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  1. Well, I did find that Costco has the 64x for $199 which is a great price. Most of the 60csx's are going for $130-150 on ebay, so I may as well spend a little more and get a new one! I did use my new phone and Locus to find a cache today, and it was one I'd looked for twice before, so I was happy to finally find it. The Pixel 4a 5G works well even in the trees. My old phone, a Samsung Galaxy J7 Crown (a cheap straight talk version) did not, and I had been pretty far off before. Thanks again everyone for all the discussion and assistance. My daughter and I are looking forward to doing more caching this year and I think we're already off to a good start. Oh, and one of the goals this year: dispersed camping in the Olympic National Forest. And wouldn't you know, several spots are marked in Locus, I'm guessing by others users. Very cool, and worth the cost of entry by itself!
  2. Wait a minute. It says "that negatively affects society" and not "that made the society change something". A disaster doesn't necessarily have the effect that the society changes something. What do they do after an earthquake? The accident negatively affected society by killing several people. And maybe they haven't changed traffic patterns (as if that would stop a drunken driver), but at least they created that memorial to maybe make some people think before they enter their car with alcohol in their blood. Edited to add: It's not that easy to find photos of these memorials for Europeans (the provided link doesn't work here), but finally I saw them in a video I found. Now that I have seen them, I would also suggest the Citizen Memorial category, because the plaques don't even mention the accident, but instead talk about the killed persons.
  3. I might never have met them and have no idea who they are or how to find them to talk to them. It might not even be in my country. That could be considered storking too. Besides, I consider the comments written in a log as 'talking' to the CO. It's like the old fashioned letter that 'talked' to the recipient. I read my logs and take them seriously. If the coordinates were regularly being mentioned as off I would investigate. I don't need someone to track me down and talk to me, even at events. If they waited to do that and not write what was wrong in a log, I would find that very strange and unhelpful, as I should have been told earlier. If it's only one person's comments, say the coordinates are out, that might not be enough to go on (although that is affected by how experienced they are), but after several comments, time to act and go check those coordinates. I found several caches recently by a CO whose coordinates were often out. It was not only me mentioning this, but others too. After I logged NM explaining the problem, the CO checked and did a OM, saying log and cache good. That wasn't what the NM was about, but the off coordinates. I messaged the CO and explained the problem again (politely). They said they would check this. Nothing has changed. The coordinates are still not fixed. I don't want this archived, so am not going to log a NA. Besides, I find that sort of rude if the person is at least looking after the cache and log. People are still mentioning the cache is not being found at GZ.
  4. I ran into some technical issues when I tried to post this before so this may be a duplicate post. Please ignore and remove this one if it is. Thanks. ================================ Hi there - I'm trying to put out a cache that has a picture but I want the picture to be a surprise so that people only see it when they click on the right link. However when I upload the picture to the actual cache, it shows up in the gallery and is listed at the bottom of the description as well. I don't want it to be visible there (or anywhere else ideally). Is there a "official" solution to hiding the picture somehow? As far as I know you're not allowed to use 3rd party hosting sites any more so I didn't even bother trying. I've also read some forum posts that talk about adding the picture to an archived cache instead and then using a link for it in my new cache but my concern is the picture is still "visible" in that archived cache. People could come across it accidentally there (or maybe on purpose). Is there any other options out there or is there a setting somewhere that hides pictures from the gallery and the cache description listing? I was thinking about maybe loading the picture into my unpublished archived cache because, as far as I know, no one else can see those caches, but I can't edit those archived caches to add any pictures. Plus I'm not sure if the website will allow other people to see those pictures anyways. ie I'd be able to see the picture because I have rights or permissions to my unpublished caches but no one else does. I also considered loading pictures via a Reviewer Note on my new cache and linking to them from there. Those Reviewer Notes get "removed" when the cache is published but do any pictures associated to those logs get deleted too? Or would the links keep working? It's hard to test all these things out obviously so I'm hoping someone knows the more official way of doing this. I don't want to implement something that may suddenly break a few years later either when GS changes a policy, like the 3rd party hosting thing. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  5. I said talk to the CO, not post yet another log. Your initial note made it sound to me more like you've occasionally run into COs that made a mistake, not that you were talking about COs that willfully and regularly post bad coordinates. So I suggested you focus more on fixing the CO so he doesn't keep doing that instead of focusing on getting each individual cache archived which you'll be doing the rest of your life if the CO isn't educated. My experience is just the reverse. First, COs normally post good coordinates so it doesn't come up very often. More often than not, it's the person complaining that has the bad coordinates. Second, when there really is a problem, the COs in my area will quickly adjust the coordinates. That's why I'm suggesting you teach your COs to be more like mine. Now if a CO is clearly making a game of posting bad coordinates, refusing to listen to reason, and deleting any logs that post the correct coordinates, then feel free to talk to the reviewer about them. GS will be interested if they insist on breaking the rules on purpose.
  6. I'm kinda disappointed by the answers you're getting. Yes, of course it's fine to talk to the CO and ask if he'd like some help or even let you take over the area. All I can imagine is that the other people responding to your OP think you're going to say, "Hey, your caches suck, and I demand you archive them." But, naturally, you're just going to politely talk it over with him and work with him to make the geocaching in that area better for everyone. Sure, you do something like that in a rude way if you try hard enough, but it's not inherently rude or offensive, and any reasonable CO should be happy to hear the input.
  7. First, have a hard talk with yourself about what you're really complaining about. Is it really that bad? For example, when you complain about parking, are you just being car centric because there's a perfectly good sidewalk that goes past the cache? One you really have a good understand of what the true problems are you're worried about, then just talk to them. Not as adult vs. teenager, but just as friends that geocache. A lecture about forgetting a pen won't be effective, but good natured ribbing about making this mistake over and over might pay off. Don't say you can't have a cache without parking, but point out that it looks difficult and dangerous to get there, and ask about how they suggest safely looking for the cache. Maybe they have a way, maybe that didn't think about that problem, but either way, they'll start thinking about the issue in the future. Don't bother with the anomalies in finding each other's caches. If you think they're being cheesy, go ahead and express your opinion, but there's no reason to make a big deal out of some dubious finds and insider FTFs. You're right to be worried about how they're approached, though, so I encourage you to step right in. It's become far too common for people to see any situation as being a slight against them, and that would drive a "mentor" to go into the conversation with a goal of forcing them to do it The Right Way instead of helping them see the issues and come to their own conclusions about how to best interact with the rest of the community.
  8. Groundspeak has always forbidden the use of alternate listing services. The most they have been willing to do is look the other way as long as the cartridges were cross-listed on their site and the cache listings didn't mention anything concerning the Wherigo Foundation: player apps, builders, and the listing service itself. Nothing outside of the iPhone app, of which Groundspeak acquired an interest, can be mentioned on a geocache listing. This has been true in 2009, close to when the first player app came out, and it's still true now. This is also one of the reasons that development of Wherigo Foundation initiatives has slowed: if Groundspeak is taking such a passive-aggressive approach, why put in time on a development project? That's especially true of the Wherigo Foundation listing service: since I could be asked to take it down at any moment, putting in additional time into advanced features might make it even more popular and result in its demise from a takedown request--and that wouldn't help both sides, Groundspeak and the community. True, I don't believe Groundspeak has a legal standing to demand such a thing, but not acquiescing to the request would forever prohibit the possibility of future cooperation. I spent years trying to get Groundspeak to acknowledge the Wherigo Foundation. Though I came close to it with a few drafts of a partnership agreement on the table, it just didn't seem like Groundspeak was genuinely interested in moving forward, much like it has been with Waymarking. Not once did they initiate any action on their side. The Wherigo Foundation site was made public to demonstrate it to Groundspeak as has remained public to demonstrate its stability and usefulness to the community. They know it exists and it's fine to leave public (the footer on the listing service site was created by Groundspeak, by the way). They also know the guidelines under which the reviewers are operating. I've always officially and unofficially stated a Wherigo geocache must link to a cartridge hosted on Wherigo.com. It's an interesting existence, isn't it? In short, the Wherigo Foundation is Fight Club. You do not talk about Fight Club. I usually try to avoid posting about this topic or answering questions because some people might think I have a conflict of interest on the matter. In fact, I can separate my roles just fine, and have my statements conflict with each other depending on the role I'm filling at that time. Yes, I have my own personal feelings on the matter. I'll sum it up by saying that if you feel it's a shame that you can't mention the Wherigo Foundation site on your cache listing, what must it feel like to people who have invested so much time into creating these things and supporting the community only to have the rule being that people can't mention what they've created? My endgame was never to run Wherigo: it was to improve what it offers, grow the community, make it more enjoyable for all, and make the creation of content easier. If running it was the only way to reach those objectives, then fine, though I don't have the time to do it properly. Anyway, things have worn on over the years and dealing with the same things without the promise of improvement is really wearing me out. So, those are my feelings. Oh, but you're free to talk about Wherigo Foundation topics in this forum. Just like the old reviewer rule is that Wherigo Foundation things can't be mentioned in cache listings, the old 2009 rule is that they can be discussed in the forum. It boils down to that, back then, due to a situation that happened, I was given the unusual responsibility (for a moderator) of approving which third-party Wherigo sites and apps are discussed in Groundspeak's forum, without having to ask again. My own guideline on that is as long as it's noncommercial and doesn't negatively impact the community, it can be discussed. Much later, during a discussion with Groundspeak, we both added an amendment: though not forbidden, I should try not starting topics regarding the Wherigo Foundation listing service as this could be seen as a conflict of interest, though I've always been free to answer questions and contribute. And as I've explained in the past, the moderator role is seen as a public relations extension of Groundspeak, so being in the position I am with also starting the Wherigo Foundation movement, I need to make sure there isn't any confusion as to which role I'm acting under--community member, Wherigo Foundation member, geocacher, or moderator--lest there be confusion on Groundspeak's position. So that's most of the story. Half of the rest involves details and history and the other half is close enough to a non-disclosure agreement.
  9. Amazing. Just as we talk about it in this thread, I've got another finder in the process of working through it! You brought the cache some good luck by starting the thread! Will be interesting to see his log. Stage 4 is pretty easy since the distances really do call for driving, though it can certainly be done easily enough on a bicycle, so there's that to sort out if pedaling, I guess. As for power, it's a secret! Stage one is a particular power hog due to distance between xmitter and posted coordinates, and propagation requirements. The others employ high gain (very directional) antenna systems.
  10. Not quite true. Groundspeak actively pushes the FTF prize on a very regular basis as one of the benefits of buying premium membership. They talk about it in mailings, sure. But they never talk about rules. They just say it's when you find "that clean, unsigned logbook...". And that's just external affairs/outreach talk--show me where Groundspeak outlines anything specific about a FTF "prize" (especially in the guidelines, or with an official mention or validity with, say, a statistic on your profile) beyond mention in some emails. Back to my popcorn. Of course they never talk about rules - why would they? Their sole purpose in pushing FTF hard in their, what was it again? external affairs? outreach talk? Is purely to dangle the carrot in a bid to tempt more individuals to hand over cold, hard cash in return for a shot at the prize of that clean, unsigned logbook... Groundspeak actively pushes the FTF prize on a very regular basis as one of the benefits of buying premium membership. Enjoy your popcorn. Well, yeah... It's a business afterall... There are no rules, we can all admit that. Groundspeak mentions it on the blog or in weekly mailers, yes. That's the outreach/external affairs side of things. Then there's the internal affairs of programming, financial, daily operations, the store... Someone with a job to promote the game on Geocaching.com is doing just that: promoting geocaching on Geocaching.com, which includes the option to get some cool features if you sign up for a premium membership! They may not be too worried about a few angsty people battling out over dictionary definitions and chicken-and-egg scenarios in the forums, and therefore only trouble themselves with the simple, general aspects of the FTF side-game. Groundspeak is aware that the "FTF" is a well-established side game, and that it is practiced all over the world. Being FTF can be fun, and the race to get there first can be a hoot. It can also cause a ton of anxiety, as I can see oozing from your posts. Sheesh...settle down! Who brought the butter? I seem to need more for my popcorn. Oh, wait...
  11. Not quite true. Groundspeak actively pushes the FTF prize on a very regular basis as one of the benefits of buying premium membership. They talk about it in mailings, sure. But they never talk about rules. They just say it's when you find "that clean, unsigned logbook...". And that's just external affairs/outreach talk--show me where Groundspeak outlines anything specific about a FTF "prize" (especially in the guidelines, or with an official mention or validity with, say, a statistic on your profile) beyond mention in some emails. Back to my popcorn. Of course they never talk about rules - why would they? Their sole purpose in pushing FTF hard in their, what was it again? external affairs? outreach talk? Is purely to dangle the carrot in a bid to tempt more individuals to hand over cold, hard cash in return for a shot at the prize of that clean, unsigned logbook... Groundspeak actively pushes the FTF prize on a very regular basis as one of the benefits of buying premium membership. Enjoy your popcorn.
  12. As of Thursday, stats showed that there were 7 more geocaches with the Challenge Cache attribute than mystery caches with "challenge" in the title. That spread has reduced month over month (we track it every month on the Challenge Talk podcast) and this is the closest they've been yet; but it shows that there are either non-challenge caches incorrectly tagged with the attribute, or valid challenge caches without "challenge" in the title.
  13. That seems to be more for inappropriate placements, though I don't know what happens after I enter my email address and select Other as the problem - whether it then gives me a text field I can explain the problem. However unlike normal caches where you can see there are a few other DNFs (so it isn't just me suffering cache blindness on the day) you don't know if you are just being stupid or if there is really a problem, unless of course you talk to others in the local community who may have run up against the same problem (as was the case with this one with the missing sign). Side note - in this case the CO has provided the answer in the question temporarily until he can get there next weekend and pick another sign, so it's not a problem here. But as ALs get abandoned by owners who lose interest I can see it could be.
  14. Don't spoil it, but after reading a bunch of articles, and looking at various pictures, I still don't know what to look for when it's time to look for it. Will it be a readable, identifiable tracking number (as a typical 6-digit/letter Tracking Code), or is it a puzzle to first "decode" which then reveals an official Tracking Code? How do I know what to look for when "the image" is published? Or is that also a secret? This may have been answered, but I scrolled through 4 pages of this thread, and read the TB page, and didn't see an explanation. External news articles that talk about all the "Easter eggs" say the image on the target (and I think they are more confused than I am) is "a Geocache" or "geocaching", if the article mentions it at all. EDIT: Nevermind. I tried an obvious thing, and it looks like it will be tough to be more specific without spoiling the surprise. But it sure brings up some questions, so I'll be back later.
  15. Ah, merci bien pour l'information! But can we talk English now, please? How did you do that - quote my English spoken post in French? :-) This one looks difficult if many leaves (or snow) are covering the ground. This might explain the many DNFs. I don't know why you have used the snow attribute here ("availabe in winter" doesn't match the picture too perfectly - with the snow flake it should be "available with snow"). I don't think you have good chances to find the cache if it is covored in snow. Keystone has given you the right information - the mail was sent before your log - but I still think you could use the (wrongly sent?) mail to rethink the cache. Or do you want a found it quote lower than 50 percent? If not there are several ways to help the cachers finding it, give a hint for example? That's a nice spot in the forest and I hope it doesn't get destroyed by the non-finders searching this hide. Micro without hint in the forest....
  16. I assumed Tahoe Skier5000 was worried about what happens when the battery's lifetime is up, not what happens when the fixed source of power runs out and needs to be recharged. He says the battery is not replaceable, but you say you can carry spare AAs. How does that work? The specs on garmin.com don't talk about AA batteries. My 66st would have been a brick if I couldn't replace the lithium batteries when the first set faded out after a year. Well, I suppose I could use it with a wire running to an external battery in my pocket, but I think I might have given up geocaching if that was my only option.
  17. Hey, I found a thread you can talk about quantity & quality I am pretty sure the discussion would fit better in it Thanks
  18. Can we just remember that there are people who love "quality geocaches" as well as people who love "quality time". Some won't prioritize a "quality geocache container" but a "quality location" or a "quality time with friends". Flip the table and you may have people criticizing someone who puts a long multi around a trail system when there could be multiple geocaches. Who should have higher priority? Neither. Because both are enjoyed and both are allowable. Find a place that works for the kind of cache you like, while also realizing that if you place a cache for an experience you like you may well be removing the option for a cache experience someone else likes that you don't. (and I'm not arguing for numbers - I have one of those single-cache-that-takes-up-a-trail-system caches; only arguing for remembering that people like different things (as we all know) but how we talk about people who like different things really sets a tone for the community.
  19. Ultimately, since it'll likely involve a listing on geocaching.com, this is up to your reviewer. As for just a Wherigo cartridge alone, there's no issue: it's not for sale, no one is making money off it, and it's fair use. I brought that up as a question with Groundspeak in 2008, and their stance at the time was only reactionary, meaning they'd only do something if copyright holders contacted them. So I suggest asking your reviewer. If it proves a problem to get a cache published, you could leave off the name "Gruffalo" and say this story is based on a book. As a geocacher, I've found caches based on and that talk about books, movies, TV, and so on, but heard talk of people having trouble mentioning things like the Little Free Library (though I've found caches on, in, and around them). Go figure.
  20. Absolutely. The puzzle could be connecting to the wifi then visiting a URL by ip address which serves a website. (or who knows what other experiences could be provided by that sandboxed wifi) 100% feasible! I'm the developer of a couple of web based applications that use a web server and browser but are intended to be used without (or very limited) internet access. One of them has been installed in hundreds of research locations around the world, exclusively in developing countries. Another similar project is something called SolarSpell (https://solarspell.org/) that basically a solar powered digital library that can be built (instructions are on the web site) by a local institution in a developing country. I've met with the the developer of the project several times to talk about some potential collaboration.
  21. I thought you asked for our opinions because you recognized there were other valid opinions. But apparently you were just hoping we'd give you ammunition. The way you handled it in the logs, you told the CO he was wrong, and then kept insisting he was wrong and there was no room for him to be right after he clearly demonstrated his contrary opinion by not changing anything. You're done here. Time to move on. Repeating it over and over -- never mind the bold -- told the CO you weren't going to take "no" for an answer. Things escalated from there, and now you've made an enemy for no good reason. I'm sure appeals (i.e., "HQ") would reinstate your log since I can't imagine them coming down against a legitimate find, but I suggest that instead of asking them to, you just talk to the CO, both to make sure he agrees where your opinions differ and to apologize for being so insistent. Then ask for permission to relog the caches if you don't talk about the size. As I said in my initial response, I might mention the size seeming wrong to me in one or two of the logs, but now that you're in this situation, you should just drop it. I think you've forfeited your right to mention your opinion about the size. The basic problem here -- and I'm seeing this more and more often -- is you seeing the CO as an enemy combatant instead of a friend who hid a cache for you. Is there any chance you can take him out for a beer or meet him at an event to have a friendly discussion about container sizes? Figure out where he's coming from, and see if you can accept his opinion as valid for his caches and let him try to convince you it's valid for other caches. Maybe he really is trying to inflate the value of his caches -- kinda hard to imagine in this day and age, frankly -- and, if so, see if you can change his mind about that, perhaps. Naturally you want to make sure he understands the impact on you and others like you when you thought there'd be room for swag and there wasn't. Maybe he hasn't consider that.
  22. For the same reason you do not stick to logging one type only? Would you be happy if you eat the same meal every day? Sorry to say, but it almost sounds like you are against a level playing field? As was mentioned, some prefer one type over another, and that right there should be enough! To be honest, I feel a remark like that can only come from someone who sits neck deep in geocaching luxury and is spoiled for choice with no reason to complain about anything. Your remark about quality also suggests we do not have quality caches, somewhat arrogant and not appreciated! According to your profile, you are located in Germany (beautiful country btw), more specifically Karlsruhe, I could not help but notice that you have about as many caches in a radius of 8km as we have in entire Malaysia, an area of 330.800 km². I do not know how many active players Germany has, be we have about a dozen only, half of them expats (read: temps), please refer to the geocaching map for detail. Before you say, "place more caches" , another thing I have noticed is that I have created twice the amount caches than you have. In any case, you definitely get more out of the game as a seeker! Before the virtual rewards we had only 1 virtual, nothing else. When Virtual Rewards 1.0 came out, exactly 2 were dropped in Asia. Only 0.1% had landed outside North America and Europe! We had to remind HQ that the world is larger than that! They tried to correct the situation with Virtual Rewards 2.0, but yeah, you can't distribute caches when there are no players to distribute them to, right? If you want to check "geographic spread", feel free to check the distribution maps for virtuals and adventures! But the list goes on, no webcams, no mega/giga events, no reviewers or lackeys visiting with their pockets full of goodies, none of that. We do not run out for FTFs, we save the caches we have for the souvenir runs, and the demands for those are not always friendly to cachers in remote regions! You tackle me when I talk about cache diversity, and suggest to go for quality instead. About quality, we have spent years cleaning up the scene of zombie caches, and have brought up the quality of our game significantly! The number of caches has increased significantly too! We have also successfully lobbied for our country souvenir, we had articles published in newspapers, started social media, we handed out caches, promoted however and whenever possible! But... we're only a dozen strong, and we can only do so much! Any player has a limited reach, and can only realistically maintain a certain amount of caches. So why should we not ask HQ to look our way and ask for extra support? We are few, and virtual caches allow us to expand the game beyond our reach and personal limits. I doubt they will unlock the game to allow geocaching to grow unrestricted, but supplying virtual types to the few players who keep the game going outside North America and Europe, the same ones that allow HQ to keep touting the game as "global", that comes at no extra cost for HQ and should be a no-brainer. Mind you, because there are few cachers in Malaysia, most of the geocaching traffic, say 99%, comes from tourism, so we are not so much placing caches for ourselves, but for the many tourists (many Germans btw) that visit. Right now we suffer lockdown and restrictions, but while the game is going strong in Germany and is actually promoted as an outdoor activity, the game is flat on its behind in Malaysia since March 2020 and unfortunately it will be for some time to come. So excuse me if I suggest that HQ should invest more in the few players that currently keep the game going against all odds. As I so often say, we too are part of the game, and deserve more than the odd bone thrown, a bone for which we actually have to remind them (beg?) every so often. As NLBokkie mentioned a few posts ago, personal preferences are subjective, and of course quality caches are a must, but it would be good to be aware that not all countries bathe in geocaching luxury the way Germany does. And it is not because Germany has been served, and you have a distinct preference, that we have to settle for the standard cache types! If you look at the geocaching maps, any of them, it is clear that HQ should invest more virtuals in the countries that could use a leg up. As said, it cost them nothing, but it would make a huge difference on the map! If you know that there are cities with more virtuals and adventures than some continents, you really have to question "geographic distribution" as it is today. They love to refer to their own rules when it comes to "requests", but they seem to forget they also make the rules. In an effort to allow left behind countries a fair chance to catch up, why not handpick a few prominent cachers and supply them with 10-20 virtuals and a handful of adventures? More caches on the ground (virtuals tend to be reliable and have a longer lifespan), more chances to attract new players, ... do it right and everyone benefits! Cost for HQ to drop credits based on reviewer feedback is minimal, and requires good will more than anything else. Apologies for the long post, only because I care. Cheers!
  23. Even this, although a good rule of thumb, is not always the rule to follow. I found a cache a few weeks ago, nice big ammo can at the final of a Wherigo. It had visitors discover the TB's that were in it, but the TB's had been in there for nearly 2 years!!! I took all 4 of them, and didn't leave any; if it takes from April 2017 til January 2019 for someone to come along and grab them, I'd rather have it traveling with me for a month or two, taking photos, and gaining miles than just sitting in a cache for months on end, waiting for someone who can further its mission. Well, I claim that what you're saying you did was moving them, so I think you're following little-leggs rule. But I basically agree with you: the rule shouldn't talk about the absolute notion "soon", it should talk about whether you can move them sooner than they're likely to move if you leave them where they are. Clearly these four TBs were stuck, so almost anything would move them sooner than where they are. And I feel like, in general, that's true for any active cacher taking a TB from any given cache. The times I sometimes pause and leave some behind is when there are many TBs. In this day and age, it can take me a while to find 4 caches large enough to take a TB, so I'm more likely to leave a couple where they are under the theory that the next finder will be able to share the burden so all four TBs will move more quickly.
  24. I found out about this because you popped in on Geocache Talk one night and talked about it. I have a feeling that led to an increase of participants this year.
  25. Thank you, GeoGern, for the information. Here's your answer to the random question, Wumpus: Suppose you want to make a random number. Here's how to do it: Define a variable in the builder and call it whatever you want. I will call it "Random" for this example. Next, define whatever event you want that will be dependent upon the random number. For purposes of this example, I will keep it simple. This step will show you how to create a character who will give you a random number every time you talk to him/her. The character will then tell you if the number is low (<50) or high (>=50 to keep it simple). To create the character outlined above, to the following: Select "Characters", click "Add", and give the character a name. Next, look at the bottom right-hand corner under "Commands". Create one called "Talk". After that, click the "Events" tab and you will see "When talk occurs". Select it and click "New". -- I originally typed this post to display two message boxes, one to show the random number and one to tell if it is a higher or lower number. However, showing two message boxes one after another does not work well. It'll show the boxes, but the first will give way to the next without requiring user input. Instead, we'll create one message box to display and it will say the number AND if it is a higher or lower number. -- Let's first begin with defining PART of the message where the character tells you the number: -- Add an if-then-else block. In step one, select "Compare an Object" yadda-yadda-yadda. For each of the three arguments, in this order, specify the following: the Random variable, "Greater than or equal to", and the value 50. The line should now read "If Random Greater Than or Equal To 50". Click "OK". --We're back to the programming block screen. Highlight your if statement and click "Add an action". This is what happens if Random is greater than or equal to 50. Select "Show a message to the player" and make the message say " is a higher number" (space included). Now, create another message to the user that will say " is a lower number". Don't forget to highlight "else" before you click "Add an Action". Now, we're going to edit the code directly. Hacking time! Click "OK" until you're back to the main screen. Save your cartridge. You don't have to close it. Open your .lua cartridge file in Notepad. First, type the following line at the top of the file: requires "math" WARNING: You will have to insert the above statement manually after EVERY TIME you save your cartridge. It keeps losing that statement, which was the cause of my confusion. Odd, but it happens. Now, do a search for the string " is a higher number"--what you typed for the character to say to you. You will see the following: Wherigo.MessageBox{Text=[[ is a higher number.]],} Remember that variable you defined to hold the random number? Change the statement likewise to mimic the following: Wherigo.MessageBox{Text=Random .. [[ is a higher number.]],} In Lua, apparently, ".." is the equivalent to "&" in VB and "+" in C#. String concatenation. Do the same thing for the lower number. Look at your "if" statement and be sure it reads like mine. I didn't have an operator in mine and had to edit it: if Random >= 50 then And, now, the last step. Include the following code above "if" statement. This is what assigns the random number. The first digit is the lower bound and the second the upper bound of your random number. Both numbers are inclusive: it will return a 0 or 100 within the random number set. Feel free to use other variables if you'd like. Random = math.random(0,100) Save the file and reload it into the Wherigo Builder application, compile it to your machine, and run it in the emulator. Here's my test code. There are other things in it, but pay attention to the code under the function "function zcharacterRandomGuy:OnTalk()". Copy this to a new text file and name it "test3.lua". Using my file, which has a lot of other test junk in it, move the player's position to the closest zone, right off the road. You'll see a character listed called "Random Guy". Talk to the character multiple times to see different random numbers. From this example, you should now understand how to insert a random number into the code. If you have any other questions, it seems the Groundspeak crew are very eager to answer them. Compliments to them for treating us, the innovator market group, well. I'll be hanging out around here and will perhaps come out with a test open source cartridge for people to learn from it. Seems like I have another programming project other than the Statbar Modifier to work on. ================================================= ================================================= require "Wherigo" require "math" ZonePoint = Wherigo.ZonePoint Distance = Wherigo.Distance Player = Wherigo.Player -- #Author Directives Go Here# -- -- #End Author Directives# -- cartTest3 = Wherigo.ZCartridge() -- MessageBox Callback Functions Table used by the Builder -- cartTest3.MsgBoxCBFuncs = {} -- Cartridge Info -- cartTest3.Id="c183a2f5-6ec4-45c0-b164-6af81985f473" cartTest3.Name="Test 3" cartTest3.Description=[[A time trial along the trail]] cartTest3.Visible=true cartTest3.Activity="Puzzle" cartTest3.StartingLocationDescription=[[]] cartTest3.StartingLocation = ZonePoint(36.1423999945323,-79.8561833063761,0) cartTest3.Version=".01" cartTest3.Company="Ranger Fox Adventures, Ltd." cartTest3.Author="Ranger Fox" cartTest3.BuilderVersion="2.0.4704.3539" cartTest3.CreateDate="1/4/2008 3:43:54 PM" cartTest3.PublishDate="1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM" cartTest3.UpdateDate="1/4/2008 4:53:37 PM" cartTest3.LastPlayedDate="1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM" cartTest3.TargetDevice="PocketPC" cartTest3.TargetDeviceVersion="0" cartTest3.StateId="1" cartTest3.CountryId="2" cartTest3.Complete=false cartTest3.UseLogging=false -- Zones -- zoneParkingarea = Wherigo.Zone(cartTest3) zoneParkingarea.Id="52fa9078-04ca-4e40-8607-2c6d88cd3fba" zoneParkingarea.Name="Parking area" zoneParkingarea.Description=[[Park here]] zoneParkingarea.Visible=true zoneParkingarea.DistanceRange = Distance(-1, "feet") zoneParkingarea.ShowObjects="OnEnter" zoneParkingarea.ProximityRange = Distance(100, "feet") zoneParkingarea.AllowSetPositionTo=false zoneParkingarea.Active=true zoneParkingarea.Points = { ZonePoint(36.14225,-79.85592,0), ZonePoint(36.14243,-79.8558,0), ZonePoint(36.14272,-79.85629,0), ZonePoint(36.14259,-79.85649,0) } zoneParkingarea.OriginalPoint = ZonePoint(36.1422499974569,-79.8559166590373,0) zoneParkingarea.DistanceRangeUOM = "Feet" zoneParkingarea.ProximityRangeUOM = "Feet" zoneParkingarea.OutOfRangeName = "" zoneParkingarea.InRangeName = "" zonePlankbridge = Wherigo.Zone(cartTest3) zonePlankbridge.Id="2373f3e4-0eb3-4849-9450-db9c5f317962" zonePlankbridge.Name="Plank bridge" zonePlankbridge.Description=[[]] zonePlankbridge.Visible=false zonePlankbridge.DistanceRange = Distance(-1, "feet") zonePlankbridge.ShowObjects="OnEnter" zonePlankbridge.ProximityRange = Distance(10, "feet") zonePlankbridge.AllowSetPositionTo=false zonePlankbridge.Active=false zonePlankbridge.Points = { ZonePoint(36.14279,-79.8563,0), ZonePoint(36.14307,-79.85607,0), ZonePoint(36.14323,-79.85622,0), ZonePoint(36.14298,-79.85649,0) } zonePlankbridge.OriginalPoint = ZonePoint(36.1427833398183,-79.8562999725342,0) zonePlankbridge.DistanceRangeUOM = "Feet" zonePlankbridge.ProximityRangeUOM = "Feet" zonePlankbridge.OutOfRangeName = "" zonePlankbridge.InRangeName = "" zoneRailroadSign = Wherigo.Zone(cartTest3) zoneRailroadSign.Id="7cbfc5d9-094b-4cd6-a4ef-17a1bcbdf798" zoneRailroadSign.Name="Railroad Sign" zoneRailroadSign.Description=[[]] zoneRailroadSign.Visible=false zoneRailroadSign.DistanceRange = Distance(-1, "feet") zoneRailroadSign.ShowObjects="OnEnter" zoneRailroadSign.ProximityRange = Distance(10, "feet") zoneRailroadSign.AllowSetPositionTo=false zoneRailroadSign.Active=false zoneRailroadSign.Points = { ZonePoint(36.15314,-79.855,0), ZonePoint(36.15305,-79.85531,0), ZonePoint(36.1533,-79.8555,0), ZonePoint(36.15349,-79.85524,0) } zoneRailroadSign.OriginalPoint = ZonePoint(36.1531333287557,-79.8549999872843,0) zoneRailroadSign.DistanceRangeUOM = "Feet" zoneRailroadSign.ProximityRangeUOM = "Feet" zoneRailroadSign.OutOfRangeName = "" zoneRailroadSign.InRangeName = "" zoneAquifinaArea = Wherigo.Zone(cartTest3) zoneAquifinaArea.Id="94701d65-d574-44ff-a8a4-d45dd5e48944" zoneAquifinaArea.Name="Aquifina Area" zoneAquifinaArea.Description=[[]] zoneAquifinaArea.Visible=false zoneAquifinaArea.DistanceRange = Distance(-1, "feet") zoneAquifinaArea.ShowObjects="OnEnter" zoneAquifinaArea.ProximityRange = Distance(10, "feet") zoneAquifinaArea.AllowSetPositionTo=false zoneAquifinaArea.Active=false zoneAquifinaArea.Points = { ZonePoint(36.15193,-79.85451,0), ZonePoint(36.15215,-79.85462,0), ZonePoint(36.15208,-79.85485,0), ZonePoint(36.1518,-79.85459,0) } zoneAquifinaArea.OriginalPoint = ZonePoint(36.1519333362579,-79.8545166651408,0) zoneAquifinaArea.DistanceRangeUOM = "Feet" zoneAquifinaArea.ProximityRangeUOM = "Feet" zoneAquifinaArea.OutOfRangeName = "" zoneAquifinaArea.InRangeName = "" -- Characters -- zcharacterRandomGuy = Wherigo.ZCharacter{Cartridge=cartTest3, Container=zoneParkingarea} zcharacterRandomGuy.Id="525cc893-ac19-4e1c-9bba-e87031422b94" zcharacterRandomGuy.Name="Random Guy" zcharacterRandomGuy.Description=[[]] zcharacterRandomGuy.Visible=true zcharacterRandomGuy.Gender="Male" zcharacterRandomGuy.Type="NPC" zcharacterRandomGuy.ObjectLocation = ZonePoint(36.1424918494855,-79.8561522764714,360) zcharacterRandomGuy.Commands = { Talk = Wherigo.ZCommand{Text="Talk", CmdWith=false, Enabled=true, EmptyTargetListText="Nothing available"}, } zcharacterRandomGuy.Commands.Talk.Custom = true zcharacterRandomGuy.Commands.Talk.Id="03330ea2-27d2-4242-92b2-33122efaee47" zcharacterRandomGuy.Commands.Talk.WorksWithAll = true -- Items -- zitemRandom = Wherigo.ZItem(cartTest3) zitemRandom.Id="5ac3fd70-474b-497d-b8d1-aa84678f6ba5" zitemRandom.Name="Random" zitemRandom.Description=[[]] zitemRandom.Visible=false zitemRandom.ObjectLocation = Wherigo.INVALID_ZONEPOINT zitemRandom.Locked = false zitemRandom.Opened = false zitemRandom.Commands = { GetRandom = Wherigo.ZCommand{Text="GetRandom", CmdWith=false, Enabled=true, EmptyTargetListText="Nothing available"}, } zitemRandom.Commands.GetRandom.Custom = true zitemRandom.Commands.GetRandom.Id="9d38f63f-760f-4fad-baeb-2a3e19ef9857" zitemRandom.Commands.GetRandom.WorksWithAll = true -- Tasks -- ztaskFindtheparkingarea = Wherigo.ZTask(cartTest3) ztaskFindtheparkingarea.Id="4259783b-c0c6-492b-9690-96456bd8bec9" ztaskFindtheparkingarea.Name="Find the parking area" ztaskFindtheparkingarea.Description=[[]] ztaskFindtheparkingarea.Visible=true ztaskFindtheparkingarea.Active=true ztaskFindtheparkingarea.Complete=false ztaskFindtheparkingarea.CorrectState = "None" ztaskFindrailroad = Wherigo.ZTask(cartTest3) ztaskFindrailroad.Id="a12be009-b3fe-40f4-9459-980b244dec34" ztaskFindrailroad.Name="Find railroad" ztaskFindrailroad.Description=[[]] ztaskFindrailroad.Visible=false ztaskFindrailroad.Active=false ztaskFindrailroad.Complete=false ztaskFindrailroad.CorrectState = "None" ztaskFindAquifinaarea = Wherigo.ZTask(cartTest3) ztaskFindAquifinaarea.Id="58653b15-4628-4d77-a6ae-f3a95420f32c" ztaskFindAquifinaarea.Name="Find Aquifina area" ztaskFindAquifinaarea.Description=[[]] ztaskFindAquifinaarea.Visible=false ztaskFindAquifinaarea.Active=false ztaskFindAquifinaarea.Complete=false ztaskFindAquifinaarea.CorrectState = "None" ztaskGettotheplankbridge = Wherigo.ZTask(cartTest3) ztaskGettotheplankbridge.Id="59095708-f9e8-466e-8ef5-0cb5f689ac34" ztaskGettotheplankbridge.Name="Get to the plank bridge" ztaskGettotheplankbridge.Description=[[]] ztaskGettotheplankbridge.Visible=false ztaskGettotheplankbridge.Active=false ztaskGettotheplankbridge.Complete=false ztaskGettotheplankbridge.CorrectState = "None" -- Cartridge Variables -- Random = 0 TimerExpired = false cartTest3.ZVariables = {Random = 0, TimerExpired = false} -- Builder Variables (to be read by the builder only) -- buildervar = {} buildervar.Random = {} buildervar.Random.Id ="763ea73a-b54f-4ac2-bf1c-a5d230b4f292" buildervar.Random.Name = "Random" buildervar.Random.Type = "Number" buildervar.Random.Data=[[0]] buildervar.Random.Description=[[]] buildervar.TimerExpired = {} buildervar.TimerExpired.Id ="0dfd5fe7-7c9d-4d09-b9b4-9a6fd9e61da3" buildervar.TimerExpired.Name = "Timer Expired" buildervar.TimerExpired.Type = "Flag" buildervar.TimerExpired.Data=[[False]] buildervar.TimerExpired.Description=[[]] -- ZTimers -- ztimerStopwatch = Wherigo.ZTimer(cartTest3) ztimerStopwatch.Id="2d6873df-7ed9-4608-88d7-4768c6b35ac4" ztimerStopwatch.Name="Stopwatch" ztimerStopwatch.Description=[[]] ztimerStopwatch.Visible=true ztimerStopwatch.Duration=600 ztimerStopwatch.Type="Countdown" -- Inputs -- -- -- Events/Conditions/Actions -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------Builder Generated functions, Do not Edit, this will be overwritten------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function zoneParkingarea:OnEnter() -- #GroupDescription=Enter the parking area -- -- #Comment=Enter the parking area Comment -- ztaskFindtheparkingarea.Complete = true Wherigo.MessageBox{Text=[[You found the parking area. Now, go to the railroad sign.]],} zoneRailroadSign.Active = true ztaskFindrailroad.Active = true zoneRailroadSign.Visible = true ztaskFindrailroad.Visible = true zoneRailroadSign.Visible = true Random = math.random(0,100) end function zoneRailroadSign:OnEnter() -- #GroupDescription=Player enters the railroad zone -- -- #Comment=Player enters the railroad zone Comment -- Wherigo.MessageBox{Text=[[Good. You found the railroad sign. Now, find the Aquifina rest stop.]],} ztaskFindrailroad.Complete = true ztaskFindAquifinaarea.Active = true zoneAquifinaArea.Active = true zoneAquifinaArea.Visible = true ztaskFindAquifinaarea.Visible = true end function zoneAquifinaArea:OnEnter() -- #GroupDescription=Enter the Aquifina area -- -- #Comment=Enter the Aquifina area Comment -- ztaskFindAquifinaarea.Complete = true zonePlankbridge.Active = true zonePlankbridge.Visible = true ztaskGettotheplankbridge.Visible = true ztaskGettotheplankbridge.Active = true Wherigo.MessageBox{Text=[[Great! Now, it's a time attack to the plank bridge. You have ten minutes.]],} end function zoneAquifinaArea:OnExit() -- #GroupDescription=Exit the Aquifina zone -- -- #Comment=Exit the Aquifina zone Comment -- ztimerStopwatch:Start() zoneAquifinaArea.Active = false zoneAquifinaArea.Visible = false end function ztimerStopwatch:OnTick() -- #GroupDescription=Timer expires -- -- #Comment=Timer expires Comment -- TimerExpired = true Wherigo.MessageBox{Text=[[Too late!]],} ztaskGettotheplankbridge.Complete = false end function zonePlankbridge:OnEnter() -- #GroupDescription=Enter the plank bridge -- -- #Comment=Enter the plank bridge Comment -- if ztimerStopwatch.Duration > 0 then Wherigo.MessageBox{Text=[[Great! Good job.]],} ztaskGettotheplankbridge.Complete = true end end function cartTest3:OnStart() -- #GroupDescription=Start cartridge -- -- #Comment=Start cartridge Comment -- zoneParkingarea.Active = true zoneParkingarea.Visible = true ztaskFindtheparkingarea.Active = true ztaskFindtheparkingarea.Visible = true end function zoneRailroadSign:OnExit() -- #GroupDescription=Exit railroad sign - hide the railroad stuff -- -- #Comment=Exit railroad sign - hide the railroad stuff Comment -- zoneRailroadSign.Visible = false zoneRailroadSign.Active = false end function zitemRandom:OnGetRandom() -- #GroupDescription=Get random number -- -- #Comment=Get random number Comment -- Random = math.random(0,100) end function zcharacterRandomGuy:OnTalk() -- #GroupDescription=Talk to random guy -- -- #Comment=Talk to random guy Comment -- Random = math.random(0,100) if Random >= 50 then Wherigo.MessageBox{Text=Random .. [[ is a higher number.]],} else Wherigo.MessageBox{Text=Random .. [[ is a lower number.]],} end end ------End Builder Generated functions, Do not Edit, this will be overwritten------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------Builder Generated callbacks, Do not Edit, this will be overwritten------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --#LASTCALLBACKKEY=0#-- ------End Builder Generated callbacks, Do not Edit, this will be overwritten------ -- #Author Functions Go Here# -- -- #End Author Functions# -- -- Nothing after this line -- return cartTest3
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