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  1. I know, due to COVID19 we are all busy but that topic made me aware of a missing feature: Here in Germany, events are archived by volunteer reviewers due to restrictions of the authorities. I fully support that, but I recognized, that geocachers that have logged "will attend" to such an event will not receive any notification via e-mail about that archive. Since archived events cannot have announcement logs, it is not possible for the owner to reach all geocachers at once now and (although I think that this rarely happens in the current situation) some geocachers may not know that the event that they want to attend is cancelled. Therefore here is my feature request: Is it possible to add a notification, if an event is archived on a date before the "hidden date", which means the date when the event takes place (similar to announcements that are also mailed to every attendee)? Greetings, FerrariGirlNr1
  2. Wondering if anyone / any group of Geocachers are active in the Tucson area? I am coming to Tucson in March of 2024 with an organization - likely 900 + attendees and probably 60-70 of us are Geocachers from around the US... Thinking about maybe organizing a Geocaching event with maybe a informational meeting and maybe a contest for interested participants ...... Anybody out there that might be interested in helping ?? Email me at BlueSnowOwl@gmail.com
  3. Related to the recent thread on the subject of bogus Discovery logs: https://forums.geocaching.com/GC/index.php?/topic/354381-falsely-discovering-tbscoins/ It would be helpful to be able to selectively turn off email notifications for one or all of the trackables in my collection. Realizing that the long term solution might be quite some time in the future, I would cheerfully ignore this problem if I had the ability to stop the emails from filling up my inbox. The current workaround of locking all my trackables is not ideal, and seems a bit unfair to the legitimate Users out there that are using the service as it was intended. If this option is already available, I sure didn't see it in my account settings.
  4. I'm getting an Error 404: DNF when doing my trackables homework. It suddenly started two days ago and does not matter if I'm on my ipad or my microsoft laptop. If I go to my profile and then to Quick view > Trackable items > dropped off, I can't click on anything with out getting the error message. same if I try and access through Your Logs (last 30 days). I am able to select Quick View > Your Trackables > list of trackables you own, and see the list and open the trackables page but if I chose a log to see exactly what cache the trachable last visited, I get the same error message. i can open that cache page if I access it not via a tracakable Also, if I open a cache page, say GC4ZMV4, and try and look at the listed TBs, I get the same error message. From my profile, I can access all TBs in the my inventory list. I can also access them through Your Logs (last 30 days), so looks like trackables that I have are ok, trackables that I don't have anymore or that I never had have a bug. I accessed one of my own that I dropped off my going via the drop off email and I was able to write notes on the logs that way. Very frustrating as I love the trackables. Any ideas?
  5. It's not comforting and I haven't looked at a "new" Garmin in a couple of years at this point, but that's the way Garmins have worked as long as I can remember. Without inside knowledge, but knowing more than a bit about electronic cartography, I suspect the design decision is that those have fixed styles because the style indicates prominence and are thus styled internally based on heuristics like size. Bigger city == bigger, bolder styling that allows it to be picked over a smaller suburb. It's probably better to make a stylistic choice and quickly display "Toronto" onto a map and save the compute-time to even think about whether or not you can render "King East" without obscuring other map details. There may also be safety and support reasons. If you somehow set the waypoint size of your waypoints to be microscopic or invisible, you can probably intuit that it's something that you did and that there's a way on your device to undo that. If Jr. is pushing buttons on your GPS while you're napping and turns off city name labels, the device is much less useful to a lot of people and that may generate a (non-free) support call or email or worse, an RMA or even return. That may not be the reason, but companies do have to think about these kinds of things. It's possible (though i'd be surprised by this in 2023 - less so in 2003 - that the text is "baked into" the map vectors themselves or even on a raster layer. That would be terrible for translation and even things like rotation, but it would allow faster draw calls, so it was a more common tradeoff back in the old days. I worked on and with a number of mapping programs and labeling effectively and limited resources (there's ALWAYS a limit somewhere - what works well on the wall-sized map for the weatherperson to touch works poorly on that battery-powered device in your pocket) is much harder than it sounds. It's quite possible that NOT leaving everything to user choice was a conscious design choice. :-) Let us know what you found out.
  6. My granddaughter signed up to create her own account. How long does it generally take to receive an acknowledgment email? I want to make sure her request is just being processed and not lost in cyber space? Chipper3
  7. I am not sure where to place this but I just got a much unwanted and totally shameful email via the geocaching.com message board. Someone is misusing the board, doubtfully a legitimate cacher. Be careful coachers, watch email. There is at least one person or group sending messages using Geocaching.com that refer to explicit sex websites. Apparently the one I just got is known to Geocaching.com and has be dealt with. I had entered info about the site and message to let those in charge know, not to refer it to others. These has been deleted.
  8. For me the same problem. I tried with safari, chrome and Firefox. It’s the same message center problem at all browsers. workaround: use email notification of message center with reply to send the picture. after that the picture also appears in the message center.
  9. If you are not giving your email address to anyone, you will never receive an email from anyone. Is this the intent of email?
  10. When I receive an email notification that one of my waymarks has been visited, I have two link options: Log Details and Waymark Details. The Waymark Details link no longer does anything (it's not a link), but the Log Details link works fine.
  11. It took more than 2.5 years for the Cache Health Score for this cache to degrade below the threshold, taking into account the D/T rating and the number of DNF logs (one). At that time, the CHS algorithm triggered an automatic email to the cache owner, and the cache would appear on the CO's cache owner dashboard as possibly needing attention. The reviewer, taking the relevant factors into account, did not post a note to the page for another 1.5 years. The CO would receive notice of Reviewer Notes to their account's email address, just like for all other logs. If this had been a 1.5/1.5 cache in an urban area, the entire process would have taken just a few months and would typically lead to the cache page being archived in the absence of any response from the cache owner.
  12. I just added a secondary email address for which to receive text notifications. I verified the address and received the text message on my phone, so that is fine. But I don't have the option of changing my email address to that one, either for existing notifications, or for new notifications. There also is no option for me to change my default email (although I really don't want to do that... I only want to use the new one for certain notifications.)
  13. Create a gmail account for spam use. Simple. I have a private email and more than one alternate email, and I used to be more vigilant about not using my personal in questionable locations to minimize spam, but it still comes in. Now I just white-list trusted emails and visually scan and trash anything else. Nonetheless, it's always good to have a secondary non-personal email. And this is a perfect use for it.
  14. I received an email from lee@geocaching.com asking to participate in a "geocache condition Report" and would receive a free geocaching t-shirt. It asks to check 25 geocaches near me (whether I've found before) or not and to complete the report. When I looked further it said my email account could not access the report and asked if I wanted to use a different account. It looks pretty legit but wanted so see if this is sponsored by HQ or if any others have received this message?
  15. When I click the links in your communication email, I am redirected to the app which is useless. Somehow, the direction to the browser won't work. (Same as the Open in browser link in the app, but this is already discussed in another topic)
  16. Release Notes (Adventure Lab®: ‘Can’t complete stage’ reporting) - August 10, 2023 With this release, players can use the ‘Can’t complete stage’ link in the Adventure Lab® app to report issues with Adventure stages to Adventure creators. When a player submits a report about a stage, the Adventure creator will receive an email notification including the player’s description of any issues with the stage, along with the player’s email address if they have chosen to share it. Pooja (onepooja), Product Manager, is watching this thread to answer questions whenever possible. Any posts in this thread should relate to features in this release. Comments unrelated to the release may be removed. Please direct unrelated comments to other appropriate threads. Thanks!
  17. Today I received an email (actually three) asking me to vote about demoting someone. In the email I am referred to as an officer in the group. Lucy, somebody has some 'splaining to do. How am I now considered an officer? I mean, I only recently added my first WM in any category. I was in Scouting for 15 years, so I'm familiar with being "Voluntold", but usually there is a bit of explanation.
  18. I am familiar with it; the basic question being answered, "Does anyone have any good recommendations for log stamps?" Stamps don't come separate to ink. They are a pair. One does not work without the other. Maybe you should reread it. My recommendation was on track with, (use might have been better as buy, but same meaning) "If people use stamps, please get water proof ink, because if the log gets even damp, the stamp image will run, and it will be unreadable. It might even fade away completely. Then you will get an email asking where your signature is."
  19. Is it possible to email in find details? I can access Email from the middle of no where in the outback but I can't access the website until I return to civilization so this option would speed up the process.
  20. I think they messed up. The blog gave a choice of two dates but the email only said August 19th. I would contact them for your souvenir. From the email: International Geocaching Day is coming up soon! Log any geocache, Adventure Lab® Location, or Event on August 19 to earn the International Geocaching Day 2023 souvenir.
  21. If people use stamps, please get water proof ink, because if the log gets even damp, the stamp image will run, and it will be unreadable. It might even fade away completely. Then you will get an email asking where your signature is.
  22. I like to try for FTF's. On a few occasions, I found the "FTF" spot on the log left open, but someone had signed "beta test" on the log. After inquiring, I learned that "beta testing" is when someone tests your coords before the cache is published. It seems kind of unfair to "find" a cache thru an inside tip before publication. If they know the hider, why not just call or email? Why mark the log sheet, or post to the log? When I hide a cache, I usually test my own coords by re-navigating to the cache.
  23. The raw HTML is showing in pocket queries in both Gmail and Yahoo email (this is from Yahoo):
  24. Doesn't pass MY smell-test. Sounds like a phishing expedition. Bet they ask for more info aside from another verified email address to sell. Then MORE info from you. REALLY look at the addresses and any links in the email before clicking on anything. Float your mouse over each hyperlink to see the address to which it points. Be suspicious. If you want to check, email the SUPPORT link at the bottom of every page on the website. See that? I didn't even give you an email address to use, because THAT'S scam-behavior, too!
  25. Hello, Thank you for trying out the new feature, and thanks for your patience as we incorporated your feedback. We are happy to announce an update to the email we send to Adventure Lab creators. As of this update, the email will include the reported stage name and the stage coordinates. We've also removed the phrase "administrative action" as that does not reflect Geocaching HQ policies. Thanks again for your thoughtful feedback. We will continue to monitor the forums and keep you updated.
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