showing on the 'finds' list (experimental feature). Finds count is increasing correctly and daily statistics are correct. On the website; Logged caches are not showing in the recent activity. On the map caches logged as found aren't showing as found caches until I click on them. Have tried logging out and even uninstalling and reinstalling the app. Anyone else having this issue?
  11. It says network error when I try to login via my iPhone SE
  12. This happened to me yesterday and at around the same time an update was available. I downloaded the update and the problem hasn't recurred yet so hopefully it was in the previous build. I was halfway through typing a log on my iPhone (iPhone Xs, iOS 14.4 [I know, I know, there have been some issues with downloads], the latest-but-one build of the app) when the app suddenly reverted to the sign-in screen. I signed back in, started the log from the beginning, and it happened again. A moment later I was alerted to the new build so downloaded it. I used the app without issue for the rest of the day. I also noticed that the signing out reverted all of my app settings to default: map type, filters, measurements, experimental features, etc. Not sure if that happens if you intentionally sign out and in again.
  13. The filter icon is missing from my iPhone app. I might have inadvertently created an issue when I was working with my wonders of the world etc. searches. Now none of the wonders show up so I can’t figure out which caches to hunt for. How do I get my filter funnel icon back. Thanks.
  14. I'm new to Geocaching and I'm having an issue with the "navigate" feature. The screen is always "keep map north up" mode and the toggle is set to off. I'm using an iPhone SE for my Geocaching. Any help would be appreciated. Finding Geocaches is difficult when screen is not adjusting. Thanks in advance. newarkdad
  15. For several months now, I have been having issues with the iPhone App's interface with Google Maps. Prior to that time, I had no issues. I know other cachers that are also experiencing these issues. Here's what I think I know: - If you navigate to a cache from the App, then hit the vehicle icon at the top, you will get a selection of installed maps to choose from. If you select Google Maps, the App will interface with and pass destination coords to Google Maps. Google Maps will then propose routes and one can start navigation. - If you then drive the selected route exactly as designated, everything works fine. - However, if you do something that causes Google Maps to reroute (like make a turn that is not on the designated routing), it will often change the destination replacing the original destination coords with a different destination location. Oddly enough, this is often a Unified (or other) School district. This destination can be 5, 10, 15 miles or more from the cache that you originally set up the routing for. - It is also possible (not fully confirmed with testing) that when Google Maps re-optimizes the route and proposes a new and faster route that the destination for the proposed route is different. - I have not experienced these issues when I input a destination directly into Google Maps (although I have not tried entering coordinates, just named destinations and addresses). - I have also not experienced these issues when using Google Maps to navigate from the Adventure Labs App. Separately, for quite some time (long before the above issue started), the interface between the App and Google Maps has overridden/ignored at least some Google Maps settings (such as Avoid Tolls). So, the settings have to be manually reset every time if the user determines them to be relevant. I have not experienced this issue when using Google Maps to navigate from the Adventure Labs App.
  16. I'm referring to the announcement by Geocachung HQ that they introduced a “nearby geocaches” widget for iOS devices. By swiping right from the Home screen, Lock screen, or Notification Center you can add the “nearby geocaches” widget tto the Today View. The widget is said to display a list of nearby geocaches that you have not yet found. Unfortunately, the widget is erroneously showing caches that have already been found. After bringing his to the attention of Geocaching HQ Support they replied that they would "not address the issue unless they receive more complaints from the community". In other words, they "simply don't see many geocachers using this feature". So I want to bring this buggy feature to the attention of the community and I ask you all to support my wish that the bug will be fixed. If you are not yet using the widget please try it out and post your (hopefully supportive) feedback. BTW I don't think that a major effort is required to fix the bug ... Thank you! Fobrokel
  17. I have experienced the following behavior on multiple occasions when using the iphone app ( version 8.65.0 on IOS 15.2) 1. I run my local pocket queiry and download it to GSAK ( version 9.0.0) 2. I delete the PQ in Groundspeak 3. I rename the PQ file to { state name followed by month and year} 4. I delete the previous months list from my geocaching account. 5. I create a list in my Groundspeak account from GSAK using "geocaching.com access"->"List Manager"->"Create a New list" and new then "Add Caches to list" (It takes a long time to upload 1000 caches) 6. In my phone app, on the new list I select "download offline data" Then I select the "old" list and select " remove offline data". ( I have cellular data turned off for the geocaching app) Now for the inexplainable behavior. Despite the fact that I have delete the original list in my groundpseak account, and deleted offline data, the old list stays visible for up to a week before magically disappearing from my app. At first I was using the same names for the data files, and was really confused. Then I wised up and have since taken to renaming the data files (state name followed by month and year) so I can distinguish them. Is there something else I need to do to make the old list disappear?
  18. I used to have an extensive ignore list but deleted them all. Now I am finding that many of those previously ignored caches still do not show up in my maps on my iPhone. I found it curious that the same thing happens on the web application to an extent. Please look at the difference between the two web application maps. The newer "Browse" map contains these six geocaches that were once on my ignore list but have been removed. The "Search" map does not contain these six geocaches.... edit: That puzzle cache down on the road too. It used to be ignored... and the one south of it. It would appear that the iPhone App uses the old "Search" map because these 6 caches do not appear on my phone unless I search for them specifically by GC#. I can add them to a list and they show up on the list map, but when I turn off the list function they all disappear unless selected. If one is selected it appears until i click off it. Any Idea how to get all these caches back on my iPhone app?
  19. How do I download caches to my phone to go geocaching in area with no phone service? i have been geocaching for years, but on an Android. Now I’m on an iPhone and this app is different than what I’m used to. i can’t find any method to download on my phone, within the geocaching app.
  20. Hello! I lead weekly intro to geocaching workshops to bring newbies geocaching for the first time. Over the past 2 weekends I've ran into issues where several geocaches (2/2 and under) that appear on the map as green for every other basic member, appear as grey for 3 different basic members. The other 77 newbie basic members I have brought geocaching for the first time this summer did not experience this. This is not a basic vs premium member issue, but an issue/bug with only some new basic accounts. They all have the latest version of the app since they downloaded the app in the past week for the first time. It makes it difficult to take groups of newbies geocaching together when not everyone can see the same available geocaches. Newbies that can't use their phone to read or search for the same caches look checked out and are less engaged in the workshop. The only thing I can isolate is that these geocaches are perhaps 2 star difficulty geocaches. I don't know how to troubleshoot this in my small groups of newbies besides having them sign up for a second geocaching account and hope that the new account fixes the problem. I have attached side by side images of the difference. The left image is what has occurred for 77 newbies since June. The right image is what is occurring for 3 basic members compared to the 77 basic members who see the map on the left. The problem started occurring for basic members last weekend and this weekend. Notice the difference in cache availability between these two basic accounts on the right side of the park in the center (Golden Gate Park). At the same time, the geocaching accounts that see less traditional caches than the other 77 basic members have virtuals and earthcaches visible to them. (See the ghost icons in the upper park (the Presidio National Park)) The example caches in this situation are: GC8J81F- 2/1.5 GC8E4N2- 2/1.5 GC82KTJ- 2/2 GC64EYR- 2/1.5 They are all 2 star difficulty, with 1.5 or 2 terrain. The virtuals and earthcaches that become visible to 3 of the 80 basic members are: GCJAVD- 1/1 GC3BPP5 4.5/3 GC2Q97N 2/2 As I will be continuing my weekly intro to geocaching workshops over the next few months and introducing dozens of newbies to geocaching, I would love to know how to troubleshoot this during my upcoming weekly geocaching workshops to ensure that my future newbies have a wonderful first experience!
  21. Not sure if this counts as a bug, and it's a very unusual case, but it was an issue for me yesterday. I wanted to look at one of my caches on the app. It's in the midst of an area where I have a lot of finds, so I had the 'Hide my Finds' filter enabled. Here's the unusual bit: my cache wasn't shown. And I think I know why. I adopted the cache, but before I adopted it I found it. So the Finds filter being on trumps the Hides filter being off. Now I'm sure I'm not alone in this situation but I'm also sure there's not many of us (thousands at the very most). I don't see it as something being broken, just something unusual/unfortunate. But I'll flag it anyway, might be an interesting exercise for a programmer to consider.
  22. My Geocaching app on iPhone has looked like this since friday afternoon. It says “updating…” but it doesn’t appear to go anywhere. Is this happening to everyone? If so, I am surprised that there is no statement about it from Geocaching HQ. I’d like to hear if anyone else has the same issue and/or if anyone knows something more about it. Thanks in advance, Sebastian PS: I am on version 1.58.0 of the app on iOS 14.7.1 for an iPhone 8
  23. I make changes to my caches I own via the geocaching.com website (updating the description and hints) and the app is still showing the old description and hint. Am I doing something wrong? How do I get the app to show the new information.
  24. The problem (no identification of geocaches) occurs on an iPhone 8 Plus. The same version of the app (8.57.0) does not give such an error on an IPhone 6, when logged in with the same account. No problem neither, when logged on the geocaching.com website, via Safari. Is there anything wrong with the new 8.57.0 version running on an iPhone 8? Otherwise, how do I recover proper lists of caches? (filter options have already been reset, and the app itself has already been removed and then reinstalled, without better success)
  25. I had a bunch of Lists on Geocaching.com that I deleted. So now I want to remove them from my Iphone. I can not sweep left to remove them. There is no option that I can find to remove them. I have deleted all Routes that I created on Geocaching,com and all lists I don't need but can't get them off my Iphone. I think my next move is to delete the app from my phone and reinstall it. Well I did that and the lists I deleted from Geocaching.com are still there. How do I revove all the old lists from my Iphone. App version 8.57.0 Iphone 12 IOS Version 14.71
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