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  1. I just started Waymarking a couple weeks ago and have found a lot of waymarks where the point of interest, building, business, or object in question are missing. So far I have logged these as "visits" or "finds" but others have told me now that this is incorrect. What is the official ruling on logging a waymark find or visit? What counts? Just to add some details. I have found a little over 200 waymarks, and so far for about 30-40% of these, the waymarks object or reference point was clearly gone. I imagine that many of the other waymark sites in our area are also missing as most of them have never been visited by anyone and most the pages appear to be updated prior to 2010. Just to clarify, I am using the term "Visit" and "Find" to mean the same the thing since this is what is counted on the waymark website. There are a plethora of additional logging requirements I have seen which are also very confusing. Here are some of the scenarios: A waymark at a sculpture where the sculpture is totally gone and removed from the park. Do I log that the sculpture is gone, post a picture of the empty ground and then log it as found? A waymark at a sculpture, where the sculpture is gone but moved to some other part of the park (I've seen these moved anywhere from a couple hundred feet to a mile away). Log a picture of the empty site and then also log a picture of where the sculpture is at the new location? Also add gps coordinates of the new spot and the log as found? A waymark about a boat ramp where the logging requirements say post a picture of you with your GPS and your boat. This park doesn't have a boat ramp and the closest car access is a mile away. I'm really not sure what to do at this one but will just skip it unless I can get a boat out there since the WMO seems pretty specific about having a boat. A waymark about a car show where the owner says you can only post a visit during the Easter holiday when the specific car show is happening. Will skip this one unless I can make it to the show. A waymark about sledding or fireworks at a location. Can you log a find/visit without doing or seeing the assigned activity at this location? (Btw, I have actually done both requirements but I was not officially Waymarking when I was sledding or watching the fireworks at that spot). The tricky part here, is the waymark page just says post a photo from the location. A waymark at a fallout shelter which is located inside police headquarters. The waymark page only shows the outside of the building but the description question mentions requiring a picture "inside." Honestly it seems like a really bad idea to go inside a police building to take pictures. I took a picture of the fallout shelter sign outside the building, is this qualification enough to count it as found? A waymark at a bar where the bar is totally gone and there is a new business there now. Do I take a picture of the new business and log as found? I really wish there were more specifics about what counts and what doesn't count as a find. I was searching around the Waymarking website but couldn't find a clear answer. A general faq about logging requirements would be really nice.
  2. Abschließende Meldung von mir zum GIFF-Event das von Reviewern blockiert wurde. Ich habe bisher durchaus sehr erfolgreich 5 GIFF-Events veranstaltet. Die GIFFS hatten alle Besonderheiten. Mal das einzige KINO-Giff Event in Bayern, größtes GIFF Deutschlands, Bernhard Hoecker als Partner usw. Geocacher kamen von weit her, 200 KM Anreise waren keine Seltenheit. Das Event war von der Größe her immer unter den Top 10 weltweit. Je näher der GIFF-Zeitraum kam umso mehr wurde ich von Cachern angesprochen, angemailt was mit dem GIFF Event im Roxy Kino ist und ob ich das nicht bitte wieder anbieten könnte. Aufgrund der vielen Zusprüche sagte ich ja, ausnahmsweise mache ich es weil mich das neue Kino auch gereizt hätte. Dieses Jahr wäre erstmals ein nagelneues Kino, mit neuester Lüftungstechnik, Luftfiltern, Hygienekonzept usw. mit 4 Sälen zur Verfügung gestanden. Um Probleme mit "Muggel" zu vermeiden wurde ein Vertrag über das GANZE Kino abgeschlossen. Das Publish wurde von Reviewern bewusst nicht bearbeitet. Das Eventlisting entsprach den Regeln von Groundspeak zu 100%. Es wurde bewusst nichts kommuniziert. Irgendwann konnte der Mietvertrag mit dem Kino nicht mehr kostenlos storniert werden. Das Online-Buchungssystem war eingerichtet, es konnten online Platzkarten gekauft werden usw. Die Stornogebühren in fast dreistelliger Höhe wurden jetzt von mir und diversen Geocachern die einfach alle unendlich enttäuscht sind bezahlt. Die Reviewer als Verursacher dieser Kosten hatten meine PayPal Adresse, blieben Ihrem Motto nichts zu tun aber treu. Halt, falsch... das Event wurde von einem Reviewer archiviert. Das wurde getan. Ich als Owner sage im Namen vieler Geocacher somit: DANKE FÜR NICHTS Mit dem Geld hätten wir schön essen gehen können. Danke an Mario vom LaserLogoShop der für die Erstellung der Token auch viel Zeit investiert hat, Grafiken gekauft hat und diese Kosten selbst getragen hat. Hier wurde mir nichts in Rechnung gestellt.
  3. It's been a thing for a long time. When I started Geocaching years ago, I was handed a trackable pen at an event. All the pens had the same tracking code. I never logged it. I buy Mega-Event themed custom vanity cache cards every year. This year I bought 200 to give out or leave in caches (and some people buy variety packs until they have a complete set). For a few years, these have been printed with a tracking code, all the same for each design. I've made mine "Discover Only", and this year everyone was walked through the process. Maybe a set of coins is a different situation, but the complete deck of cache cards is "Discovered" in bulk as if nobody even looked at the individual cards. Maybe they mention where they saw the set. And I get those robotic logs all the time. If it's a cacher finding a single card in a cache, sometimes the log shows that they looked at my card (more than just looking at the code). Otherwise, it's not that interesting to me when a card is "Discovered". Not complaining. It's just something to consider before sending out things with all the same Tracking Code. And if you know there are a hundred identical "coins" out there, maybe resist piling onto the "Discover" logs unless you have a very cool reason to do so. In which case, make it a uniquely cool log. But yeah, as for a bunch of items with all the same code, there's no law against it.
  4. Sorry for being late to this party. The recent lowend chromebooks have put one in my hand. They are much better than I expected. Currently there is a lack of geocaching apps on the chromebook. However the official app seems to run fine. There are others that seem to as well. Mostly my intended used is to control my GSAK machine which can now stay safely at home. Better to risk a $200 machine in the field than a more expensive laptop. RemoteDesktop and VNC seem to work pretty well for that. My GPS is mostly mobile phones so they load through the cloud and so does the chromebook. Loading a GPSr in the field remains untested here. Hopefully the android app developers update their manifests to support chromebooks. Having a big screen for mapping would be nice. Mostly I hope to use the chromebook for updating drafts using the official app but with the benefit of a keyboard.
  5. I've never experienced the joy of having one of my logbooks filled to capacity, although GC4X42A, hidden in 2014 and with 307 finds, was getting close to that point when it got muggled last year and I archived it. One of the caches on Sydney's northern beaches that I adopted in 2018 got a new logbook at the time as it had been muggled, but it's in a popular tourist spot and has had 142 finds since then. It has a fairly substantial logbook (200 pages) but I've noticed quite a few people are taking up a whole page with just their signature so it might need replacing in the next few years. Over the years there have been other minor maintenance issues that I would have been on top of quicker had the previous finder logged an NM, such as the one I've mentioned before where a cache was left out in the open and the finder, not knowing where it was meant to be hidden, just covered it with sticks and bark and made this rather vague comment at the end of quite a long log: "In fact it was somewhat exposed. Signed the log and returned the cache to its hide, hiding it a little better than it was." I'd just assumed it was poking a bit out from under its ledge and they pushed it back in, but no, when I finally cottoned on after being told about it by another friend who'd been chatting with that finder, it was a couple of metres away and just sitting on the ground. Other minor things like missing pencils, which nobody's mentioned in their logs let alone logged an NM for, I've discovered on a routine visit. Just in the last month I discovered that one of my Sistema containers had its corner smashed, which no-one bothered mentioning: This aversion to using NMs because they might annoy COs who don't want to do minor maintenance just seems like a backward step since that log type has some good features for those COs who do care about their caches.
  6. @nabane Wenn man sich ungerecht behandelt fühlt, wenn man aufgrund nichts plötzlich Mehraufwand hat, wenn ständig nur erwartet und befohlen wird und auf Angebote kein Stückchen eingegangen wird kann sich das schon im Ton niederschlagen. Das dauert aber in der Regel wirklich lange da ich gute Nerven habe und sehr viel im Job und Nebenjob mit Menschen aller Art im Alter von 8 bis 70 zu tun habe. Ich kann Dir in jüngster Zeit mehrere Beispiele nennen wo ich etwas ändern musste oder etwas nicht ging - bei anderen Cachern schon. Warum wurden meine Listings deaktiviert weil drinstand das ich Kurz- und Einheitslogs nicht schön finde und ein "+1" für einen gebastelten Cache mit 200 FP echt uncool ist. Da muss ich nicht lange herumschauen, da gibt es viele weitere die das scheinbar dürfen. Wie bezeichnetst Du sowas? Unfair, Schikane? Beim Vogelpark Abensberg 1 loggen mehrere Besucher hintereinander einen DNF. In JEDEM Log steht drin das der Cache in Ordnung ist aber ohne Ausrüstung kam man nicht an den T5 ran. Warum wird der Cache dann disabelt und ich bekomme eine Wartungsaufforderung anstonsten Archive? Der Reviewer ließt doch 5x das der Cache da ist. Hier wurde nun inzwischen sowohl der Disable Log vom Reviewer als auch der Enable Log Text vom HQ gelöscht. Der von Dir zitierte Bereich ist nicht mehr existent. Den Reviewer den ich für Fragen zum GIFF angeschrieben habe war nicht derjenige der den Vogelpark1 Cache disabelt hat. Wer mich kennt weis das ich reale Probleme sehr gut kläre und beseitige. Ich trete hier nicht anonym auf, es ist auch kein Problem meine Telefonnummer herauszufinden oder Wohnort. Ich habe dem einen oder anderen Reviewer auch schon meine Telefonnummer mitgeteilt in der Hoffnung man könnte schnell was besprechen statt ständig zu schreiben. Ich mache zum Teil sogar beruflich Teamtrainings und Teambuildingmaßnahmen wozu es auch gehört 2 schwierige Parteien anzunähern. Falls ein Name was mit der Region zu tun hat - "Strohmännchen" gibt es regional sehr begrenzt und dort bin ich immer wieder. Während mein "Krass Fitte Geocacher" Event noch hochgelobt wurde und der Reviewer selbst gern teilgenommen hätte ist danach irgendwie was passiert worüber man reden sollte. Da hab ich sogar ein persönliches Treffen zur Aussprache angeboten, schön im Cafe oder Biergarten. Ich hab schon öfter die Hand gereicht und wollte ins reale Leben wechseln. Leider wird jedoch die anonyme virtuelle Welt in der man vieles falsch interpretiert und auslegt bevorzugt. Wie @frostengel oben richtig schreibt. Aus der Distanz ein Bild zu machen ist schwer und oft nicht richtig. Zum Thema GIFF.... mein GIFF Event ist seit Oktober eingereicht. Mario vom Laserlogoshop hat extra dafür Token entworfen, Zeit investiert und lebt von dieser Tätigkeit. Das Kino hat die Buchungsseite usw. alles eingerichtet, Zeit investiert weshalb hier schon Kosten anfallen. Ich habe schon einigen Orgaaufwand gehabt, Zeit investiert. Mich haben schon zig Cacher kontaktiert per Mail, PN und Whats App was mit dem GIFF im Kino ist... Das Listing für das GIFF-Event hab ich unter Berücksichtigung aller Regeln und Vorschriften (ich habe auch das GESAMTE Kino gemietet nicht das hier ein Konflikt mit einer Muggelvorführung entsteht) im Oktober zum publish eingereicht. Laut Aussage von 3 Ownern die letzte Woche 4 Events in Bayern eingereicht haben dauerte der Reviewprozess zwischen 1 Stunde und 1.5 Tagen. Bei dem eingereichten GIFF-Event gibt es bis jetzt NULL Rückmeldung. Weder positiv noch negativ, es wird von allen Reviewern (die ich teils gar nicht kenne) nicht bearbeitet. Ich frage mich was hier vor sich geht und ich frage mich was damit bezweckt werden will? Das ich am Sonntag, 21.11. statt um 7 Uhr aufzustehen ausschlafen und zuhause gemütlich frühstücken kann, auf den bisherigen Kosten sitzen bleibe und Mario vom Laserlogoshop auch umsonst gearbeitet hat? So fährt man auf jeden Fall eines der bisher weltgrößten GIFF-Events an die Wand und das finden nicht nur 4, 9 oder 15 Geocacher sehr schade sondern dutzende und das ist absolut kein respektvoller Umgang. Da hast Du zu 100% Recht, danke.
  7. Geocaching by the numbers There are more than 3 million active geocaches worldwide. Geocaches are hidden in 191 different countries on all seven continents (even Antarctica)! More than 642 million "Found it" and "Event Attended" logs have been recorded since the game started in 2000. Currently, there are over 361,000 geocache owners throughout the world. Geocachers gather at over 36,000 events annually to share stories and play the game. There are more than 200 geocaching organizations around the world. Geocaching.com is translated into 24 languages, Android and iOS apps are translated into over 20 languages. (Thanks to www.geocaching.com for these Geocaching Facts)
  8. For anyone interested, my Kickstarter completed yesterday. It wound up being 132% funded, with 74 backers earning around 160 geocoins in rewards. Some post-campaign fun facts: My original plan was to create 200 geocoins from this fundraiser, but I'll order between 250-300 to start, I originally expected the most popular funding level to be the cheapest, $12 for a regular edition coin with no shipping. Instead, around 50% of the pledges were for the three geocoin reward, which was my most expensive pledge level. Looks like collections trump price. Just under 25% of the pledges were for a single regular geocoin, and the same for a single glitter geocoin. The regular / glitter combo was only 4% of all pledges.
  9. This post is a continuation of the one of 26-Oct-21. In it I presented graphs of the last log locations (last-logs) of my trackables in the United States (US) versus locations outside the US, which are mostly Canada and the countries of Europe. The present text is a discussion of the tabulated data from which those graphs were derived. The methods for acquiring the information used here are described in the previous post, but let me state again that about 75% of the trackables under discussion have had no logs for at least three years (my criterion for missing) while about 25% are considered still active. The layout of both tables below is exactly the same, so one description will suffice. The Location column is either countries or US states, depending on the table. The Release (Rel) column is total trackables released in the respective locations. The columns under Drop Intervals are counts of trackables having last logs that fall into the specified count category. The values in the 5 column are the pool for drops five through nine, and for the 10 column, it is for drop ten through fourteen, and so on. Both tables have 51 locations with at least one last-log. In the case of the US, it is all 50 states plus the District of Columbia (Washington DC). Even Little Rhody has five. The states with the greatest numbers are California (101), Colorado (57), Florida (62) and Texas (146). These all have caches in leisure destinations, many of which, in my opinion, are frequently black holes for trackables, particularly if they are urban and not Premium Member Only. That said, some Premium Members are well short of sainthood. Thus, trackable longevity is more about luck and probability, rather than some cacher designation. I would have expected Texas to have many more last-logs, given that more than 4,200 trackables have been released there. Moreover, my definition of an old trackable is one having more than 25 drops (about five years old, on average). Texas has none, ranking it below the 20 states do have old trackables. Granted, I want my trackables to move, and even leave the state, but something about this disparity is not quite logical. All trackables will eventually go missing, no matter where they are. Nonetheless, I have believed for years that trackables in Europe move more frequently and last longer than here in the US. This, and future posts should begin to convince others. In my previous report, I suggested the longevity two trackables at Drop 55 was aided by drops (not visits only) in Europe. I thought later to look at all entries at 25 drops and beyond. There are 37 total, with none past 60 drops. The seven orange cells are those with earlier drops in Europe. The four blue cells are those with drops in Canada. As is shown in the second table below, the Canadian profile fits best with those of European countries. Thus, I believe drops outside the US benefitted the longevity of 30 percent the old trackables in the US. The 37 old trackables are 0.85 percent of the 4354 trackables in the US and 0.81 percent of all 4593 trackables. It is said that if a trackable was to survive long enough, it would eventually land in Germany. The second table below supports that statement. Without any releases in that country, it is the location of more last-logs (142) than any place outside the US, and more than any US state except Texas, where most of the trackables are released. The distant second place is a tie between Canada and the UK at 112. Both countries should have some advantage over Germany…a long, shared US/Canada border and my semi-annual trackable trades with an Englishman that resulted in 158 releases, mostly in the UK. Some of the lesser counts are in locations that spur this vicarious traveler to continue making and releasing trackables. Included are the British Virgin Islands, the Isle of Man, Liechtenstein, the Seychelles, Turks & Caicos and the Ukraine. A recent visit to Antarctica by one of my trackables just missed being formally included in this report. When this particular project started, there had been 239 trackable released in Canada (2) and Europe (237), yet 712 last logs were counted in the non-US collection, leaving 473 trackables taken there from the US. Most of this movement must have been done before the C19 travel restrictions of the last two years, suggesting there could have been a larger total migration, under different circumstances. In the non-US sample, there are 167 old trackables of 25 drops or more. This is 23 percent of the 712 trackables outside the US and 4 percent of all 4593 trackables. These percentages are embarrassingly high when compared to the US-only percentages of 0.83 and 0.81, respectively. These data are why I regularly send trackables to a friend abroad, a few of my own and most of those discovered in my caches.
  10. Ich als grosser TB/coin usw. liebhaber würde alle mitnehmen weil das ziel dieser dinger ist es ja zu reisen und nicht zu schimmeln. ich bin niemandem böse wenn er auch aus einem viel besuchten cache alle TBs mitnimmt denn sie wollen ja meistens schnell reisen. ich habe insgesamt 18 TBs was ziemlich viel ist für einen der erst fast 200 caches gefunden hat. ich finde es super wenn meine TBs schnell reisen!
  11. The thing that's cool about Garmin handhelds is they can be customized for specific activities. Sometimes down to moving the most used menu icons onto the first screen. I don't know about the Montana, but the Oregon line from about the 650 on, have entire modes to choose, and they vastly affect the way the menus work. I set mine up so I'm maybe a couple of taps away from any function I often use. The iPhone Apps, and worse, the Android Apps, are an unchangeable maze. And I sometimes try Cachly instead, and it's set up completely differently. But for cache research, messaging, logging, and satellite photos, of course the phone is great for that. If you can find the functions. Your Montana would be ideal for driving directions, with the right maps. It has a great car dock. I found a decent car charging dock (wireless charging) for my iphone, to keep it nice and charged. It does go dead on a hike. I usually just plan to get it back into the charger. And I've typically had the Garmin running and tracking the entire hike. I can't seem to get "maps" to exist properly for offline Geocaching on my iPhone 8 (my Garmin has a map chip for the entire US, plus Topo). But the iphone also has that bug where it's 200 feet off and wandering and compass flipping to 90 and 180 degrees out, so I don't bother with the buggy parts. I used the phone these past couple of weeks for "getting a quick cache", and got a suitable reminder why I don't use "a phone" for the actual search.
  12. Not exactly true . I have an iPad (granted, it’s not a phone) that uses WiFi signals for location and that’s about it, no cell tower, no GPS. And it’s not clear what any iThing is using for location info at any given moment, the device won’t say. But It’s not improving anything when it’s WiFi only, for example when a phone is not getting a decent GPS signal. Mine wasn’t, it didn’t have the circuitry. AND my iPhone 8 seems to get confused by signals other than GPS when calculating its location. I have one of the phones that is 200 feet off in one direction, then 200 feet off in the other direction when using The App (and possibly in other cases). There’s an unaddressed thread about it. Not to wade too far into the deep grass on that issue, it seems like removing the SIM card helps — therefore removing ground based triangulation? Or something. Anyway, yes and no.
  13. I relogged and my Earthcache souvenir appeared. I need 200 souvenirs for a challenge cache I have found and signed the log for, so I can log that cache. That's the only reason at present I care about souvenirs. 182 and counting, and then I can again ignore them.
  14. We camped at Needles in the Canyonlands. I knew I was not going to find the 200 Hands cave even if I could do the hike. But the Polestar Rock Cache was the trailhead to Rock Art and other panels were nearby.
  15. Meist ziehe ich allein los oder schleppe den Nachwuchs oder Freunde mit. Da meine Freunde und Bekannten eigentlich nur Cachen gehen, um sich dabei zu bewegen und mit mir zu quatschen, und ich doch manchmal denke, wär doch bestimmt mal schön, mit jemandem loszuziehen, der/die/insertpreferredpronoun auch gern auf Schatzsuche geht, würde ich mich freuen, wenn sich da mal eine Gelegenheit zu ergibt. Bisher bin ich nie mit der Bahn, selten zu Fuß oder mit dem Auto allein, oft mit dem Auto irgendwohin und dann mit dem Fahrrad weiter oder direkt mit diesem startend unterwegs. Kletterausrüstung oder Angel habe ich keine, bisherige Schwierigkeits-und Geländestatistik im Anhang. Generell freue ich mich über einen Tradi am Wegesrand, wie auch über tricky, kreative, gut getarnte und versteckte Caches. Auch mal ne halbe Stunde an einem Ort gemütlich zu Suchen ist für mich absolut ok, in seltenen Fällen auch mal mehr, aber auch ein DNF, wenns keinen Spaß mehr macht, ist durchaus drin. Kleine Challenges machen mir Spaß, allzu wichtig nehme ich sie aber nicht. Mein vorsichtiges Jahresziel von 200 Caches werde ich vermutlich vor Jahresende knacken. Tageszeit und Wetter finde ich zweitrangig, dazu sind Zeitfenster im Alltag zu spärlich und ich mag sie nicht verschwenden. Mal ergibt sich eins für nur-mal-schnell, mal ist ein halber Tag frei, und ne Tagestour ist auch machmal drin. Die Homezone ist rechtsrheinisch, Leverkusen, Bergisch Gladbach und auch die linke Rheinseite werden im Alltag und zum Cachen von mir oft frequentiert. Wenn da also was für jemanden gut passt und ein paar nette unverbindliche Kontakte zum gemeinsamen Cachen bei Gelegenheit gut findet - yay! Schreibe mir gern.
  16. I maintain records on all my trackables. I have linked a number of my spreadsheets so that as trackable activity is recorded, summaries and graphs are automatically updated. One such graph is shown below. It is the survivorship curve of all my trackables, based on the number of drops achieved. The graph shows the activity of 4,593 trackables, released at a rate of about 200-450 trackables per year, between January of 2010, as of 22 Sep 21. The time lag between the latter date and the present is the time required to visit the home page of every one of my trackables to extract information needed for another post to follow, but using data from the same survivorship curve. While the curve is continuously updated, the shape has not materially changed for many years, owing to the number of trackables included, and that at least 75% of the trackables have not had logs for three years (my criterion for missing). As such, the tabulated values shaping the curve might be treated as kind of simple actuarial table, whereby one might predict the chances of a trackable reaching a specific number of drops. For example, the table below predicts that after releasing a trackable, that trackable has an 89.1% chance that someone will retrieve it and make the first drop. Or, there is a 10.9% chance the trackable will go missing before a first drop is made. The chance of making as many as 40 drops is just over one percent, or slightly better than 1 in a hundred. One of my trackables has had 78 drops, producing a probability of 0.0221%. Viewing the table yet another way, 50% of trackables go missing before five drops, which on average is about a year. For now, the reader will have to trust me on that time estimate, but it is close. There are some caveats. These data are based solely on my collection of trackables, nearly 90% of which were released in Texas, mostly on the Southern High Plains in the rural northwest part of the state, south of the Panhandle. The remainder were released in Europe or during travels around the US and Canada. Furthermore, my trackables are widely variable in size, shape and materials. Some are ready-made, some are hand-made. I have no way of knowing if these various circumstances cause significant differences in activity, as compared to trackables released by other cachers. All that said, I doubt any other US-based trackable collection will yield survivorship values that are orders-of-magnitude better or worse than demonstrated here. Trackable activity and longevity outside the US are very different matters, and will be the focus of my next post.
  17. Mine was around 200 miles. Noticed the area in "newest" in the profile/"dashboard", a favorite fishing creek nearby, and clicked on it. The CO used the wrong North, which put it on the other side of the state. First and last to find, as it was on NPS property to boot.
  18. No souvenirs are showing on my profile now.....!! Had well over 200....!
  19. Thanks. Did the same. That worked. The only interest I have in these souvenirs, is that I have found and logged a challenge cache, that I don't qualify for, until I have 200 souvenirs. I hid this souvenir, along with all the others, except country/state and the like. They are my only interest in souvenirs, besides that challenge cache. I have no wish to display souvenirs such as this one.
  20. Thank you for patience as I try to solve this. No the geocaches are not close to my location they are about 200 miles away or more. This is where I put them: F:\Garmin\GPX
  21. As a side question: I see that there are almost 200 waymarks missing their region in the Mountain Summits category. I assume, that some of them are also the border between two regions. What is usually done then? No region, maybe? Or does a mountain summit always "belong" to one or the other region?
  22. Same problem for me too, three times a day, the app consummed 200,02mb, i exhausted my 4gb package in 5 days !! The solution was to disable thé background data for géocaching app on my phone.
  23. Um das mal genauer zu beschreiben: wenn du eine .gpx Datei mit den Cache hast dann kannst du die entweder in den internen Ordner \garmin\gpx kopieren, oder auf die externe SD Karte im GPSr ebenfalls in den Ordner \garmin\gpx. Wenn du dein GPSr mit einem USB Kabel an den PC anschließt dann kannst du die Dateistruktur des GPSr direkt sehen und kontrollieren, ob die .gpx Dateien auch wirklich im oben erwähnten Ordner sind. Ich würde nicht mixen, internen Speicher und SD Karte, sondern nur die SD Karte als Speichermedium nutzen. Wenn alles passt solltest du die ganzen Cache ansehen können indem du beim GPSr einfach die Option "Geocache" anklickst und dann die Option "Geocache suchen". Alternativ kannst du auch die Karte öffnen und dort die Cache suchen. Bei manchen GPSr (z.B. beim O600 und anderen) werden keine Cache angezeigt die weiter als ca. 200 Km von deinem Standort entfernt sind, keine Ahnung ob das bei dir auch so ist. Gruß, MB Da fällt mir noch was ein: Immer wenn du eine neue .gpx lädst wird die vorherige mit gleichem Namen ohne Nachfrage überschrieben. ALso, den .gpx die du auf das GPSr laden willst, immer einen griffigen Namen geben.
  24. I did not like the inclusion of Kneipp pools into the Spas category, because they are completely different to all the other accepted venues (Just this e.g., they are not a venue). But it has happened and I have to live with it. Barefoot walks and Self-Guided Trails are in a very similar relation, although a tiny bit closer. The first do not need any guidance, self or not, because they are short and almost all I know have start and end in a visible range. And they are too short for "trails". I know about half a dozen of them within maybe 10 kilometers from home. They all are permanent and well maintained. Their lengths vary between about 30 and maybe 200 meters, but more often on the short end. 30 meters are not a trail (Although I know an official 50-meters trail in the Alps: it a straight line towards an spectacular panorama. It is called the Zen Trail and officially supposed to take about an hour. But this is a very singular occurrence and kind of tongue in cheek - or Zen - whatever you prefer).
  25. Having performed a search for location "United Kingdom" which returns ~200,000 caches, if I then click to show the map then the filter automatically applies the "within 16km" limit, and so only maps the caches within 16km of the centre of the country:
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