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  1. 2024 Goals: Place 10 caches Reach 200 geocaches Find a Mystery cache Find caches in 5 new states Place a Earth-cache Attend an event/cito Collect all 2024 souvenirs
  2. Photos aren't well supported in various software because Groundspeak doesn't make it easy to get a PQ that includes photos in any real way and getting access to the Groundspeak API to develop modern applications to survive the various API changes has been sub-awesome. So it's a pretty small pool of tools that even can do it. Hopefully, few of us here will tell you how YOU want to go geocaching, but a couple of us with long tenures and plenty of experience are saying it's not worth the bother. If you have a cache (try something the GeoWoodstock event pages...) that has a zillion photos, it will take forever to scrape the photos and write them to your SD card but worse, when you're in the field and you load that page and that tiny little ARM processor starts to load, resize, and render a zillion images to a 240 x 400 screen, it will pretty much cough up its skull. So they're painful to get, painful to load, painful to display, and not really that useful while you're hunting. Additionally, when we created GPX, we left it pretty loose how media might be associated with a GPX file. Unlike KMZ, for example, there's not a convenient way to associate additional files, like images or movies, with the GPX data itself. We left it open-ended whether they may be <img> or href targets or be resized or even how they might be named. So if you're putting images on an SD card that has to obey 8.3 filenames and start with 5 PQs that each have 1,000 images, it's up to the application generating the result to be sure that an image named "fire.jpg" or "IMG043.JPG" in files 1 and 3 each have to be stored and referenced correctly so now they're only somewhat independent. These are solvable problems, but it's just another peek into the sausage factory of how software gets made and one more reason that it can be frustrating. Oh, and there's an integrated photo viewer in some of the Garmins that gives you pan and zoom, but you have to jump through yet more hoops to get the photos into the right place/format to make them visible both withing the Geocaching "app" and the photo viewer. The Magellans that did this (the [567]10's from the early days of the Mio era) did all of this annoyingly differently, so if you were writing software to do this, that was another obstacle you had to justify at the time to see if it was even worth it. The technical challenges exist and are all solvable. I spent some effort on automating this in the Palm/OS era when I was an active hunter and lots of logs had pictures and didn't consider it a break-even on effort. I'm with Mr. Bike above - if the last log is "the hiding spot has been compromised, so I put it 200 feet away at the location in the picture", I'll take the time to load it from cell.
  3. By far away I mean 100-200 meters not very far but still a considerable distance (so you can't just search around in the area of a stage and find another container without solving the puzzle).
  4. One of my visitor’s logs contains the “owner maintenance requested” icon, which I hadn’t noticed when the log was made. I have over 1,200 logs by visitors, so searching for this log is difficult. I want to find this log to see what the visitor thought needed maintenance. Is there a way I can search for this particular log?
  5. Interesting. I just did more testing to see if anything had changed from my earlier attempts, and I can't get any images to upload to the cache listing. I even tried refreshing like you suggested, but it still gives that error. Then I considered what SawaSawa said above about different browsers. All of my testing has been in Firefox, and it simply doesn't work. I then tried Chrome, and got different results. On the first attempt in Chrome, the same image uploaded successfully on the first try. I then tried uploading another of my test images and got the error. After refreshing the upload page and trying that same image again, it worked. So, the upload page is buggy but sometimes works in Chrome, and doesn't seem to work at all in Firefox. Hopefully this helps the devs to narrow in on the cause. Edit to add: I'm using the latest version of each browser: FF 120.0.1 and Chrome 119.0.6045.200
  6. Retired Guy and Cute L'il Fuzzy monkey years ago set up a great trail of Puzzle caches south of Orlando, each of which has a challenge to complete before claiming the find. They have done a great job of maintaining these 200 or so caches, and they maintain a Leaderboard showing all the geocacher who have found and qualified for at least 25 of these challenges. No one has found and completed all the challenges (one requires a find at 3 miles elevation or more, for example), and as of November, 2023, the top finder has credit for 197 of them. There are a number of challenge cache groups around the USA, but I have found no such trails that are all along the same road, and none with the Leaderboard feature, which has to be updated periodically. Is anyone aware of similar trails anywhere in the world? Thanks. Charlie, IMGOIN2
  7. Komisch, versuche mal folgenden Link: https://www.geocaching.com/plan/lists/BM10TEA?sort=name&sortOrder=asc&skip=0&take=200
  8. For sure I'm reporting more problems than many other geocachers. I've seen many logs has found and I know they didn't find and so, they don't report any problems. Also I know there are many geocachers that don't log DNFs (I log all). I've just checked my log statistics... Joined GeoCaching 7 Jun 2014 11107 Founds (plus about 200 that I have to log) 659 DNFs 237 NMs 9 NAs Many of the Nms are for logbook full, something that many don't report, they just ad a piece of paper (anything, from transport tickets to receipts from stores or cigar boxes, I saw many things).
  9. https://www.geocaching.com/plan/lists/BM2P972?sort=name&sortOrder=asc&skip=0&take=200 a series of geeky puzzles in SE England. Some need programming skills; most don't.
  10. Yes, those are indeed what the guidelines say, but I'm guessing this is what they had in mind when they wrote them: rather than something like this: The latter is a cache I placed just on a year ago. It lives inside that small cave, which is on a narrow ledge just below the top of an isolated rocky hill in a trackless bushland reserve surrounded by market gardens, orchards and horse studs. It's had 8 finds in that time, 3 of which were in one family, hardly enough to fill its 200-page A5 logbook. I ask, seriously, how much "regular maintenance" do you think that cache is going to need to keep it in "proper working order"? There's no rain or direct sunlight inside the cave, there's no evidence of muggles ever visiting the location and it's too big for any of the native animals around there to dislodge or otherwise harm. I reckon if I left it there and never visited it again, it'd still be sitting there in pristine condition the day they cart me off to the mortuary. Most DNFs on higher terrain caches like these aren't due to problems with the cache, they're more like this one I got on another of my caches recently: What was I supposed to do in response, buy the DNFer some water shoes and a decent torch? If someone reports an actual problem with one of my caches, preferably with an NM (OAR) log, I'll happily go and check it out as soon as I can (weather/tides permitting), and if anyone logs an NA (RAR) I'll archive it immediately to save bothering the reviewer. I hide caches for the benefit of the community, not my own gratification, so it's no skin off my nose if I have to archive one although I'd prefer not to have to do that. For caches that are far more remote and hard to get to than any of mine, I think it's reasonable for a CO to place a rugged container like an ammo can with a large logbook that will never fill and in a hiding place protected from the elements and any muggle interference, on the basis that if they ever have to revisit it, it will be to retrieve it after archiving the listing. Such caches typically get few finds; the one that comes immediately to mind is a 1.5/4.5 challenge cache (GC5KEY1) which has had just 6 finders in the 8 years since it was published, the most recent being in 2017. With its low D rating (it was placed before the guidelines recommending setting that to reflect the difficulty of the challenge), low find count and length of time since the last find, it would probably only take one or two DNFs from people unprepared for the rugged terrain to trigger the CHS into action. If the CO responded at all, (he's still about but not very active or responsive these days), it'd most likely be with an Archive log rather than a cache visit as that one takes a lot of planning, preparation and favourable weather to get to. I hope that doesn't happen before I'm able to complete the challenge and get out there to make the find (with friends, it's too tough and potentially dangerous for me to do alone). You don't have to like caches like these, or even attempt any of them, if bison tubes hanging in suburban parks are more your thing, but archiving them unnecessarily won't make those bison tubes any less soggy.
  11. 100% agree. This is a non-issue for active CO's who follow the cache placing recommendations. I was trying to introduce my bro to the game and find some super simple cache's...and they weren't there and he checked out immediately, thinking the game was nonsense and a waste of time. I have no clue why some players support crappy cache's and/or inactive CO's. I don't care if you placed 200 cache's 10 years ago, if you haven't been active in the last 5 years...if one of your cache's has not been found in two years and you haven't bothered putting up any notes confirming it's still there, dang right you are going to get an OM request from me if I can't find it. I want the game to GROW, and inactive cache owners who don't maintain their cache's prevent this.
  12. Thanks, I will try turning off GLONASS, as I think it may be on. I do understand that there is a significant error because of my GPS and the CO's GPS and I try to take that into consideration. But it's the bouncing of my own GPS that is my concern going from 10 ft to 40 ft without my moving at all. This seems like a lot of error to add to everything else. I was reading a review at: https://hikingguy.com/hiking-gear/garmin-gpsmap-67i-review/ Well that spiked my interest, but it's only 1 review at the same time the guy seems pretty knowledgeable and trustworthy. So I'm not sure what to think. My wife would be very happy if I had something like InReach capabilities - standalone InReach ($300-$400) vs 67i ($600*) . Not to mention the substantial subscription costs. * I may be able to sell my Etrex 32X for about $150-$200, so the 67i would end up costing $400-$450. Well, this decision is going to take sometime, staying with the 32x or upgrading. In the meantime I've turned off GLONASS and lets see if that helps any. Thanks.
  13. Hei! Olen aloitteleva kätköjen piilottelija. Ja nyt tuli näppäilyvirhe koordinaateissa. Yksi numero livahti vääräksi ja koordinaatit johdattavat 200 metrin päähän kätköstä. Kätkö on jo julkaistu. Yritin etsiä ohjeita mitä tekisin. Löytyisikö täältä apua, miten saisin korjattua kätköni koordinaatit oikeaksi. Tai miten pitäisi menetellä Hey! I am a novice cache hider. And now there was a typing error in the coordinates. One number was wrong and the coordinates lead to 200 meters away from the cache. The cache has already been published. I tried to find instructions on what to do. Would there be any help here on how to correct the coordinates of my cache? Or how to proceed.
  14. Finally after many years, King Pellinore breaks the 200 caches found barrier. He found his first cache in 08/25/2001 and quickly became one of NJ's top cachers. Petering out at the end of 2006, his long hiatus (until 2019) was broken by a single find in 2013 of https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC3A1QK_block-head He has been getting around a bit, adding states to his geocaching collection. Who knows, he might even place another cache!
  15. AliExpress sells assortment packs in nice organized container boxes for next to nothing. I bought a 200-pack for a few dollars and threw it in the pack. https://www.aliexpress.com/w/wholesale-o%252drings.html?catId=0&SearchText=o-rings
  16. Since some days I can't use the website! The site is very slow or I can see often only a white page or the background. Location/provider: Germany/Telekom (16MBit/s) Routenverfolgung zu www.geocaching.com [] über maximal 30 Abschnitte: 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 192.168.xyz.x 2 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms 192.168.xyz.x 3 9 ms 8 ms 8 ms 217.0.xyz.xyz 4 11 ms 9 ms 9 ms 5 29 ms 23 ms 23 ms 6 18 ms 18 ms 17 ms 7 22 ms 33 ms 28 ms ae-8.r23.londen03.uk.bb.gin.ntt.net [] 8 22 ms 23 ms 28 ms ae-0.r22.londen03.uk.bb.gin.ntt.net [] 9 122 ms 124 ms * ae-4.r22.nycmny01.us.bb.gin.ntt.net [] 10 182 ms 190 ms * ae-1.r21.sttlwa01.us.bb.gin.ntt.net [] 11 204 ms 199 ms 200 ms ae-2.r04.sttlwa01.us.bb.gin.ntt.net [] 12 169 ms 172 ms 169 ms ae-0.internap.sttlwa01.us.bb.gin.ntt.net [] 13 196 ms 206 ms 205 ms border9.po1-40g-bbnet1.sef.pnap.net [] 14 171 ms 169 ms 171 ms C:\Windows\system32>ping geocaching.com -t Ping wird ausgeführt für geocaching.com [] mit 32 Bytes Daten: Antwort von Bytes=32 Zeit=167ms TTL=246 Antwort von Bytes=32 Zeit=168ms TTL=246 Antwort von Bytes=32 Zeit=170ms TTL=246 Antwort von Bytes=32 Zeit=169ms TTL=246 Antwort von Bytes=32 Zeit=169ms TTL=246 Antwort von Bytes=32 Zeit=168ms TTL=246 Antwort von Bytes=32 Zeit=175ms TTL=246 Antwort von Bytes=32 Zeit=168ms TTL=246 Antwort von Bytes=32 Zeit=168ms TTL=246 Antwort von Bytes=32 Zeit=173ms TTL=246 Antwort von Bytes=32 Zeit=170ms TTL=246 Antwort von Bytes=32 Zeit=170ms TTL=246 Antwort von Bytes=32 Zeit=179ms TTL=246 Antwort von Bytes=32 Zeit=167ms TTL=246 Antwort von Bytes=32 Zeit=168ms TTL=246 Antwort von Bytes=32 Zeit=174ms TTL=246 Antwort von Bytes=32 Zeit=168ms TTL=246 Antwort von Bytes=32 Zeit=169ms TTL=246 Ping-Statistik für Pakete: Gesendet = 18, Empfangen = 18, Verloren = 0 (0% Verlust), Ca. Zeitangaben in Millisek.: Minimum = 167ms, Maximum = 179ms, Mittelwert = 170ms ---------- Location/provider: Germany/Unitymedia (150MBit/s) Routenverfolgung zu www.geocaching.com [] über maximal 30 Abschnitte: 1 3 ms <1 ms <1 ms 172.30.xyz.x 2 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms 192.168.xyz.x 3 2 ms 1 ms 1 ms xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [xx.xx.xx.xx] 4 11 ms 15 ms 9 ms 5 17 ms 15 ms 14 ms de-fra04a-ra1-ae10-1210.fra.unity-media.net [] 6 168 ms 165 ms 167 ms de-fra04a-rc1-ae8.fra.unity-media.net [] 7 166 ms 169 ms 170 ms uk-lon01b-rd1-xe-1-2-2.aorta.net [] 8 91 ms 99 ms 92 ms 9 164 ms 167 ms 163 ms 10 176 ms 167 ms 165 ms xe-0.equinix.snjsca04.us.bb.gin.ntt.net [] 11 166 ms 171 ms 164 ms ae-6.r23.snjsca04.us.bb.gin.ntt.net [] 12 185 ms 184 ms 194 ms ae-3.r20.sttlwa01.us.bb.gin.ntt.net [] 13 183 ms 193 ms 183 ms ae-1.r04.sttlwa01.us.bb.gin.ntt.net [] 14 184 ms 182 ms 182 ms ae-0.internap.sttlwa01.us.bb.gin.ntt.net [] 15 241 ms 209 ms 258 ms border9.po2-40g-bbnet2.sef.pnap.net [] 16 186 ms 186 ms 191 ms C:\Windows\system32>ping geocaching.com -t Ping wird ausgeführt für geocaching.com [] mit 32 Bytes Daten: Antwort von Bytes=32 Zeit=185ms TTL=237 Antwort von Bytes=32 Zeit=185ms TTL=237 Antwort von Bytes=32 Zeit=186ms TTL=237 Antwort von Bytes=32 Zeit=184ms TTL=237 Antwort von Bytes=32 Zeit=184ms TTL=237 Antwort von Bytes=32 Zeit=187ms TTL=237 Antwort von Bytes=32 Zeit=187ms TTL=237 Antwort von Bytes=32 Zeit=184ms TTL=237 Antwort von Bytes=32 Zeit=189ms TTL=237 Antwort von Bytes=32 Zeit=187ms TTL=237 Zeitüberschreitung der Anforderung. Antwort von Bytes=32 Zeit=186ms TTL=237 Antwort von Bytes=32 Zeit=185ms TTL=237 Antwort von Bytes=32 Zeit=189ms TTL=237 Antwort von Bytes=32 Zeit=185ms TTL=237 Antwort von Bytes=32 Zeit=192ms TTL=237 Antwort von Bytes=32 Zeit=188ms TTL=237 Antwort von Bytes=32 Zeit=188ms TTL=237 Antwort von Bytes=32 Zeit=188ms TTL=237 Antwort von Bytes=32 Zeit=185ms TTL=237 Ping-Statistik für Pakete: Gesendet = 20, Empfangen = 19, Verloren = 1 (5% Verlust), Ca. Zeitangaben in Millisek.: Minimum = 184ms, Maximum = 192ms, Mittelwert = 186ms Edit: I needed over a minute to save this post!!!
  17. I'd appreciate some help troubleshooting creating user waypoints via the API. No matter what I try it kicks back an error telling me I need to include data that I'm already including. Am I just building the waypoint wrong? Here's my PHP code: $json_data = '{ "userWaypoint":{ "geocacheCode": "GC12345", "description": "Puzzle solution from My Web App", "isCorrectedCoordinates": true, "coordinates": { "latitude": 38.2, "longitude": -76.1 } } }'; $APILink="https://staging.api.Groundspeak.com/v1/userwaypoints/?referenceCode=GC12345"; $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Authorization: bearer ' . $APIToken)); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $APILink); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$json_data); $output = curl_exec($ch); $responsecode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); curl_close($ch); if ($responsecode<>200) { $response = json_decode($output); $statusMessage = $response->statusMessage; $errorMessage = $response->errorMessage; echo "Status $responsecode: The solution coordinates could not be added on Geocaching.com as a user waypoint; Geocaching said \"$statusMessage\""; } The response from the API is: [statusCode] => 400 [statusMessage] => Bad Request [errorMessage] => {"message":"The request is invalid.","modelState":{"userWaypoint.Coordinates":["The Coordinates field is required."],"userWaypoint.GeocacheCode":["The GeocacheCode field is required."]}} [uri] => http://partnersapi-staging.Groundspeak.biz/v1/userwaypoints/?referenceCode=GC12JAC
  18. I may be a heretic for saying this, but I think there may be circumstances where this is a reasonable tactic. I'm thinking of remote difficult-to-access caches where something sturdy with a large logbook is placed, with no intention to revisit it until the time comes to retrieve and archive it. My own Peat's Peak cache (GCA2XYJ) almost falls into that category (note I said almost). It's a plastic ammo can with an A5 200-page logbook which I placed last December deep inside a wind-eroded cave on the edge of the summit of a rarely-visited hill with no tracks and moderately thick undergrowth surrounding it. I've revisited it once since then, to rescue a trackable I'd dropped when placing it in the hope it would soon move on (it didn't), and the cache has only had 7 finds, the most recent in April. It's not going to need any wear-and-tear maintenance, even if the container's seal fails it won't matter because the hiding place is always dry, and the logbook is never going to fill up. About the worst that's likely to happen to it is something calamitous like it melting in a full-on summer bushfire (a winter hazard reduction burn wouldn't worry it) or the rare possibility of it being muggled, and regular visits from me won't stop either of those from happening. That said, I probably will still visit it from time to time, simply to stretch my legs in what I think is a pretty nice spot, but if anything did happen to it I'd likely just archive it rather than repair or replace it. In a similar vein is this one I visited today. I placed it in February 2017 so it's now six and a half years old but it's never needed maintenance and likely won't for at least another decade or two, by which time I'll be ready to archive it. Its hiding place under a rock ledge protects it from the sun and the container does its job of protecting the contents from any moisture coming off the nearby watercourse and cascade. It survived the la Nina floods of recent years without the slightest hint of dampness, probably because it's above the top of a small waterfall with nothing to make the water bank up there, and again it's in a spot where it's unlikely to be disturbed by muggles. I've logged 6 OMs on it over the years but all have just been reporting on checks after heavy rain with everything being fine. It could just as easily have been set and forget.
  19. Ich denke, die Regeln, die ja "eigentlich" für alle gleich sind, werden in anderen Ländern anders ausgelegt, weil die Bedingungen anders sind und weil die Mentalitäten anders sind. Die deutsche Mentalität ist es, alles zu verbieten und zu verhindern, was einem einzelnen einen Vorteil verschafft, oder jemanden zwingen würde, etwas zu tun, was er nicht möchte. Also zum Beispiel eine Tag und Nacht geöffnete Hotellobby zu betreten und einen Angestellten anzusprechen. Dabei hätte der Angestellte da sicher auch seinen Spaß, wenn mal wieder ein Cacher wegen der Box kommt. "Eigentlich" müsste nur sicher gestellt sein, dass der Hotelbetreiber sein ok gegeben hat und sein Personal informiert, und dass er nicht erwartet, dass etwas konsumiert wird. Aber wer soll das sicherstellen? Und die "Schwierigkeit", Menschen ansprechen zu müssen, könnte ja mit D3 oder so bewertet werden. Aber! Die Regeln stehen, da werden wir nur dran rütteln können, wenn wir uns - wie im richtigen Leben - in die Politik begeben, uns in die Entscheidungsgremien vorkämpfen und dann mitgestalten. Aber auf dem Weg dahin werden uns so viele Probleme klar, die wir aus unserer jetzigen Perspektive nicht sehen, dass wir bei dem Hotel-Problem nur abwinken und sagen: "Regel vorhanden. Regel sinnvoll. Anwenden!" Und es ist ja wirklich absolut machbar, mit Einverständnis der Besitzer, einen Cache im Außenbereich anzubringen und die Geschichte des Gebäudes trotzdem zu erzählen. Und dann im Listing ohne Nennung der heutigen Verwendung darauf hinzuweisen, dass man auch reingehen sollte, um sich das Gebäuse von innen anzusehen. Wer Angst vor Menschen hat, kann außen loggen und auf innen verzichten. Ich würde mir mehr solche Caches wünschen, bei denen ich mit Menschen interagieren muss. Das ist teilweise schwieriger, als mich durch unwegsames Gelände zu kämpfen, oder schwerer als ein schwerer Mystery, aber da ist es uns doch auch egal, ob wir etwas riskieren, oder fast verzweifeln. Es ist ja nicht so, dass man sich schämen muss zu sagen: "Ich bin Geocacher und vermute in der Obhut dieser Einrichtung einen Geocache. Haben Sie einen Hinweis für mich?" Im schlimmsten Fall weiß der Angesprochene nicht, wovon man spricht. Egal. Dann war das halt schon mal nix und weiter geht die Suche. Und wer damit ein Problem hat: Hey, ich habe Probleme mit Baumklettern. In meiner Region werde ich sehr viele Caches niemals angehen, weil ich es nicht kann. Ist dann halt so. Trotzdem verstehe ich auch die Argumente mit ausufern, kommerzielle Trittbrettfahrer, what ever. Vielleicht kommen da wieder die verschiedenen Mentalitäten ins Spiel. Ein Owner in Takatukaland legt einen Cache in seinen Laden und wenn ich reingehe, und nach der Box frage, werde ich erstmal nach Strich und Faden abgezockt und bekomme dann eine feuchte Filmdose in die Hand gedrückt. Das ist auch kein Traum. Ich denke, es hat einen Grund, dass wir "im richtigen Leben" noch kein weltweit einheitliches Rechtssystem haben. Geocacher versuchen es immerhin, es global zu regeln und das finde ich gut. Cacher machen den Anfang, und in 200 Jahren feiert uns der Präsident der Erde für unsere Pionierarbeit.
  20. Bei mir in der Nähe gibt es eine Holzbrücke mit einer Länge von ca 200 m. Die Planken sind mit ca 250- 300 Hutmuttern befestigt, nun kam mir der Gedanke in eine der Hutmuttern ein Nano einzubauen. Was denkt ihr wäre das du schwer zum finden und was wäre das für eine Schwierigkeit? Die Hutmutter soll sich mit den Fingern lösen und wieder festschrauben lassen.
  21. Well ok, then the guidelines have been allowing abuse right from the start. Not much difference from my point of view. There is an area two hours drive from me which has about 200 caches published recently. Mysteries or traditionals (i.e. either on starting coordinates, or you need to solve something at home and then you get the coordinates). But each of them has some random cheap stamp thrown in and thanks to this they are listed as letterboxes, purely to enable lots of letterbox finds for statistics hunters.
  22. I love placing caches in the areas to help support Megas. I build fairly expensive ($200 plus) electronic caches. I think this is good for geocaching. I sent several caches to a Mega organizer, not for their personal usage, but to put out in support of a Mega. After placement, I adopted the cache to Mega organizer so at least they get some favorite points for their troubles in managing the cache. A few years later I'd like to donate the cache to another cacher, to place around another Mega. Sounds good for geocaching, right! The Mega organizer, claims the cache is 'his property' and refuses to respect my wishes! I don't recall any agreement to transfer my property to him in the adoption process. I assume GCHQ would not get in the loop to transfer my owership to the adopter, correct?? Signed, Wanting to up the game everywhere
  23. For me, the fun is seeing which ones I end up getting while not altering what I do. My activity level is such that I get them all, anyway. Really, though, if I were making souvenir challenges, I'd make it so the souvenir levels would consider a person's average activity level over the past two years, excluding outliers. This way, something deemed hard would be difficult for most people. For example, if someone averages 25 finds a month, a hard challenge might be 33 (about 30% more). Someone else who averages 200 a month after the extremes involving a cache run twice a year were factored out should find 260 to be a challenge--unless the souvenir falls on the month of a planned cache run. The more elaborate and personal one attempts to make a challenge, the more one might find criticism from the community.
  24. I am happy to announce that Bermuda has now hit over 200 caches on the Island and has all different types of caches on the Island , including Diving and snorkel caches and caches on many Islands that make up Bermuda... come check out our Facebook page and find out more about Caching in Bermuda https://www.facebook.com/groups/BermudaIslandGeocachers/ come and join us and learn more about Geocaching in Bermuda Bermuda Islands Geocaching slogan is Small Island Big Adventure...........
  25. If I click the "map these" Button on the search/results page and have a given radius (e.g. 200 km) this is ignored for the zoom level. The zoom is always the default level 14. Also, if I save me a Link with a zoom level and open it, it will be overridden to the default zoom level. This is quite annoying if you have a search for specific ratings or other queries, which have not many caches near you.
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