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  1. Hello! This might not be the correct forum but maybe another GC user had the same problem: I drive a new BMW 3er. This car has the built-in feature for Screen Mirroring. Sometimes I want to display the GC Android App on the car's screen and this works fine. But as soon as I start driving, the screen switches off with the note: "No motion pictues allowed while driving" (or something like that). From a safety perspective is this (in my mind) not different than a ordinary navigation system, so that I don't see a risk for that. Had anybody of you also the idea to display the Geocaching App in his car and has a solution for that? Regards, Michael
  2. I've been out again today after 5 days (March 26 th before that). We try to ride our bikes on 25-40Km tours along quiet roads, nature reserves and along waterways. Today we started early (@10:30) as most people tend to go out after lunch. We planned a route along several caches that were not found (or better, not logged online) for 3 days or longer. Just a few were found 2 days ago and one was found yesterday evening (but we didn't know that when we left home). Normal practice was getting to the cache, check the logs on the GPS, take cache, log, place back, clean hands. On the ones found 2 days or less we did the same but I put on latex gloves to take the cache, log and place back. On the way up it was very quiet cycling along the water and when we reached the farthest point (a little after noon) we cycled back along almost empty paths and streets as we knew most people tend to follow the cycling paths along the water. In all we didn't see a lot of people during our 36Km ride. I'm sure going the a shop is a higher risk than going outside and find some caches. BTW, as for "non-essential driving", a guy in Belgium has been caught (and fined) 5 times driving to friends but is now probably regretting it, his BMW is sitting in a police compound until further notice...
  3. Our "Daily Cases" chart for Germany looks almost like the US one. . . If you read hzoi's article you know what's going on here. In the meantime, many cities are completely shut down, VW is closed Mercedes is closed, BMW is closed, playgrounds are closed, schools are closed, universities are closed, in Mannheim (population 310.000) any group of people is limited to max 10, soccer league ended early, Police Officers controlling parks and public places and many, many more actions. All this is required to break this exponential growth, it's about winning time. Everyone can help to achieve this goal.
  4. Unterscheidung (nach persönlicher Vorliebe) Nr 1 ist und bleibt für mich die Frage: Touchscreeen oder nicht. Wenn Du nur mit Knöpfen zurechtkommst, kannst Du Dir das beste Touchteil der Welt kaufen und Du bist unglücklich. Oder umgekehrt. Da sollte man einfach mal am Gerät (Händler, Kumpel, Event....) austesten, was einem liegt. Nächstes Thema ist die Frage des papierlosen Cachens - m.Ws. gibts da Geräte, bei denen man z.B. die Spoilerbilder nur mit ein paar Tricks speichern kann - dazu müssen sich aber andere äußern - ich bin bekennender Ausdrucker Ansonsten werden wohl wieder die "wer billig kauft, kauft zweimal" - Sprüche auftauchen. Allerdings sind die Geräte mittlerweile so weit wie die Autos - man kann mit jedem alles machen - ob mit Dacia oder BMW. Daß man sich im Dacia sich vielleicht keine E-mails vorlesen lassen kann und der BMW nichtmal nen Regenschirm in der Beifahrertür hat, ist da wohl vernachlässigbar und in 99,9 % der Anwendungen eher verschmerzbar. Solange Du Dir kein Gerät ohne Kartendarstellung, mit zu kleinem Speicher oder einem Bildschirm, der für Deine Augen zu klein ist, kaufst, wirst Du da nix falsch machen (können). Gruß Zappo
  5. I don't road route very often, either, but my casual observation is that I basically never bothered with my PN-40, but it's sufficient quick on my PN-60 that I do sometimes use it. (It actually does a better job than the nav system on my lovely driver's BMW, but that's not saying much.) One common example is that I'll road route while walking to the next cache to better understand which roads go through where. I know not to bother looking at my PN-60 while I wait for the route, but on the other hand, the route is normally calculated by the time I get to the first turn, although take into account that in that case, we're talking about routes of a mile or two with only a couple dozen roads in the area. On the other hand, I've run into a bad quirk on the PN-60 that I don't remember on the PN-40: if you tell it to road route, and then you get it into a situation where it thinks you're going the wrong way -- for example, if you decide not to go there after all -- it goes into a mode where it continuously recalculates and it becomes very hard to stop it. (Yes, there's a "stop calculating" button, but it doesn't break the cycle.) More than once, I've had to just power it down to get control again. Both the Delorme PN-40 and the PN-60 are capable of storing at least 32GB of the bundled (free)Topo/Road maps of North America. This amount of data can include almost the entire USA. However if more than 23GB are installed, even local road routing to points only a few miles away may fail as noted above. So for local geocaching it is better to limit total map storage somewhat if using the PN-40/60 for road routing. I have personally stopped in New Mexico, but not near Philmont, on cross country trips to delete a few unneeded states gigabytes of data to make road routing work reliably.
  6. I don't road route very often, either, but my casual observation is that I basically never bothered with my PN-40, but it's sufficient quick on my PN-60 that I do sometimes use it. (It actually does a better job than the nav system on my lovely driver's BMW, but that's not saying much.) One common example is that I'll road route while walking to the next cache to better understand which roads go through where. I know not to bother looking at my PN-60 while I wait for the route, but on the other hand, the route is normally calculated by the time I get to the first turn, although take into account that in that case, we're talking about routes of a mile or two with only a couple dozen roads in the area. On the other hand, I've run into a bad quirk on the PN-60 that I don't remember on the PN-40: if you tell it to road route, and then you get it into a situation where it thinks you're going the wrong way -- for example, if you decide not to go there after all -- it goes into a mode where it continuously recalculates and it becomes very hard to stop it. (Yes, there's a "stop calculating" button, but it doesn't break the cycle.) More than once, I've had to just power it down to get control again.
  7. Two (2) new really cool coins: (English version)>> bubble car and hammer The BMW Bubble Car (Isetta) ---------------------------- and 6 versions of The Hammer ----------------------------
  8. My first find was a LPC in a BMW dealership lot..... My daughter and I were going nuts trying to find it. I kept saying "No way would they put it on one of these new cars" lol Finally I said to my daughter, see if that lamp thing will lift up... Sure enough it did BUT we didn't lift it high enough so we didn't see it. We ran in circles for about 10 more minutes before we lifted it again, high enough this time, and made the find.... From that point on I was hooked........ Edited to add my log... LOL "My first find!!! Log has been wet though and kinda wadded up, didnt sign cuz I was afraid it would fall apart, needs replaced. TYFC!!! We were so excited to find it!!!" My first find so I knew nothing about replacing logs, etc..... Edited again to add... I enjoy all my cache finds the easy ones make up for the hard ones... I enjoy them ALL (LPC, rebarb, key holders, micros, pill bottles, film canisters & even amo boxes!!) and totally appreciate that there are other geocachers out there that take the time to hide them so I can find them!!! THANKS!!!!
  9. Ja tam wyznaję zasadę: jeden pojemnik jeden FTF... Nie zaliczam sobie jako ftf-a znalezienia pojemnika, którego już wcześniej ktoś w innym serwisie znalazł. A mam takie. (Niekoniecznie zresztą w serwisie "lokalnym", bo i takie które miały Okrągły Xylofon się zdarzają.) Przychodzi facet do salonu BMW i pyta o porównanie jednego z modeli z pewnym modelem Audi. A sprzedawca: "Audi? Nie istnieje coś takiego! Nigdy nie istniało i istnieć nie będzie!"
  10. Spider, porównanie trochę nietrafione. Raczej: przychodzi ktoś do salonu BMW, mówi, że wybrał sobie model i chce go kupić. Sprzedawca nie kieruje go do konkurencji (nawet nie musi wymieniać nazwy), tylko mówi, że w salonie BWM po drugiej stronie ulicy jest ten sam model, w tej samej cenie z pakietem ubezpieczeń gratis. A co z drugiej strony? Moim zdaniem z drugiej strony powinna być weryfikacja każdego kesza, również pod kątem obecności "sąsiada". W żaden sposób wpływu nie mam na wprowadzenie takiej zmiany. Jeśli masz chwilę czasu, chęci i regulamin api gc tego nie zabrania, podeślij kawałek kodu, który na podstawie współrzędnych + zadanego promienia przeszuka gc i zwróci info czy w tym obszarze znajduje się jakaś skrytka, ew. odległość do niej. Fragment dodam do formularza zakładania skrzynki i systemowo użytkownik otrzyma stosowną informację.
  11. Twoja prośba jest z cyklu przychodzi facet do salonu BMW, a sprzedawca mówi: "Panie, tam za rogiem jest salon Audi, niech Pan tam też pójdzie zobaczyć samochody." BTW, StrykerPL, a jakie rozwiązanie proponujesz w drugą stronę? W szczególności w przypadku gdy na OC skrzynka w ogóle nie jest weryfikowana? Ja przy weryfikacji sprawdzałem sąsiadów i sugerowałem zmiany, ale z nieweryfikowanymi to nie mam pomysłu...
  12. Twoja prośba jest z cyklu przychodzi facet do salonu BMW, a sprzedawca mówi: "Panie, tam za rogiem jest salon Audi, niech Pan tam też pójdzie zobaczyć samochody." BTW, StrykerPL, a jakie rozwiązanie proponujesz w drugą stronę? W szczególności w przypadku gdy na OC skrzynka w ogóle nie jest weryfikowana?
  13. From what I've read I thought GPS usage in China isn't a commonly allowed thing especially for foreigners. Kinda the same like in Cuba. Nothing I've heard of before. I usually have one in my carry on and have been search. You see automotive ones quite a bit. My wife bought me a DVD about a couple of Canadians on BMW motorcycles doing a ride around China and in the first episode they mention how difficult it was for them to get anything to do with GPS there. Google "The Middle Kingdom Ride".
  14. Understood. My apologies. My dial is officially notched back. True. But in the case of this thread, that's not what's happening. Rather, many of the forum regulars are applying negative connotations to an entire group, based on the actions of a few members. Is that not the textbook definition of bigotry? Many, many years ago, whilst serving in the Army in Korea, I got my backside handed to me by a Marine. If I were to apply negative connotations to the entire Marine Corp based upon the actions of this individual, would that not be bigotry? A few months ago, whilst driving around in my patrol car, I had a lady driving a BMW cut me off in traffic, forcing me to slam on my brakes or rear end her. I probably shouldn't have, but I honked my horn. She made a rude gesture involving a single digit on her left hand. If I were to apply some negative connotations to all BMW drivers, would that not be bigotry? In perusing Faceybook, I've seen members of numerous caching groups sharing TB and geocoin tracking numbers. To date, I have only seen me group take decisive action against the number sharers. If I were to label all those other geocaching organizations with negative connotations, judging the whole for the actions of a few, wouldn't that be bigotry? I'm honestly trying to understand. I'm not trying to argue. Seriously. Isn't that what bigotry is? I'll not use that term again, if another descriptor is more appropriate.
  15. Thanks for your feedback all. Keep it coming. I have been on 2 Motocaching tours these past days, trying to fine tune for the best distance in between 2 caches for me. 10 km seems to near from each other still to really enjoy the driving. 20km starts to be OK to manage both pleasure of motorbiking and geocaching. And indeed, a big advantage of Motocaching is the parking (we have less problems about parking on sidewalk as long as it does not hinder pedestrians/handicaped) which is easier, and often free. And for some non-paved path, it allows me sometimes to drive closer if allowed to motorized vehicles, even if I drive a BMW RT... Thom_101
  16. I've been riding for years (mostly on the track), but have only just started caching. I've done both only once. On that outing I selected 4 or 5 caches a few miles apart so that I could grab them as I rode along. That was a mistake. The whole process of parking the bike, taking off the helmet, hunt for the cache while carrying my gear, gear back up and repeat was exhausting to me ( I currently ride a BMW s1000rr and it doesn't seem "right" to put bags on it). Okay, not exactly exhausting, but way more laborious than I was willing to do. I may try again once the weather gets a bit cooler. But this time I'll choose caches much further away and further apart so that I can plot all the twisty roads in between them, although I'd have to bring a cable lock to lock my helmet to the bike... while I go hunt in my one piece leathers and boots.
  17. I keep seeing this argument as some sort of justification for making a distinction between country based souvenirs and date based ones. I have no doubt that there are some geocachers who plan trips solely to go geocaching in a area they haven't found geocaches in before. It's possible that they select these areas in part based on whether there is a souvenir available, but more likely they are looking for places based on what caches they can find there. I suspect that most of the people who make a big deal about the country souvenirs they are simply traveling on work or vacation and were able to grab a quick P&G near there hotel. That fills in their map and maybe gets a souvenir, but they were in the country for some reason other than primarily geocaching. Often the date based souvenirs take more planning. For many people getting all 31 days of August will be a considerable effort - as would any streak of 31 days. But even many special days may fall on a day when the geocacher has other commitments. Either they are like the traveler and squeeze in a quick P&G sometime in the day or they have to pass on the souvenir. Unlike the traveler, who may someday return to the country for another chance, the person who misses out on a special day souvenir can't get it (at least without mis-dating a find). I'll grant that getting a souvenir for country far from home probably means you have more money (and probably more time) than some who doesn't. So I suppose that could be view some kind of status symbol - like driving a BMW or a Lexus.
  18. GeoAwarePL


    To prawda, ten EC to... ok, nie mówmy o tym. Owner nie chce go poprawić (albo mu się nie chce albo nie ma żadnych materiałów, choć raczej o nie nie trudno). Dał mi znać, że można go skasować. Obecnie przygotowuję wersję rzeczywiście geologiczną. Myślałem o tym by gotowy listing podesłać właścicielowi (żeby uratować obecne wpisy, logi i fav pointy), choć trochę się czuję jakbym odrabiał za kogoś zadanie domowe. Przeciwne temu są reviewerowe EC-wymogi, które raczej rządają archiwizacji i postawienia nowego listingu i eartha na nogi. Zobaczymy. Nie martwcie się, na Pomorzu earthy nie znikną. W razie poprawy/archiwizacji staram się znaleźć rozwiązanie by taki podbramkowy kesz pojawiał się w lepszej formie, a okolica tym samym nie ubożała. Jestem jednak zdania, że to miejsce jest tak mocno odwiedzane, iż nie musi przynosić naszej społeczności wstydu. Dlaczego polskie kesze/earthcache nie miałyby być "BMW dopieszczonymi w tunelu aerodynamicznym"?
  19. Hallo Radioscaout, ne ne das ist er nicht das ist von einigen der werbebanner, aber wie gesagt ich ahbe ja entsprechend diese geblockt, nur mein Browser (Opera) informiert mich ja über alles was er blockierd hat durch eine einblednung am rechten Rand. das ist allen voran diese komische BMW-Werbung in dne letzten tagen gewesen.
  20. Hallo, habe das gleiche Problem und habe mich bei BMW schon mit einer Kauf Verweigerung gemeldet. Die Bedauerung habe ich auch schon und das ich mich noch bei einer bestimmten Stelle melden sollte. Das fällt bei mir unter negativ Reklame. Je mehr sich beschweren je besser die Reklame. .
  21. Update... I just had a pop-up ad jump up on screen as I was back-paging. Not an ad for BMW, but an ad for dining experience. It had nothing to do with geocaching.com... it did display a top-line banner stating Mozilla Firefox. Obviously, Firefox is the "culprit" in this instance. Perhaps this is what the OP is seeing....
  22. There's another thread about the pop-up BMW ads, written in German. It seems to be more than an isolated event.
  23. Hi, seit gestern habe ich auf GC.com ein Problem mit einem ziemlich hartnäckigen und nervigen Werbepopup von BMW. Ich bin PM und würde daher erwarten, sowas gar nicht erst zu bekommen. Aber jedes Mal, wenn auf der Seite diese dusselige BMW-Werbung kommt, dann ploppt mir auch ein neuer Tab vor der ganzen GC-Seite auf. Hat das noch wer von Euch? Wenn ja, wäre es schön, wenn ihr euch auch in folgendem Thread melden könntet. http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php?showtopic=309119&st=0 Ich fürchte nämlich, daß das ein spezifisches deutsches Problem sein könnte, da das BMW-Ad auf deutsch ist und über Google Ads zugesteuert wird. Aber wenn's in Deutschland nicht nur ein Einzelfall ist, sondern viele betrifft, machen sie vielleicht was. LG Atti
  24. Hi, maybe this ad is something that happens unintentionally because of the use of the google ads. The ad is a German ad - so this might only happen to German customers. (BMW) I don't think it's malware. They typically send you porn ads. Nevertheless it's a problem over here. Regards Atti
  25. Hi, I'm Premium Member and yesterday was the first time that I got an automatic advertising popup (BMW). Again and again. I open my manage lists site and this BMW-Ad launches a popup window that puts itself in front of my Groundspeak content. Please make the popups at least for PMs go - in fact you already got paid for the use of the site. Thank you ErikSi
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