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  1. I don't see why a difficult-to-qualify challenge should necessarily be a hard-to find cache. I have two challenges (https://coord.info/GC3WXTT, https://coord.info/GC4FED2) - both pre-moratorium, and neither allowed under the current guidelines! The D-ratings are both high, to reflect the difficulty of the challenges, but as Trads, they'd probably be D1.5 (or less). Their T-ratings are low - neither are more than 200 m from a reasonable parking spot. I'd say that the hides, whilst unexciting, are consistent with the sorts of caches that people are likely to use for qualification. Sorry, I was just thinking out loud trying to get my head around why there's a problem in places that needs challenge caches to be optionally converted into traditionals. I guess there are classes of challenges like streaks and calendar ones where there's no correlation between the difficulty of the challenge and the difficulty of accessing/finding the cache.
  2. I don't see why a difficult-to-qualify challenge should necessarily be a hard-to find cache. I have two challenges (https://coord.info/GC3WXTT, https://coord.info/GC4FED2) - both pre-moratorium, and neither allowed under the current guidelines! The D-ratings are both high, to reflect the difficulty of the challenges, but as Trads, they'd probably be D1.5 (or less). Their T-ratings are low - neither are more than 200 m from a reasonable parking spot. I'd say that the hides, whilst unexciting, are consistent with the sorts of caches that people are likely to use for qualification.
  3. Not so much an irk but it could be if it happened more: Easy traditional with a first DNF on May 2nd and another one on May 7th. The CO checks the cache a day later and TD's it as the container is gone stating container will be replaces ASAP. July 7th (after 2 months) a reviewer posts a standard note asking the CO to solve the problem or at least post an update. The same day the CO posts a note "Sorry that this is the way you communicate, cache will be removed since you're so impatient (I suspect they mean the listing as the container has been gone for 2 months). Cache is archived by the CO at the same time. CO is not a newbie (started in 2015) but only found about 200 traditionals and also placed one. Makes me wonder, what did they expect? No reviewer action after 2 months? Why not post a note they are "working on it" that would buy them another month.
  4. No and that's the problem we are talking about. At the moment some challenges are published - some are good, some are not so good. If - and only if - we are right and more challenges will be published especially by those who just want the new icon, what do you think? Will the new ones be good or bad challenges? Will they be creative? Or will they be "Oh, I need any idea, let's look at my statistics, what do I fulfill?" Just another example: In the North of my home town there is a challenge to find 3700 caches at (on?) a friday. The owner has found 37xx caches and the owner's best friend has 37xx as well. Is this a useful challenge for everyone? (I don't even have 1000 caches found at that day of the week. :-)) And now just imagine others looking at there statistics and choosing anything: find 3000 traditionals, find 200 traditionals in one day, find 50 mystery caches in one week, find more than 2000 caches in a year, find 1000 D5 caches, find..... There are plenty of possibilities but non of those challenges are creative. And they will be less creative if we are right. Here are challenges from the very beginning and in those days they were very creative: fill up the 81 matrix; fill up the 366 matrix. Nowadays those challenges are everywhere.....
  5. I have well over that number now! More than 200 emails. And I switched off email notifications and they STILL keep coming. This is not just insanity - I can barely see my regular email now amongst all the spam!!!!!
  6. Sounds fun. I looked on the site and saw it's one code for the entire deck. It's good that they let you keep it. It'd be weird with 100-200 cards (depending on your "best deal") with the same code everywhere otherwise...
  7. "seems like a good way to get a free travel bug and keep the hardware". What does this even mean ? Thanks. Because I noticed you moved another's trackable (TB9A85P) into your collection , and wondering if you mean it... The few trackables seen in caches these days, even a crinkled piece of paper with the code is something... That's not cheating. There's nothing dishonest or "unfair" about using a proxy. The poker chips and wooden coins I mentioned earlier were proxies of real coins. Sorry, I thought you understood that... What's a "physical copy" ? We've done this a while. I know of one person who's still releasing coins. Maybe it's different where you are. Most our coins are 10 bucks n up. The other 2/3rds has around a dozen "missing". That leaves 300+ that are gonna stay home... I have almost 200 myself now. All are staying home. I'm putting unactivated "signature" coins in caches I like as swag, rather than just lose them to some trackable maggot.
  8. Text and [n/varchar fields are stored differently. Text is there specifically to handle bulk text over 4000 characters. They both have benefits and drawbacks, as I mention in my comment. MS put the threshold at 4000 because that was to them a reasonable threshold to balance fast/small with slow/large. You wouldn't create a 200 character field as a text type, and you can't create an 8000 character field as a varchar/nvarchar. As a datasystems developer that's my best understanding. A UI/UX reason for limiting to 2500 instead of 400 feels extremely arbitrary. I would assume there was statistical research and data covering everything from internal network bandwidth to user-end bandwidth to server CPU and storage requirements provided before presenting 2500 as the limit, especially with a data system the size of GC.
  9. Just for the record, I completed the promotion today. It took me 29 finds to get the 200 points, with most being 7-point mysteries from puzzles I'd solved during the lockdown or earlier in the year. There were four 10-pointers from 10+ FP caches. The closest cache to home was at Cowan, 11km as the crow flies but 40km by road, the rest were up around Newcastle (100km by road), Eraring near Morisset (70km by road) and in the Watagan Mountains (70km by road).
  10. On a side note. My experience with fav points is that around 100-200 caches, where you are now, I felt starved for favorite points. I was finding all these cool caches that I liked and wanted to tag them as my favorites. As time went on, 2 things happen. 1) You're finding more caches and gathering more favorite points to use. 2) Your personal standards go up for what you consider a favorite, or you may fine-tune the types of caches you like finding most. Now, around 700 finds, I've got about 6 or 7 in reserve and I almost have to remind myself to give them out. I think the problem goes away over time. And if you take away a fav point from an archived cache, you can always go back and re-add it later once you get more.
  11. Dit is van toepassing op Nederland, maar in het Nederlandstalig forum zitten ook Vlamingen. Vlaanderen hoort bij België, waar de regels niet dezelfde zijn als in Nederland. Zo mag je bijvoorbeeld vandaag al in België een evenement voor max. 100 personen organiseren, vanaf 1 juli tot 200 personen. Je moet alleen rekening houden met de anderhalvemeterregel. Er zijn erg weinig GC-events in België die meer dan 100 aanwezigen halen (en die geen Mega zijn). Bovendien zou je voor een event perfect kunnen werken met "cirkels" van 10 - in België mag je nu al elke week met 10 personen van buiten je gezinsbubbel contact hebben. Die 10 mogen elke week andere zijn. Het weer is goed genoeg om iets in open lucht op poten te zetten, je kunt op de grond posities markeren in een cirkel voor 5 à 10 personen, met telkens 1,5 à 2 meter tussen, zodat je elkaar voldoende goed kunt horen. Eventuele volgende cirkels kun je dan telkens een tiental meter verder voorzien. Verder beperk je het event tot het minimum van 30 minuten. Is het bovenstaande aanvaardbaar? Een event indienen moet 3 weken vooraf, dus sowieso pas voor na 1 juli. EDIT 24/06/2020 > Niemand van de reviewers heeft tot nu toe gereageerd op dit bericht, daarom eerder een aanpassing dan een nieuw bericht. We zijn een week later en de volgende fase is zojuist aangekondigd door de Belgische regering: * Vanaf 1 juli wordt de "contactbubbel" (= buiten je gezinsbubbel) uitgebreid van 10 naar 15 personen per bubbel en per week. Dit mogen elke week 15 andere personen zijn * Voor evenementen geldt vanaf diezelfde datum: maximum 200 personen voor een evenement binnen, 400 voor buiten
  12. Da ist was dran und ich hätte von mir behauptet, dass ich bei meinen Caches da sehr drauf achte. Aber vor einigen Jahren hatte ich bei einem meiner eigenen Caches die Aufgabe gestellt, an einem Objekt abzulesen, wie viele Jahre eine Person an einer Uni studiert hat. Dort stand dann sinngemäß: "..studierte hier von 1700 bis 1750". Die Zahl, die zur weiteren Berechnung benötigt wurde, war also 50. Das war für MICH völlig klar, für etwa 200 Finder auch, bis dann ein Cacher loggte, dass er von 51 Jahren ausgegangen sei und deswegen natürlich die nächste Station nicht so ohne Weiteres gefunden hatte. Hmm, so ganz von der Hand weisen konnte ich die Argumentation nicht, glaube aber, dass ich alle anderen Cacher in die Irre geführt hätte, wenn ich von "51" ausgegangen wäre. Oder habe ich die doch in die Irre geführt und sie haben es nur nicht in ihr Log geschrieben? Wer weiß?! PS: Da das Objekt mit den Jahreszahlen sowieso demontiert wurde, hat sich das Problem in diesem Fall erledigt: Ich musste mir eh eine neue Aufgabe ausdenken.
  13. Also ich finde mich natürlich auch richtig toll, aber das ist eine Stufe der Selbstbeweihräucherung, auf die wäre ja nicht einmal ich gekommen!? Qualitätscacher sind dann Cacher, die ... Variante 1: ... einen Pinkeldosentrail aus 100 löchrigen Micro-Caches gelegt haben. Nach 1.000 Cache-Teams hat der Bonus 10% Favoritenquote. Qualitätscacher! Variante 2: ... zehn Finals aufwändiger und gut bewerteter Multi-Caches direkt angelaufen haben. Durch die Zeitersparnis, weil sie die Multi-Teile nicht lösen mussten, konnten sie problenlos so viele Caches auf einmal der gleichen beliebten Owner finden. Qualitätscacher! Variante 3: ... in ihren 200.000 Funden zufällig auch ein paar gut bewertete hatten. Natürlich befindet sich unter diesen gut bewerteten auch der Pinkel-Bonus aus Variante 1. Qualitätscacher! Variante 4: Das muss man nicht kommentieren. Wer Caches dieses Owners macht, wird automatisch zum Qualitätscacher. Komische Challenge.
  14. When seeking caches, I don't pay that much attention to the date last found, or date of last owner maintenance. It matters more what the last 3 or 4 logs were. I still use GPSr as my primary means of finding caches, and I use GSAK to feed caches to the GPSr. That has a useful stoplight interface: green for OM or found it, yellow for NM or NA, red for DNF or disabled. If the last 4 show up as green, or even if there is one yellow or red one in there, that's all I normally care about. If they're all yellow or red, I'm probably skipping that one. When hiding caches, I don't normally get a chance to keep them out more than a couple years before we move, so my owner maintenance is usually reactive - even our micro hides should be able to hold up for close to 200 finds before they need a new log (all hail the PET preform).
  15. Yesterday I tried to send some pictures via the Message Center, but it seems like there is a way too low size-limit (for me!). I've been told the limit is several MB but I can't send a small PNG of 371 kb!? Some other ones of less than 200 kb went through. And it's not because I try to send too many at a time. In that case you also get a warning. Here just nothing happens Is it a common problem or am I doing something wrong?
  16. Od roku latamy z taką 12m od Pana Rybki i nie narzekamy. Złowione mamy około 150-200 rybek a wędka nadal jak nowa, może nam się trafiła dobra sztuka. Niestety brak jakiejkolwiek alternatywy w podobnej kwocie, inne baty są dwa lub trzy razy droższe a nie wiadomo czy lepsze. Na powyższej fotce widać zieloną głowicę podpórki, warto ją podrasować. My rozgrzaliśmy ten zielony plastik aby można było go wyprofilować( poszerzyć ) oraz spłaszczyć końcówki, wkręciliśmy 7,5 cm blachowkręty, całość owinęliśmy taśmą izolacyjną a na koniec założyliśmy rurki termokurczliwe. Teraz to działa jak należy.
  17. I read from the top and saw: 1) Hide a geocache. Okay, I could probably do that, no problem. 2) Release a geocoin. Sure. 3) Attend a mega. Hmm, unlikely for me to attend a mega this year, but maybe a good challenge. 4) 1 million caches, what?! ... oh... OH... 200 pts, 5 pts/cache... I only need to find 40 caches in 7 months. Took me a second to realize that I was reading the TITLE of the souvenir, not the goal. I get that it's tough to do a promotion with what's going on in the world, but this is pretty bland. I enjoyed the Mystery at the Museum last year, at least it was something different.
  18. Memory Lane Souvenirs I took me a couple reads to understand the promotion. At first glance, I thought I'd get a souvenir for attending my first Mega. But no, I get a First Mega souvenir even though I've never attended a Mega event before. So far I'm not a big fan, but I do enjoy new promotions! At Geocaching HQ, we’re honored to be part of the worldwide community of adventure-seekers known as geocachers. As we continue through the 20th year of geocaching, we invite you to take a trip down Memory Lane to celebrate the community and the milestones that have made geocaching what it is today! We realize not everyone is able to go out caching right now so we are doing things a little different this year. Memory Lane will start on June 1st and be available all year long through January 3, 2021. Move through the Memory Lane game board by finding different geocache types to collect points and earn up to five new souvenirs! Memory Lane FAQs: What are the five souvenirs I can earn? First geocache hidden: 10 points First geocoin: 50 points First Mega-Event: 100 points First million geocaches hidden: 150 points 20 years of geocaching: 200 points How can I earn points? The maximum number of points you can earn for any cache log is 10 points. How do I participate? From June 1, 2020 through January 3, 2021, collect points by logging geocaches. Earn up to five new souvenirs by collecting 200 points during the promotion period. What about COVID-19? As the Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) situation is evolving rapidly around the world, we encourage geocachers to follow the most current guidance from public health authorities when choosing how to participate in activities such as geocaching. Your health and safety are the top priority. Our goal is to have a promotion that is both fun and safe. As such, we will continue to make any adjustments as needed so that the promotion is as inclusive as possible. Why does Memory Lane last the rest of the year? This extension of Memory Lane is to accommodate areas of the world that are facing stay-in-place mandates due to COVID-19, while also being accessible to those who can safely go geocaching. We hope this extension of Memory Lane will allow geocachers around the world the ability to participate in the promotion at a later date, without feeling pressure to go geocaching when it is not safe to do so. Can I join Memory Lane at any time? Of course! If you are not starting right away, you still have the chance to earn all five souvenirs as long as you collect enough points through January 3, 2021. Make sure to log your finds by January 6, 2021 noon UTC to earn souvenirs. Where can I see my souvenirs? As soon as you collect a certain number of points, the associated souvenir will automatically be awarded to your profile. The souvenirs appear on your profile on Geocaching.com and in the Geocaching® app under the souvenir tab. Is Memory Lane in the Geocaching® app? Memory Lane will temporarily be in the Geocaching® app starting with the beginning of Memory Lane on June 1, and will be accessible until January 11, 2021. Go to your profile and click on Memory Lane to see your progress in the Geocaching® app. Do Adventure Lab Caches count towards earning points? Yes! You will earn five points for each Adventure Lab Cache you find. Do points stack for an individual geocache find? Points do not stack. For each geocache find, you will earn the higher amount of points available. So for example, if you find a Mystery Cache (worth 7 points in Memory Lane) with over 10 Favorite points (worth 10 points in Memory Lane), you will receive 10 points total. My points aren’t correct, help! If you change a Write Note, DNF, or other log type to a Found it log, it will not be recognized in Memory Lane. You logged on Monday, June 1 before noon UTC (convert to your local time here). We suggest that you wait to log until AFTER Monday noon UTC – which in some places like New Zealand is Tuesday at midnight. Otherwise the points will not count for the first week. You saved a Draft on a Monday, June 1 before noon UTC. If you have already posted your logs, select “View / Edit Log / Images”, then click the pen icon and “Submit Log Entry” on the website. Your logs should now be counted towards your total. What does UTC stand for? Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is the basis for civil time today. It is the time standard (not a time zone) commonly used across the world. You can convert UTC to your local time here.
  19. Nice to see they are doing something to keep the 'idea' of geocaching active whether a region is open for easy geocaching activity or still locked down. Until January means most everyone should have a chance to earn these. I'd love if the 'lane' would continue long past the 200 points though, even if there aren't additional souvenirs. ... although that's pretty much just re-depicting the leaderboard at that point anyway. heh
  20. Most of us started out that way. I did have a GPSr from pretty close to the beginning (before that I used a car nav system to get me within about 50 meters or so) but it took me about a month to figure out about guardrail caches. Anyway, I figured out way I am getting such an inflex of newbies. Apparently some influencer in Japan posted about geocaching on his Tik Tok site and it has had about 200,000 views. As a result my local area is getting more visitors than it normally would during a long weekend despite all the corona precautions. Absolutely none of the cachers are regulars or experienced. I don't mind the finders so much but I am getting piles of messages which declare 'I found the cache' (but they never logged it either online or at site) or 'this is difficult give me a hint' (the cache has a hint that reads 'back of the drain pipe'). Fortunately, I have the time to respond to most of these messages.
  21. You may want to consider seeking out geocaches in remotes areas that are found rarely. I have found over 200 since the beginning of March and I was the first to find them this year (and some since last summer) about 90% of the time.
  22. 200 logs per year on one cache. That is amazing!
  23. THE LAST EARTH'S SHADOW BETWEEN NORTH AMERICA AND EUROPE SHOULD BE TONIGHT. As near as I can tell: May 15 pm-16 am - two passes are available Texas - 21:23 to Bordeaux, France, 04:44 to Sicily, 04:48. (I AM AVAILABLE AS A PARTNER IN TEXAS) San Diego, CA - 20:59 to West Coast of Portugal 05:21 (bluesnote should be available as a partner in California) May 16 pm - 17 am - One pass is available Tampico, Mexico to Brest, France 03:55 to Rome, Italy 03:59 (I AM AVAILABLE AS A PARTNER IN TEXAS) May 17 pm - 18 am - two passes are available Jacksonville, FL, 20:52 to Orleans, France, 02:09, to east coast of Italy 02:12 to Greece. Oklahoma City, OK, 21:27 to Madrid, Spain, 04:44. (Max and 99, and vulture1957 are available as partners in Oklahoma) There will be other passes available in the near future for which I have not checked. If you are within 200 miles (320 km.) of the flight path, you are probably within the 45° viewing area. For one pass or another, the viewing area includes all of Portugal, Spain, France, and Italy. It also includes the southern part of Great Britain and parts of other Countries to the North and East. You will have to determine which Pass is within your viewing area.
  24. I have found caches that have wandered away from where the CO placed it; up to hundreds of metres. I discovered one for instance, 200 metres away lying out in the middle of a paddock. Maybe an animal carried it there. It had no name on it, so I signed the log and hid it in a nearby stump and took the coordinates. Later on my computer, I was able to work out which cache it was and log my find. I gave the coordinates of where it was now. Should I log that, because I didn't go to GZ? What about puzzle and multicaches you stumble across accidentally without solving them? I have done that several times. I will sign any log I find. The last one was a puzzle cache sitting uncovered out in the open. I could see where it was likely to be hidden, and it was lucky I stumbled on it, as a muggle could have found it. I signed the log and re-hid it safely. I logged it online as I told how I had found it and that the cache and log were good and now safely hidden again. As far as I was concerned, I found (rescued) it and I should be able to log it. And if someone thinks I shouldn't log it because I didn't go to GZ, what about those COs who have the coordinates way out? You might find the cache, but it wasn't GZ. One can nitpick 'forever'.
  25. Seit 2 Monaten wurden hier (Lombardei) keine neuen Dosen gepublisht. Außerdem haben eine ganze Reihe Cacher ihre Dosen vorübergehend disabled. War ja auch egal, weil eh niemand sich mehr als 200 m von seinem Wohnsitz entfernen durfte. Seit gestern darf man nun wieder Spaziergänge und Sport im Freien machen. So habe ich eine Radtour unternommen, bei der ich auch an einem Cache vorbeikam. Deshalb konnte ich seit 2 Monaten zum ersten Mal wieder einen Cache suchen und finden. Hat Spass gemacht. Ein kleiner Schritt zurück zum alten Leben. Natürlich trug ich dabei eine Maske, die fast schon zur Gewohnheit geworden ist bei den Fahrten zum Einkaufen. Grüße an alle
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