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  1. I've never seen anything that bad, but I have no trouble imagining it. I suggest you talk to the new CO and mention how his inaccurate ratings have ruined your statistics. Point out to him that, like most geocachers, you aren't interested in meeting challenges using fake data.
  2. i'm on my 2nd garmin V with no end in site to my frustrations. After an initial download from CitySelect at a respectable 110 rate loading the full 19 megs in 45 minutes...the next download provides the error message...that "no gps is attached. Shut the gps on an off...shut the computer on and off, replace the cable...try another PC... but no luck. In the vehicle.. the unit works fine...my first Garmin V worked fine...however my first unit was sent back 3x before they replaced..the replacement has had the core module replaced once...but now it too has been "bewitched". Can anyone out there think of any ideas.. Garmin and i are at wits end...... Thanks, Bill
  3. I'm tired of getting little seeds and stickers stuck to my shoelaces. Has anyone found any shoelaces that are resistant to picking up these stickers? I'd like to replace my laces for the times I forget to bring my gaiters.
  4. If we are allowed to talk about our own "children", I would vote for Victoria Amazonica and Jaguar.
  5. Twice now someone's mentioned "OMG, you came down *that* in sneakers? So I'm convinced that I need to get some shoes... Not boots, shoes... I'm looking at REI now and see some spiffy cheapo shoes... Cool Shoes Do they really make a difference? Contents Under Pressure...
  6. What kind of tires do you use on your cachemobile?
  7. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1870855878 It would be a good way to get an ammo can...dont think I would go this route though.
  8. I don't think there's a need to skip over the identity of the person/category leader in question here. He's not an ogre, nor a mean and vindictive or vengeful person, just cantankerous, as many of us are becoming. For some reason he's just unwilling to come and say "Hi". I feel no antipathy toward him and I suspect that most people here feel likewise. They'd rather just have the opportunity to understand his point of view. I believe he's here, listening and watching right now. What say Possum Man? Could you come and talk to these people? Keith Addendum: OOPS!! I have been apprised that the Possum Man may not "come and talk to these people". Displaying my ignorance here. My apologies to all, including the Possum Man. OH CRAP - I've done it again. How do I get rid of the stuff below?!?!
  9. Okay, yeah, I misread your comment to infer that YOU updated something, which really, really threw me for a loop. There have been some changes in years past in the Datasheet program on how it interprets log entries for stations, which likely helped these stations get an accurate monumented date. (I only know this because one such update that was made back about a year ago) caused a whole bunch of logs that had no status, no agency, and no date appear tacked onto the history list on the datasheet. Had to talk to them and point out some stations that were causing this.
  10. I have only owned my Venture for about a week, and I have been trying to download updates from Garmin and also use EasyGPS. Neither application can recognize my GPS! I get the error with EasyGPS: Msg: GetPacketOrTimeoutNoAck - timeout!-#22 Msg: GPSBeginTransaction - bad send packet-#22 Msg: No data was received from the GPS! (Error #22) I have the interface set to Garmin, new batteries, and the power on. I'm using the serial cable that came with it. I have windows 2000 professional. Any help or advice would be great!! lisa4pride
  11. Hello,I recently released my first Wherigo. It works well on Android devices but it does not work properly on Iphone.The problem arises in the first zone on a very simple code section.I developed the cartridge with Urwigo, so I'll put the code in a similar format.Context:- Bank = the name of my first zone, on which I defined an action "Search" inactive at the beginning- Lucky Luke = the name of a character in this zone, on which I defined a "Talk" action- StatusZone1 = a numerical type variable initialized to 0 at the beginning of the cartridgeThe code of the action [Lucky Luke].Talk is: If (Compare (StatusZone1 = 0)) Set Bank.Search.Enabled = True ... (Lucky luke's message that is displayed) When Iphone users talk to Lucky Luke, the "Search" action does not appears on the Bank zone.I'm not used to Wherigo programming but a "Set enabled = true" instruction seems something basic. Is it possible that the IPhone app does not manage it.The cartridge works well on Android, so it's not really a programming bug. But there must be somewhere something that works differently on Iphone.Any ideas ?Have a good day,Walkie333
  12. I don't think so, not for me. I usually talk to the people I know and not to all 100 who have signed-up. Just recently have attended an Event with more than 800 People https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC8GVCH_event-am-see-2021-event-at-the-lake-2021?guid=1768bcdd-034c-4155-950a-718a51a3accc and I have been in contact with about 10. The other 790 were not even close to me.
  13. Thanks Keystone, this is the same advice I offered the cache owner when the caches were first submitted. Dan, In regards to the distance, the distance is variable but what we take into account is the audience and if the cache is part of a series. Let me talk in a local example for you. If for example caches were placed around the Canberra region but to the cardinal points then these caches may be further than 100km from each other but are set to appeal for the same audience. This is even more the case where the cache have the same names as a Platinum step within a series. In regards to appealing a reviewers decision this is always an option. Reviewers don't take offence and it helps us to ensure we are following the intent of the guidelines. Often for borderline case we will take a cache to appeals for you. Hope that helps.
  14. My assumption was that reviewers might only do this when they happen to know the exact location, e.g. probably not all that often. I don't really know how much responsibility any individual reviewer has to enforce any particular rule, so I perhaps wouldn't go there. Well no, I was assuming the multi was blocking large area, as that was the premise. (somewhere between a single waypoint and an entire town) Addressed in my premise: "unobtainable to most cachers for a reason that isn't related to the location (e.g. a run-of-the-mill T5 tree climb near a waterfall) ". There's also been talk of "dumbing down" things, which I haven't perhaps properly addressed after that premise, but I did mean unobtainable in a fairly literal sense here. The argument wasn't for popularity at all costs, and that wouldn't be an argument I could ever see myself supporting. Take your example puzzle cache, almost anyone can go look some letters in a sign if they choose to; it's just that some don't want to. But the skill and gear for T5 climbing or scuba diving, or the intelligence/domain-specific knowledge required for certain types of puzzle present a barrier that can't be overcome by simple choice. In fact there's probably a very finite set of people in any area that can ever do those caches. The few hour hikes and boat caches that don't require an actual seaworthy boat and skill fall somewhere in the grey area in my mind. I'm still healthy enough to do that kind of thing fairly effortlessly, and I kinda like doing them, so I might easily come to think that anyone could. But that might be biased. It will but the reviewer wouldn't normally even know what the container is. So what was the scenario you imagined that this would come up in? I imagined a perhaps inexperienced CO asking the reviewer, typically a more experienced cacher, if their container of choice was fine, and getting an answer like "that container type has the following known issues: [...] so it might be a good idea to consider something else if those issues apply to your hiding place." I'm getting the idea that you think reviewers shouldn't be able to talk about this kind of thing at all, so I thought it relevant to point out that the example you chose is something reviewers were arguably meant to enforce at one point. E.g. that the "allowed topics" can change. Of course now that it's been agreed that PTs are ok, individual reviewers have to stick to that. If that's trivially possible, then I guess the location isn't completely blocked. I guess I'm assuming either the reviewer would notice that and not ask, or the CO would notice that and point it out in their response to the reviewer and that would be the end of it. I own a multi, the last time I found a multi was today. But my premise to this was "Ignoring remote locations for a while, is there any merit to this type of targeting of unpopular caches in otherwise busy caching areas?" And I said I have not decided what my own opinion on this is, but acknowledged that I'd play the devil's advocate if need be. So if you'd like to discuss this further, could you perhaps do it without making it be about me personally? I was taking "leaving almost no space for anyone else" to entail that there in fact is someone else. From this response, and your many others, I understand this generally doesn't seem to be the case in your area. So if these were the rules and I were a reviewer in your area, I probably wouldn't think they apply. (As a side note, that kind of location would have been great use of one of the new virtual caches.)
  15. A couple of weeks ago, I had started a webpage on yahoo called MonterreyGPS to get the sport off the ground in Northern Mexico. I did not know about the website "geocaches.com" at all, but I had heard about the game itself on the news. I was very interested in participating. I actually created a cache point near where I live and published the coordinates on this page- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/monterreygps/ . I adivised interested participants to get a topo of the area, a compass and a GPS. While I was surfing the net, I came upon a GPS online store and entered one of the forums. I finally learned about the game and how big it is all over the world. I really was exited but what really blew my mind is that of all the caches in Mexico there was only one in Northern Mexico, and this cache was only 3.4 mile from my house. I just jumped on my mountain bike and found the cache within 30 minutes. It really was a great find. The thing that really made me happy is that the cache was placed by a highschool kid who lives in Houston, Tx and comes to visit his grandmother in the summer here in Mexico. The cache had been placed a couple of weeks ago, and I would bet that he didn't expect for someone in this little town to ever find the cache. I got an e-mail from him and he was very exited to know that someone had actually found his cache (GC6041). I will now create my own caches in this area and hope to get more people in Northern Mexico involved.
  16. A couple of weeks ago, I had started a webpage on yahoo called MonterreyGPS to get the sport off the ground in Northern Mexico. I did not know about the website "geocaches.com" at all, but I had heard about the game itself on the news. I was very interested in participating. I actually created a cache point near where I live and published the coordinates on this page- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/monterreygps/ . I adivised interested participants to get a topo of the area, a compass and a GPS. While I was surfing the net, I came upon a GPS online store and entered one of the forums. I finally learned about the game and how big it is all over the world. I really was exited but what really blew my mind is that of all the caches in Mexico there was only one in Northern Mexico, and this cache was only 3.4 mile from my house. I just jumped on my mountain bike and found the cache within 30 minutes. It really was a great find. The thing that really made me happy is that the cache was placed by a highschool kid who lives in Houston, Tx and comes to visit his grandmother in the summer here in Mexico. The cache had been placed a couple of weeks ago, and I would bet that he didn't expect for someone in this little town to ever find the cache. I got an e-mail from him and he was very exited to know that someone had actually found his cache (GC6041). I will now create my own caches in this area and hope to get more people in Northern Mexico involved.
  17. Or just Rino to Rino? That would be sweet since alot of people have motorola's already.
  18. Here we have a classic example of WHY we have peer review for new categories. Talk about a category that is completely subjective - one person's "urban legend" may not be another's... Then, you have the creator of the category bugging out of Waymarking the same year he created this "interesting" piece of Waymarking. My question is - if you expand to just "Legends", and these are people, how would this be different than "Epic Beings" if Epic Beings allow a statue of Lewis and Clark to be included in their category????
  19. One of the motto's we ascribe to is 'Cache in, Trash out". I've been slack about collecting garbage on the trail. I am setting a goal for myself to meet. I intend to collect a minimum of 3 lbs on each outing. Picking up garbage is not exactly what drives me to the great outdoors but it certainly will make it more enjoyable if more of us make an effort. I'm planting seeds here. I intend to meet my own commitment no matter what the response to this question is. So what are the rest of you doing to "Cache in, Trash out"? KernBob
  20. The Car Talk show to be broadcast on the weekend of August 18, 2001, will have a mention of geocaching. No real detail or interview or anything, but I made sure to mention basically what it is, and I spelled "geocaching" and pointed them to Geocaching.com. It's the first clip in the "third half" of the show, and you'll be able to listen online at the site the following week. (Oh, and they recommended Michelin tires for me.)
  21. The definition of "game" in general is oft debated. I don't think there will be any consensus here But I primarily refer to this as a hobby. Occasionally a game. Depends on context I think. If I'm talking about stats, my mind may jump to game. If I'm talking about the fun and adventure, usually hobby. A game doesn't have to be competitive, or necessarily even have win/lose conditions. Some may even call some hobbies games, depending on their motive for 'doing' the hobby (could building and selling crafts be considered a game to some? *shrug*) I don't think the label is as important as how we promote the activity and talk it up.
  22. +1 here When I have hosted an event, I made sure to talk to everybody--at least to say hello and thanks for coming. As the event progressed I made sure to talk to those who were not sitting with a group--if they are just hanging on the edge of a group and not participating in the conversation I may not notice that. But if I'm not the host, I talk to whomever I want to--usually this is a person by him/herself because I do better in a one-on-one than in a group conversation (poor social skills ya know). Mostly people talk to others that they know; that's just natural and it's not a "clique" at all, though it could look like it to someone who wants to see it that way. Cliques deliberately shut others out; all geocaching event group conversations that I have seen include newcomers. But if someone is going to sit apart and wait to be included, that's not likely to happen. The person who wants to be included has to make some effort to be included.
  23. My opinion? Let's talk about extremes. If we (theoretically!) excluded all the categories mentioned above, I don't know if I will ever find a waymark for this category. If we include all of them, we will have a lot of crosspostings, but we will also have a category with a lot of fine art on a grave and won't miss any great pieces of art, just because it also represents his/her hobby/occupation or the deceased is a Dead Poet. So, I guess we need something in between. Maybe we should think about it that way: Is the category to be ex- or included also an art category or not? For example: One of my Out of Place Graves is a wonderful piece of art (in my humble opinion). Not sure, if it will create a "wow" for everyone, but let's just pretend that it does. Would you post that one in "Out of Place Graves" or "Funerary Art"? One is an art category, and the other lists graves that are not on a cemetery (artful or not). IMHO there is no reason for preventing a crossposting in that situation. I would understand, if a grave artwork was posted in two different art categories. F.e. "Funerary Art" and "Relief Art Sculptures". In the bottom of my heart I would even allow crossposting in 2 art categories, but that is most likely just my opinion. What I really would like to clarify: Are we talking about "figurative" art to compensate, what the Figurative Public Sculpture category denies (= animals and humans) or are we also considering f.e. abstract art? I posted a photo of the grave of Hedy Lamarr in this thread on July 28, 2017, but received no feedback. PS: Don't worry, I won't shoot you. I don't even own a gun.
  24. OK, so I am working up preliminary areas where Funerary Art could be found. Up front I will say I am not religious, so I have not been raised in any religious tradition (calm down, I am not going to talk about religion). Therefore, I am not familiar at what types of tombs/stones/art on final resting places would be found in places of worship. Most of the locations I am finding are related to Christian churches and burial traditions. If anyone can help with other religions/burial traditions, I would be quite grateful. Remember, the reason this category is getting up and rolling is that Figurative does not accept Funerary Sculptures. We are not trying to create a redundant category and there are many categories that deal with markers for the deceased. The thrust of the category is funerary art, not final resting places or type of monument for the deceased. This category recognizes that most of the sculptures would be found in a cemetery. However, there are other burial locations that may include sculptures that are funerary in nature, such as churches, cathedrals (bigger church), mausoleums and some burial locations that were owned by the deceased (family burial locations). Are there other locations common in other faiths/burial traditions I am missing? (Help please.) Any comments/thoughts on what should/shouldn't be accepted and why. Here are some locations where Funerary Art could be found. Should the category accept/decline from these various locations and styles of burial for the deceased: Sculpture/Artwork found on a headstone, columbarium, crypt, tombstone, mausoleum, ledger grave marker, cenotaph, tomb, effigies, church monument, cadaver monument, .... ? I know some of these have their own categories. Any of these that are related to s specific burial of an individual would not be accepted in Figurative. Figurative only accepts monuments that are, in essence, honoring all the deceased. Figurative does not accept pieces of a specific ('known") individual--that goes in Statues of Historic/Religious Figures. Just looking for comments/thoughts on what should/shouldn't be accepted and why. Existing Waymark Categories (I probably missed some) that need to be considered to be included/excluded: Death Mask Gravestones Broken Column Headstones Occupational/Hobby Grave Stones Woodmen of the World Grave Markers/Monuments Headstones of Centenarians **Veteran Memorials (Many categories - Specific wars and general categories) Homemade Tombstones Graves Mentioning a Cause of Death Out of Place Graves Statues of Historic Figures Statues of Religious Figures Dead Poets Society Zinc Headstones Mausoleum Relief Art (I am contacting Relief Art to verify if they accept/reject relief funerary art) Figurative Public Sculpture Sphinx Sculptures Equestrian Statues Epic Beings Lions, Bears, ... Pet Cemeteries (**There are many categories that honor the resting places of Veterans. For my convenience, I am grouping them into this overall term.) I am not against cross-posting and NOT suggesting all the above should be excluded. Remember the goal of this category is to highlight the art of the memorial - not the final resting place of the deceased. Members are concerned about the premise of the "Wow" factor as to what the category is wishing for. There is concern that the criteria may be too subjective (though there are many categories with 'wow' factor, this is not new). The reason for that idea of "Wow" is that, for instance, there are many headstones with little lambs (for the tragic loss of a child), or fingers pointing upwards, etc. Would a size criteria help (ex., roughly over 3 ft/1m square)? The piece must not be mass produced-it need to be a unique piece. How would members like to see this phrased/defined? Please don't get bogged down in format for title, etc. Right now, we need to best define what the category is trying to highlight and thus clearly define the types of sculptures/art the category is looking for. And I know there are always exceptions when a Waymarker finds something so magnificent we did not anticipate that. Again, I am just thinking aloud and looking for input. Please don't shoot the writer [grin]. Take care, Outspoken1 (Sandy)
  25. I am trying to programm some software for the Gamin e-trex wich apperently can link to a PC serial port... Garmin is also so nice as to give the specifications of their Garmin-Protocol to anybody who is interested. The only problem now is: I cannot find the e-trex's specifications in there... What protocols do I use to talk to it ???
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