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  1. I'm getting an Error 404: DNF when doing my trackables homework. It suddenly started two days ago and does not matter if I'm on my ipad or my microsoft laptop. If I go to my profile and then to Quick view > Trackable items > dropped off, I can't click on anything with out getting the error message. same if I try and access through Your Logs (last 30 days). I am able to select Quick View > Your Trackables > list of trackables you own, and see the list and open the trackables page but if I chose a log to see exactly what cache the trachable last visited, I get the same error message. i can open that cache page if I access it not via a tracakable Also, if I open a cache page, say GC4ZMV4, and try and look at the listed TBs, I get the same error message. From my profile, I can access all TBs in the my inventory list. I can also access them through Your Logs (last 30 days), so looks like trackables that I have are ok, trackables that I don't have anymore or that I never had have a bug. I accessed one of my own that I dropped off my going via the drop off email and I was able to write notes on the logs that way. Very frustrating as I love the trackables. Any ideas?
  2. It's not comforting and I haven't looked at a "new" Garmin in a couple of years at this point, but that's the way Garmins have worked as long as I can remember. Without inside knowledge, but knowing more than a bit about electronic cartography, I suspect the design decision is that those have fixed styles because the style indicates prominence and are thus styled internally based on heuristics like size. Bigger city == bigger, bolder styling that allows it to be picked over a smaller suburb. It's probably better to make a stylistic choice and quickly display "Toronto" onto a map and save the compute-time to even think about whether or not you can render "King East" without obscuring other map details. There may also be safety and support reasons. If you somehow set the waypoint size of your waypoints to be microscopic or invisible, you can probably intuit that it's something that you did and that there's a way on your device to undo that. If Jr. is pushing buttons on your GPS while you're napping and turns off city name labels, the device is much less useful to a lot of people and that may generate a (non-free) support call or email or worse, an RMA or even return. That may not be the reason, but companies do have to think about these kinds of things. It's possible (though i'd be surprised by this in 2023 - less so in 2003 - that the text is "baked into" the map vectors themselves or even on a raster layer. That would be terrible for translation and even things like rotation, but it would allow faster draw calls, so it was a more common tradeoff back in the old days. I worked on and with a number of mapping programs and labeling effectively and limited resources (there's ALWAYS a limit somewhere - what works well on the wall-sized map for the weatherperson to touch works poorly on that battery-powered device in your pocket) is much harder than it sounds. It's quite possible that NOT leaving everything to user choice was a conscious design choice. :-) Let us know what you found out.
  3. For me the same problem. I tried with safari, chrome and Firefox. It’s the same message center problem at all browsers. workaround: use email notification of message center with reply to send the picture. after that the picture also appears in the message center.
  4. Stop making up what I do, it doesn't make you look good. I don't send "threatening emails" and never said I do, as you must know. What I wrote was, "It might even fade away completely. Then you will get an email asking where your signature is." No threats there; only a question from a CO who does regular maintenance and checks logs, and when I can't find a signature or stamp I ask about the signature. I am reasonable and will also accept other proof, such as a photograph or a good description. I give people a chance. I also accept I might just have missed someone's scrawl. I did once and when they pointed it out I apologized. Beginners with only a few finds I am now being very lenient with, saying they should have signed the log, but as they are new to the game I will accept their log this time, but please sign logs from now on. I don't want to chase away new players. I personally have also received an email from a CO about a log I signed, asking where my signature was. I took it well; it wasn't a "threatening email" and I never considered it such. Gees, I appreciated that there are other COs out there who take their responsibilities seriously. I described the hide, the log, the surrounds; even the parking, and my log was accepted. A "threatening email"; gees you can't be real! (The log had become ratty and was falling apart, so not surprised my signature might have been missed. But good the CO was fixing this.)
  5. I am familiar with it; the basic question being answered, "Does anyone have any good recommendations for log stamps?" Stamps don't come separate to ink. They are a pair. One does not work without the other. Maybe you should reread it. My recommendation was on track with, (use might have been better as buy, but same meaning) "If people use stamps, please get water proof ink, because if the log gets even damp, the stamp image will run, and it will be unreadable. It might even fade away completely. Then you will get an email asking where your signature is."
  6. If people use stamps, please get water proof ink, because if the log gets even damp, the stamp image will run, and it will be unreadable. It might even fade away completely. Then you will get an email asking where your signature is.
  7. Hello, I have not been active with Geocaching for many years now. I would like to sell my coins and tags. I am not sure if they are activated or not. It has been so long since I have had them I don't recall. I am selling them each individually. Make me an offer! We can ship through USPS or UPS to US and Canada, shipping will not be included in the price. I can do Zelle or Venmo for payment. Please email me at: sheannahg@yahoo.com as I am not very good at monitoring my geocaching account.
  8. I had this problem too and couldn't figure it out. I went to the website settings and made sure the newsletter box was ticked in the Email Preferences section. Still I wasn't receiving newsletters. In the end, I gave up worrying about it. At some point much later, I was looking at the settings in the Official Geocaching app. I clicked on Email Preferences and noticed the newsletter preference was in the off position. I turned it on and voila!!! I now receive newsletters. Perhaps this will solve your newsletter problem???
  9. I have also thought that it is not allowed but when I tried to find a suitable rule I couldn't find any. "Cannot require geocachers to email the cache owner for information needed to find the cache." This is the nearest, but you don't email to the owner so it may not apply. One published cache I know required that the owner answers manually to email and the cache was immediatelly disabled by the reviewer when this was noticed.
  10. We have two, I know of, published recently that you have to email an automatic reply email address to get information, I thought that was banned too.
  11. Hey everyone: I know this is not technically a Waymarking topic, but this forum holds the knowledge of many wonderful people and I need some guidance. I have several basic websites that simply provide information. No shopping carts, no scheduling, nothing fancy. I just need simple web hosting and simple email. My current provider, Ionos (who was 1 and 1 who was great) has become too expensive and complicated. So I want to move to a web hosting service that is simple and not overly expensive. I think all my web sites total are less than 50 MB. Thank you so very much for your kind assistance. Again, apologies that this is not truly Waymarking related, but some of the photos in my Waymark categories examples are also hosted on my web space, so I guess that kinda counts [grin]. Thanks, Outspoken1 (sandy)
  12. Two Questions.... 1) Wondering if anyone / any group of Geocachers are active in the Tucson area? I am coming to Tucson in March of 2024 with an organization - likely 900 + attendees and probably 60-70 of us are Geocachers from around the US... Thinking about maybe organizing a Geocaching event with maybe a informational meeting and maybe a contest for interested participants ...... Opportunity to maybe "cross promote" memberships" Anybody out there that might be interested in helping ?? Email me at BlueSnowOwl@gmail.com 2) Same rally situation to be in August of 2024 in Redmond Oregon... Wondering same issues - any organization there?, Any interest to jointly "Cross Promote Memberships" ? Email me at BlueSnowOwl@gmail.com
  13. Wondering if anyone / any group of Geocachers are active in the Tucson area? I am coming to Tucson in March of 2024 with an organization - likely 900 + attendees and probably 60-70 of us are Geocachers from around the US... Thinking about maybe organizing a Geocaching event with maybe a informational meeting and maybe a contest for interested participants ...... Anybody out there that might be interested in helping ?? Email me at BlueSnowOwl@gmail.com
  14. Unfortunately, I never got my email and I even checked my spam folder. I know I got the email blast on the 19th to my inbox.
  15. I've only ever done one auto-responder virtual and had the same problem. After trying a few things with the CO, we determined that gmail didn't like emails with just an address but no content, and after writing a short novel for the body, it worked. I also have a separate email account for geocaching set up on the same domain as my regular email but identifying me as "barefootjeff" rather than my real name.
  16. You are presuming that the email works. The last three I sent didn't work and no reply. Didn't like my return email address it seems, or my email service didn't like the emails being sent but I got no reply to say that. Emails I sent confirmed correct by the CO through messaging. Blow those emails. In the future I'm messaging.
  17. I have a separate email without my name on it, just Goldenwattle. It has worked at least once for a return email, but unfortunately for the last three I emailed, the emails failed. Luckily the COs accepted my message with an explanation that the email didn't work for me. Now knowing I can also message, that's what I will do in the future instead.
  18. Send the answers by message center/email, which the CO ignores. Or send to the auto respond email which gives you a reply "Congratulations, you may fill in your Found It log"
  19. Go into your profile, click on "Settings", click on "Email Preferences" and click on Newsletter.
  20. Technically speaking, you could set up a proxy email that sends everything to a personal email. You could have email and never give out your private email address. But then ultimately it's kind of pointless because you're getting emails anyway, from an email address that is known out there. There's no point in having a 100% private, unknown email address. There is reason to have proxy email addresses so your personal email isn't connected to another identity (I do that for some special-purpose emails that just forward to my personal email). So setting up alias emails? Perfectly reasonable. Setting up an email to remain 100% confidential/private not known to anyone? Unrealistic. imo.
  21. The most reliable instant-notification-on-email app I've found, really, is gmail. Set up a gmail account for gc notifications, then turn on push notifications in the mobile app. Other email providers may ping but I've found gmail to be the most instantaneous option. Depending on how fast you really need those notifications You can also have gmail forward those emails to another primary personal inbox if you wish. I actually set up a forwarding account on my domain for this geocaching account which copies emails to a gmail account for notifications, and to my personal inbox for my record.
  22. You get to choose. The C.O. does not get to choose for you. Here is a similar thread: https://forums.geocaching.com/GC/index.php?/topic/390690-needing-to-use-private-email-to-get-permission-to-log/ From the Help Center: https://www.geocaching.com/help/index.php?pg=kb.chapter&id=107&pgid=688
  23. All emails from HQ go to my main address… I tweak the settings of this account to forward new cache notifications to my mobile email…
  24. Thank you! I tried to do a search for this topic but came up empty. You have all confirmed that I've set up notifications correctly. I'll keep working on my email account.
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