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  1. Hi charlenni. Thanks for your response. The GWL last attempt at the cartridge is below. The way I have set up the cartridge is the player comes to the proximity of a zone, say Farmer, then another larger zone called Farmers House is activated and the Zone Farmer is deactivated. The character Farmer and an object Candy are in the Farmers House zone and visible. The player picks up the candy and talks to the farmer. Then they go to the next zone Fisherman which is set up just like the Farmer zone. Then the player goes to the Trapper Zone and the same thing. When the player talks to the Trapper the GPS shuts down. I noticed there are some weird characters in the dialogue of the Fisherman and the Trapper. I think I copied and pasted them from Word, so I'm wondering if that has something to do with it. Downloaded Fri Nov 22 16:53:44 2013 20131121171407|0.00000|0.00000|0.000|0.000|MessageBox:Show - Hellow Fellow cachers. This Wherigo is similar to the original event with some slight differences. One thing you will need to take note of is that at certain points along the game, you will need to get numbers off of trees. These numbers will be needed to find the cache at the end. There are messages to let you know when. You have Background, Situation and Mission statements in your inventory. There are also tasks to perform which will guide you along the way. Good luck and have fun. 20131121171407|0.00000|0.00000|0.000|0.000|Player:SetInventory - Will add Present Situation 20131121171407|0.00000|0.00000|0.000|0.000|Player:SetInventory - added Present Situation 20131121171407|0.00000|0.00000|0.000|0.000|Player:SetInventory - Will add Mission 20131121171407|0.00000|0.00000|0.000|0.000|Player:SetInventory - added Mission 20131121171407|0.00000|0.00000|0.000|0.000|Player:SetInventory - Will add Background 20131121171407|0.00000|0.00000|0.000|0.000|Player:SetInventory - added Background 20131121171407|0.00000|0.00000|0.000|0.000|AttributeChanged - Interview Fisherman, Active 20131121171407|0.00000|0.00000|0.000|0.000|AttributeChanged - Interview Trapper, Active 20131121171407|43.20073|-79.81531|100.785|13.650|Zone:Distant - Farmer 20131121171409|43.20072|-79.81530|101.650|13.189|MessageBox:Callback - [button1] No script to execute 20131121171508|43.20074|-79.81479|157.559|10.709|Zone:Proximity - Farmer 20131121171508|43.20074|-79.81479|157.559|10.709|AttributeChanged - Farmers House, Active 20131121171508|43.20074|-79.81479|157.559|10.709|AttributeChanged - Farmers House, Visible 20131121171508|43.20074|-79.81479|157.559|10.709|AttributeChanged - Farmer, Active 20131121171508|43.20074|-79.81479|157.559|10.709|AttributeChanged - Farmer, Visible 20131121171508|43.20074|-79.81479|157.559|10.709|Zone:Enter - Farmers House 20131121171515|43.20075|-79.81477|159.575|10.903|ZCommand:exec - Candy:Pickup 20131121171515|43.20075|-79.81477|159.575|10.903|Player:SetInventory - Will add Candy 20131121171515|43.20075|-79.81477|159.575|10.903|Player:SetInventory - added Candy 20131121171515|43.20075|-79.81477|159.575|10.903|ZCommand:Enabled - Disabled Candy Pickup 20131121171519|43.20076|-79.81477|160.283|11.020|ZCommand:exec - Farmer:Talk 20131121171519|43.20076|-79.81477|160.283|11.020|MessageBox:Show - Well howdy there young'ns. I was tending to good old Bessie me cow when I heard this here thunderous roar coming out of the east. It was louder than that there twister from '39 if it made a peep at all. Gave poor old Bessie a fright, it sure did. She done did took off on me, poor gal. Hey y'all don’t s'pose you could take a bit a time and fetch 'er up for me could ya, or at least tie er off on a tree? I'd be mighty right happy about that, and there'd be a 2 spot in it fer ya. You could probably follow her trail. She was due fer milkin. She can’t be too far from where we was. Just before that there fancy object crashed, I saw some sort of thingy fall from it. I marked down where it done did fall by golly, but by gosh I must'uv dropped that when Bessie done did took off. Sorry 'bout that. You all have a nice day now. 20131121171519|43.20076|-79.81477|160.283|11.020|AttributeChanged - Farmer's Sighting, Visible 20131121171519|43.20076|-79.81477|160.283|11.020|AttributeChanged - Farmer's Sighting, Active 20131121171519|43.20076|-79.81477|160.283|11.020|AttributeChanged - Find Farmers Cow, Active 20131121171519|43.20076|-79.81477|160.283|11.020|AttributeChanged - Find Farmers note, Active 20131121171519|43.20076|-79.81477|160.283|11.020|AttributeChanged - Fisherman, Active 20131121171519|43.20076|-79.81477|160.283|11.020|AttributeChanged - Fisherman, Visible 20131121171519|43.20076|-79.81477|160.283|11.020|AttributeChanged - Interview the Farmer, Complete 20131121171519|43.20076|-79.81477|161.707|11.050|Zone:Distant - Fisherman 20131121171519|43.20076|-79.81477|161.707|11.050|Zone:Distant - Farmer's Sighting 20131121171528|43.20079|-79.81480|170.333|6.518|MessageBox:Callback - [button1] No script to execute 20131121171543|43.20081|-79.81487|169.538|5.646|Zone:Exit - Farmers House 20131121171543|43.20081|-79.81487|169.538|5.646|Zone:Proximity - Farmers House 20131121171555|43.20088|-79.81499|171.866|5.184|Zone:Proximity - Fisherman 20131121171555|43.20088|-79.81499|171.866|5.184|AttributeChanged - Fisherman's Hut, Active 20131121171555|43.20088|-79.81499|171.866|5.184|AttributeChanged - Fisherman's Hut, Visible 20131121171555|43.20088|-79.81499|171.866|5.184|AttributeChanged - Fisherman, Active 20131121171555|43.20088|-79.81499|171.866|5.184|AttributeChanged - Fisherman, Visible 20131121171555|43.20088|-79.81499|171.866|5.184|Zone:Enter - Fisherman's Hut 20131121171603|43.20091|-79.81501|173.278|4.567|ZCommand:exec - Candi:Pickup 20131121171603|43.20091|-79.81501|173.278|4.567|Player:SetInventory - Will add Candi 20131121171603|43.20091|-79.81501|173.278|4.567|Player:SetInventory - added Candi 20131121171603|43.20091|-79.81501|173.278|4.567|ZCommand:Enabled - Disabled Candi Pickup 20131121171608|43.20091|-79.81501|175.008|4.664|ZCommand:exec - Fisherman:Talk 20131121171608|43.20091|-79.81501|175.008|4.664|MessageBox:Show - Hi there. Me and my boy were doing some fishing at the stream and was just heading back. We stopped for some supper, and all of a sudden we heard this horribly loud noise in the sky coming from the east. Well, I’ll tell you, we hightailed it out of there. Just before we took off I saw something break off and crash nearby to where I was. I got the location jotted down, but in my haste I think I left it back where I was having supper. We also left our tackle box behind too. It was over by were Billy was, pretty close to where I was sitting. You don’t suppose you could find that for me could you. I’d really appreciate it. Thanks a lot. 20131121171608|43.20091|-79.81501|175.008|4.664|AttributeChanged - Find Tackle Box, Active 20131121171608|43.20091|-79.81501|175.008|4.664|AttributeChanged - Find Fishermans Note, Active 20131121171608|43.20091|-79.81501|175.008|4.664|AttributeChanged - Trapper, Active 20131121171608|43.20091|-79.81501|175.008|4.664|AttributeChanged - Trapper, Visible 20131121171608|43.20091|-79.81501|175.008|4.664|AttributeChanged - Interview Fisherman, Complete 20131121171608|43.20091|-79.81501|173.215|4.700|Zone:Distant - Trapper 20131121171616|43.20092|-79.81501|177.111|5.072|MessageBox:Callback - [button1] No script to execute 20131121171640|43.20088|-79.81520|175.455|4.647|Zone:Exit - Fisherman's Hut 20131121171640|43.20088|-79.81520|175.455|4.647|Zone:Proximity - Fisherman's Hut 20131121171657|43.20088|-79.81541|176.556|4.212|Zone:Proximity - Trapper 20131121171657|43.20088|-79.81541|176.556|4.212|AttributeChanged - Trapper's Cabin, Active 20131121171657|43.20088|-79.81541|176.556|4.212|AttributeChanged - Trapper's Cabin, Visible 20131121171657|43.20088|-79.81541|176.556|4.212|AttributeChanged - Trapper, Active 20131121171657|43.20088|-79.81541|176.556|4.212|AttributeChanged - Trapper, Visible 20131121171657|43.20088|-79.81541|176.556|4.212|Zone:Enter - Trapper's Cabin 20131121171709|43.20088|-79.81546|179.549|4.646|ZCommand:exec - Candie:Pickup 20131121171709|43.20088|-79.81546|179.549|4.646|Player:SetInventory - Will add Candie 20131121171709|43.20088|-79.81546|179.549|4.646|Player:SetInventory - added Candie 20131121171709|43.20088|-79.81546|179.549|4.646|ZCommand:Enabled - Disabled Candie Pickup As far as the ON Enter function I can't see it in the lua file. I see an On Proximity for the Trapper zone but nothing for the Trappers Hut zone where the problem occurs. I think that is because that zone is activated while the player is in it. I've tried to upload the lua file but the site won't let me. Below are the two functions On Proximity to the Trapper zone and the On Talk to the Trapper if those help. function zoneTrapper:OnProximity() -- #GroupDescription=Script -- -- #Comment=Script Comment -- zoneTrappersCabin.Active = true zoneTrappersCabin.Visible = true zoneTrapper.Active = false zoneTrapper.Visible = false end function zcharacterTrapper:OnTalk() -- #GroupDescription=Script -- -- #Comment=Script Comment -- Wherigo.MessageBox{Text=[[YeeeeeHaw!! I’m crazy Dave the trapper. I’ve seen some weird stuff in my day. Did I ever tell you the time I run across this huge..... Aaaah never mind, you don’t wanna hear about that, do ya. Ok, I was out checking my traps at Bushwacking Point and this loud noise started. I coulda swore it was from the west, but I mighta got myself turned around at the time. I am a little crazy you know. Anyway back to my story. That huge bear came at me.... no wait a sec, that’s the other story. Oh boy. Yah that noise was so loud, I almost got me thumb caught in the trap. Anyways, if I remember right, and I don’t often do, something fell from the sky and landed not too far from where I was. Then I ran from that there bear and climbed a tree. Oh boy, you must think I’m crazy. That’s that other story. Ok, I jotted down where that thing fell, but I musta left it back at Bushwacking Point. If you’re heading that way anyway, do you mind setting my last trap for me? It’s close to where I was, if I remember right. I am a bit crazy you know. Thanks a lot. Oh and beware. There’s rumours that a dragon is in the woods.]],Media=zmediaTrapper,} ztaskFindTrapperNote.Active = true ztaskSetTrap.Active = true ztaskInterviewTrapper.Complete = true end
  2. I've used the smaller, 3x5 Rite in Rain notepads for some time for multiple caches in a day, and simply a 3x5 index card when only going for one. Both fit easily in a 4x6, 3 or 4mil baggie with a FP sharpie/golf pencil in my cargo pocket . Bought in bulk, we've paid less-than two-bucks each for RiR notepads. - Pencil writes well on RiR, even when wet, and can be erased if on that much of a budget. I've used one PAF in my time in this hobby (so far) ... Mechanical devices pinched together, and had the option of cutting rope and dropping 30+ feet on rock, or call a friend. This is why I mention real friends when people talk about their "friends" on social sites, or the "friends" on a list here.
  3. Have you talked to the CO about it? It seems like that would be more productive than coming here to complain. I'm not criticizing you: it's fine to come here to vent about something like this. But the problem you're having is strictly a local one, so think about how to solve it within the community. (I'm a little sensitive about this because every time someone complains about something some individual CO is doing, GS tends to make rules that get in everyone's way even in places where COs don't do annoying things like that.) I think it's really interesting that you are fully aware from your personal history why people like power trails, so that should put you in a good position to understand and interact with the CO as friends even as you talk over the problems his caches are causing you as a reformed ex-numbers cacher. In particular, I think you're in a good position to point out that while numbers are fun, it's even more fun if the numbers caches are interesting in their own right. Although nothing as bad as this has happened in my area, there have been a few series with the caches put out fairly densely along country roads, so I have gotten a taste of the problem of a hundred notifications, all for the same series. For some reason, though, the COs around here put some thought into it, so the caches themselves are reasonably good. Admittedly, they're all not super creative -- although some are -- but they are generally unique. Maybe getting the CO thinking along those lines will be enough to sort out your problem.
  4. A question then. Since, in my particular case, everything did go my way, would it be realistic to dismiss my beliefs as strawmen? A few examples: When the Seminole County Natural Lands folks learned about geocaching, they wanted it ended entirely on their properties. Along with a Reviewer and a UCF professor, I sat down with the head dude and we eased their concerns about the hobby, and helped them hammer out a geocaching policy based on facts, not fears. When the Senior Forester of the Little Big Econ State Forest found out about caching, he too wanted it ended. He demanded that all geocaches be removed from their forest, immediately. I sat down with him, and a couple hours later, got his total ban turned into a moratorium against future caches. Then, I spent a couple years getting the moratorium lifted, and a permit process set in place. Now, I act as a volunteer for the Florida Forestry Service, issuing these permits. When Seminole County Parks & Recreation found out about the hobby, they were inquisitive. I was able to convince them that the existing guidelines, enforced by Groundspeak, would protect their interests, and free them from having to deal with a permit system. The local dude in charge of issuing permits for the St. Johns River Water Management District recently expressed concerns that one player was dominating an entire geographic region with, in my opinion, less than stellar hides. I sat down with him and suggested several avenues he could take to avoid this happening again. I haven't heard back yet, if he's opted to implement those changes, but I'm hopeful. When the National Forest Service decided they would impose a fairly steep fee for each cache placed, I researched the rules which were cited in the creation of this fee. Then I started a letter writing campaign all the way up the food chain, demonstrating that the logic trail of the person who cited the rule in question was flawed. The head dude agreed, and now three national forests are open to caching again. All that text was not to blow my own horn. Instead, I wished to demonstrate that I have gotten directly involved, several times, with senior land managers, in a bid to preserve this hobby for future enthusiasts. I not only talk the talk. I also walk the walk. As such, suggesting that I came up with a derogatory motivation for some land managers as a strawman is a bit absurd. Riffster, take a step back. I wasn't calling your observations unfounded. It's just a little tiresome as someone behind the curtain to hear more of the "it's punative and bureucratic" talk. Like I said, in my personal experinence--as well as supported by your examples, it wasn't punitive. It wasn't unnecessarily bureaucratic. People in general like to use that straw man, but you and I see how we can work within the construct of the systems to find common ground and keep land open, open land for use, or develop processes that can protect and maintain the mission-oriented outputs a station wants and needs to have in place. My use of your quote was not intended to call you out more than to add what I said about a third option. That much was "calling you out". And that much was pretty soft, because we agree about this subject. Read it for what I said, and realize that part of it was a response, and the rest of it was a statement put out to the rest of the readers here. You and I are like minded on this subject so far as I can tell...save for the one-of-two options you laid out.
  5. Yep. Sorta... Many of the "corrections" made here over the years was because of more than a few pushing the envelope. We lost cache types too. We talked with another at an event about one that required all members logging be PMs. - Even though it's PMO, there's been alternative logging for basic members way-before we started. Another requiring a photo of all at GZ didn't fair well. Parents with their kids, and that privacy thing... But I've honored requests for pirate talk, lie/exaggerate on your log, continue the story, rhyme, and did an entire series where the other 2/3rds was an elf, and I was an orc.
  6. Again we probably talk about different things. I did not have side events in mind when I wrote my post, but rather events which are not at all connected to each other, just happen to be too close in distance or time to each other. If one gets denied an event, the easiest way is to organize it nevertheless and outside of gc.com. This already happens for event types that are not longer tolerated on gc.com - no crystal ball needed. I do not expect that mega events will end up with less activities due to the new guidelines. Yes - we probably do talk about different things - because you took a portion of dialogue which revolved around mega events and associated side events and either misunderstood it or just ignored it - accidentally or deliberately - I don't know which, and proceeded with a different argument altogether and also introduced the idea that there are secret caching cliques out there would deliberately organise clandestine / members only events which deliberately exclude the uninitiated Could we just draw a line under all that and let the thread return to its original focus before it comes completely off the rails and disappears down the rabbit hole? I too doubt that mega events will end up with fewer activities due to the new guidelines - so there's no problem there either
  7. Probably wasn't an real engineer. I doubt they would talk to someone in the users field unless it was an emergency of sort.
  8. FS: SIM Free Xiaomi Mi 8 Pro 8Gb/128Gb Mobile Phone £300. UK Postage free. Brand new unused, sealed box. Unlocked, Sim Free. I think this is the most amazing Android 9 Smartphone for Geocaching. It has really accurate dual GPS. That is as speedily accurate as my dedicated Garmin. The Mi 8 is the first phone to boast dual frequency GPS navigation technology. It has massive memory and I've not yet had a memory space problem. long battery life. Rave reviews online everywhere. Loads of info online. I bought my first in January 2019, but dropped it 2 days before setting off to Poland, smashing the display. Hence all my plans, geos, wherigoes lost. Urgently needing a phone, I bought a new one from Argos, reloaded everything. Sent to original off to my Insurance company. They sent back a brand new one in a sealed box. This I now have for sale. Specifications. Xiaomi Mi 8 Pro features a 6.26-inch display for a vivid and amazing visual experience. With triple cameras 12.0MP + 12.0MP back camera and 20.0MP front camera, you can enjoy detailed and defined images. And with 8GB RAM, 128GB ROM storage and a long-lasting battery, you can play games for longer. Plus, it's lightweight, ultra-thin, curved body fits perfectly in the palm of your hand. AI dual camera with optical zoom DxOMark photo score: 105 1.4m large pixels brighten and bring out the details of nightscape photos. SLR-quality dual pixel auto focus allows the Mi 8 to snap photos rapidly. Ultra-thin four-sided curved body Lightweight and curved on all four sides, amazing hand-feel Transparent Curved-edge glass body in an 7000 series aluminum alloy frame. Model number: E1S. Network: Network provider: Sim free. 2G, 3G and 4G network capability. Dual SIM card phone: supports 2 SIM cards simultaneously. SIM card type: nano SIM and nano SIM. Display and Design: 6.26 inch LCD display. With a density of 402 pixels per inch. Touch screen. Toughened glass. Dimensions: Size H154, W74, D7.6mm. Weight 177g. Camera and Video: Dual camera. Front camera 20MP. Rear camera 12MP. LED. Camera features: Portrait. Video capture in. Storage: Internal memory 128GB. Technical specifications: 2.8GHz octa core Qualcomm Snapdragon processor. 8GB RAM. Operating system: Android Android 8.1. (Download upgrade to Android 9) Battery: Up to 31 hours standby time. Up to 1620 minutes talk time. 3000mAh battery capacity. Product features: MP3 and MP4 player. This phone features fast charge technology - faster than standard charging, for when time is of the essence. Contactless payment Link up your card to your phone for easy buying on purchases up to £30. Fingerprint scanner For simple, safe and speedy unlocking and better security. Connectivity: Wi-Fi. Bluetooth. NFC. GPS. General information: EAN: 6941059614401. Manufacturer's 2 year guarantee. Derek C Johnstone 99B Wakefield Road Pontefract WF7 6BT 0752 197 2632
  9. Assuming you're talking about promotions, I'd sort of agree. I've got someone hounding me about something around twelve hours a day. I cache to be left alone a while. Most times I've only got a regular phone, because people don't/won't talk on phones now. If there was an option to toggle off/on promotions in our settings (We still do annual and states...) I'd be for that.
  10. EVERYBODY was a new cacher at some point in time. You keep caching and you'll begin to realize that you belong. It took me a couple years to realize I was already a "real" cacher, regardless of what types of finds or hides I had and that what others said or thought of me didn't really matter in the larger scheme of things. I wish I had realize that sooner. Be content with what makes you happy when you cache and don't worry about what others think, say, or do. That doesn't mean to ignore what they have to say but realize that they're coming at it from their experiences while you are coming at it from yours. Their "way" works for them but it won't necessarily work for you. If it does, great; if not, then no big deal. There is no one right way to cache. I've changed my caching habits from a find them all attitude (first couple of years) to being more selective in what types of caches I find. Don't be surprised if you change as well. It's part of the game. Your years in this activity don't really make you a "real" cacher. They just make you one that has stuck around a long time! Those charter members and early members, however, are great to talk to and have some recollections about the early days that are neat to hear. I have a couple friends with over 125,000 finds each but that doesn't make them any more "real" cachers than my friend who caches sporadically and has less than 1000. I met some Canadian cachers this past weekend with a crazy high D/T average, but that doesn't make them any more "real" than my friend who has an average around 1.5/1.5. As for the CO who is taunting seekers for not being able to find a 5D cache, that's uncalled for. A 5D cache will, by nature, have significantly MORE DNFs than it will finds and every one of those DNFs is a "real" cacher who logged their adventure the way it should be logged.
  11. I'm so sorry for you. I'm glad I don't cache where you do. The more I know them, the less I find anyone cheats regularly, and the more I find that those that occasionally claim a find for that cache they couldn't quite reach reconsider after I talk with them about whether they really care that much about a +1. But the point in this context is that the proposal is to treat everyone like trash by demanding they produce the right code to prove they're honest. I don't really care much about cheaters, so it makes no difference to me how you treat them, but I do worry about anyone that's being called a cheater until they can prove otherwise. I'm not sure what you mean about making it interesting and challenging. Are you talking about your efforts to thwart cheats? If so, then you must not like the secret code proposal, either, since it would make it too easy, right?
  12. The majority of the participants here in the forums move more hot air than they do finding caches. In addition, the people that like to hear themselves talk here in the forums represent a tiny fraction of geocachers in the real world. I would not come here for advice but come here for the entertainment value. So with that in mind, don't avoid the community based on people here in the forums that think their opinions are the gospel.
  13. RIP Barney. We visited with Barney last summer and he was still sharp as a tack and a joy to talk with. If anyone recorded his "story" please share it! Edited: His "story" concerns being assigned to memorize Rudyard Kipling’s poem, “When Earth’s Last Picture Is Painted,” in the 5th grade. He could still recite it from memory!
  14. Hi, last week I hosted an EarthCache Event. I called it EarthCache Event because the focus was on geology. We started the day with two field trips. I gave a talk at the main event about rocks, the Alpine orogeny and many other topics. A big part was how a geocacher can create his own EarthCache (all steps from an idea to the publish). Two geoawares visited the event so every question had been answered. The discussion after the talk took some hours. All logs were 100% positive, so I can encourage other Geocachers to host an event like this. EarthCache Event Here are some pictures: Let the Earth be your teacher! lumbricus
  15. The one that always springs to mind when I think of the most challenging caches I've done is Broken Silence (GC6MT5R). Getting to the vicinity of GZ is tough enough, with a hike of some 3km along an undulating ridge followed by a daunting descent to a lower ledge and from there along a few hundred more metres to where the point ended in a narrow neck with vertical sides dropping some 50 metres to the valley below and, at the end of the neck and separated by a small gap, a column of rock upon which sat the cache. My sense of balance is impaired by an inner ear condition, meaning I tend to fall over a lot, so I'm not good with heights if there's nothing to hold onto. After overcoming my terror, I crawled out along the neck, pausing half way along to settle my nerves and convince myself that it was going to be easier to keep going than turn around, finally finding a blessed foot-hold at the end which made crossing the leap of faith onto the column a little less frightening. Talk about pushing myself out of my comfort zone! That photo probably doesn't do it justice, so here's one looking back along the neck from GZ.
  16. I am trying to Bluetooth Caches from Huawei to Garmin oregon 750 via share in Geooh GO. I get a meesage saying 'Bluetooth share: Sent files 0 successful, 1 failed'. Accoring to Garmin I should be able to send Geocaches from my phone to the 750, but I can't find a how to do it. Garmin talk of:- From the app drawer, select Share Wirelessly. Select an option: Select Send, and select a type of data. Select Receive to receive data from another device. The other compatible device must be attempting to send data. Follow the on-screen instructions. However I don't appear to have a 'Share Wirelessly' anywhere on the 750. I don't appear to have anything called 'app drawer' either. I am getting messages (emails), from my phone onto the 750 so the connection is OK. Any help would gbe greatly appreciated.
  17. Most of the events I've attended have been short 30-60 minute "meet and greet" gatherings. Geocachers get together and hang out for a while, talking about geocaching, other hobbies, or whatever they want to talk about. The large multi-hour events are the exception. Large multi-day events, even more so.
  18. Alright, fine! Again you win, geocache GOD's. I will change my freaking log count, you win. Boy talk about feeling brow beaten and beat up. Holy cow, I have never met a group such as this! I am beginning to question whether or not I want to continue geocaching if this is how this hobby is conducted. And I do not buy for one minute this is to help me because I am new. I think some of you just enjoy being over powering and suppressing what someone else is trying to do. What is this a right of passage every new geocacher has to go through to earn their stripes? Is this the hazing part of geocaching the newbies have to experience before being considered cachers? I am a member of the worlds oldest, and largest fraternity and we would never put our new members through anything like this, even if they do make a mistake. We certainly have a lot more tact and respect than people here. If this is the true representation of geocaching I think I am going to give it up entirely. I must say though a lot of you are not doing this hobby any good and a bad example of it with the way you talk to people here.
  19. All this talk about a lack of connectivity seems off the point to me. If you aren't connected at all, you aren't going to log the cache to begin with, so there's no reason for the CO to be waiting for you to provide the confirming information. And, on the other hand, if you do log, and then are disconnected for a week while you travel home, surely you're not going to be too upset about a CO being a little quick to delete your log, are you? Given he was concerned and raised some questions, it's not really his fault he didn't know you were traveling since the evidence -- your log -- supports the mistaken idea that you are available. I'd just shrug, send the requested information, and expect permission to relog. Why the angst?
  20. Events are "a great way to" - not a requirement. I know plenty of well-intentioned events that do none of the above other than exist as a social "hello" or souvenir-grabber, etc. So, if you argue that 'vacation events' are effectively pulling the hobby down, then all those events are. It's making a mountain out of a molehill. The event was social. Geocachers can attend and be social, and talk about geocaching. That's all there is to it. Even if the CO only wants to do it to get another icon in another country. Everything is a slippery slope these days; all you have to do is present another example going in the wrong direction. Everything about geocaching can be argued as a slippery slope. Well that's really why we have guidelines - to encourage people to climb the hill, not toss things down it - even though there will always be rocks and pebbles tumbling down, gaining speed, and sometimes whacking people in the forehead. That in and of itself is not a bad thing. But how people act and interact while doing that could be. As long as those people's actions don't affect me (or the immediate community, ie log history) then if it's following the rules, I say it's okay. Is it positive and improving the state of the game? Likely not. But is it worth my time getting worked up about it being a 'bare minimum'? Not really. Especially if me getting worked up gets other people worked up. If the LB didn't have a stamp (which it's required to have), I'd probably NM it, or at worst report it. I wouldn't complain that it's bare minimum if it only had a tiny stamp (I've found plenty of micro LBs with a mini-stamp and nano log - is that wrong?). And we're not in the business of rating 'quality' on the scale of what is allowed. Rather, more effective would be to place a new Letterbox that really encourages or demonstrates what a LB cache can be. If an event was published by a vacationer, excellent! Now if the host didn't show up (especially if others did), then I would absolutely take issue. There are far too many unknown factors to claim the slippery slope "vacation events lead to ruining geocaching". "When the primary intent is for numbers-style play, it can have a negative effect on the pastime overall." Yep, any habit in this hobby taken to the extreme can 'ruin geocaching'.
  21. I think you'll find this forum extremely quiet too, sadly FaceBook is where all the action is these days, particularly for the social side. Alternatively go to, or organise your own, event in your area and talk to some people face to face.
  22. I'm always on the lookout for interested parties to partner for an ISS waymark. I thought a mention in the NW states forum might help spread the word to anyone in this area who might be interested. It's easy! In a nutshell, partners must be minimum flight time of 1 minute away (approximately 300 miles), both be able to watch the same pass at a minimum altitude of 45°. You can see the ISS with the naked eye. It makes one pass around the earth approximately every 90 minutes. I am in Oklahoma, and I have a pass that is also seen from the Seattle area, July 18, 3:30 a.m., and again on July 19, 2:30 a.m. I don't know specifics of altitude until I know my partner's location. Creating the waymark can appear daunting, but it's easy and help is available. After this week, it may be a couple of months till another opportunity arises for a partnership between Oklahoma and the NW. Right now, Lynwood, WA looks very good, but I'm happy to check other locations. If you know of anyone interested, I'd love to talk to them.
  23. I have one out at the base of my driveway. It got a few finds within the first couple of weeks. I recognized some of the names from logs on caches I had found in this area--you know, it's a big community where we all recognize each other's names even if we never meet! Well, I started working for a murder mystery theater company about six months after I placed my cache. I met an actor who mentioned that he liked to geocache. Yay, someone to talk to about it! We both are in the St. Louis area right now, but he was recently from Vegas, while I used to live in southern Utah and would to go Vegas frequently to visit a boyfriend there (and still go out to visit, including a few months prior). I thought it was cool that he was from Vegas, and asked what his user name was. It sounded really familiar to me. I realized that I had seen it on one of the caches that I had found in Vegas that year. But then it hit me--he was one of the first to log the cache in my yard! I told him about it, he remembered the cache, and we talked about how my son and his friend gave him hints to find it, and he told me the swag he had taken from it! It was so cool finding a fellow cacher who I essentially know from three different circumstances--Seeing his user name in Vegas, having had him find the cache in my yard in Illinois, and working in the theater with him!
  24. Why are you asking us? Talk to them.
  25. Well, you asked... Guess (if true) multiple sigs and taking up the whole strip might be leading to destroying or damaging, though I feel "vandalizing" is reaching... Are they "taking the whole strip page" on both sides ? Sounds (to me) someone took a request of writing in the log sequentially as a bit much. IIRC, you're also the person who said in a thread that you'd delete logs if folks logged found after you disabled a cache. We have seen similar behavior when people get a little too anal about a hobby, and maybe the locals are attempting to show how silly that is. Sure, they may be a jerk. Consider the source, talk about 'em here, and then forgetaboutit. Have you had caches taken/stolen yet ? If this bugs the heck outta you, this might be a good time to have a sponsor.
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