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Posts posted by DonB

  1. I have an older version of the garman etrex and over time the accuracy has gotten worse.

    how do I fix the accuracy so i can get back in the game??????

    Maybe it's not your GPS maybe the cache coordinates are off. Have you tried comparing your GPS to a friends?

  2. I have a Nuvi 50 and am planning to upgrade to either the 2597LMT or, more probably, the 2797LMT. These both have "100 routes" listed among their features, but I can't find anything which describes how a route works.


    I am planning a big trip round North Western USA and Canada, geocaching as I go. What I want to be able to do is create a PQ based on the route I want to take and then use the nuvi to follow the route. For example, from Seattle to Vancouver, I have created a route which starts on the freeway, cuts over to Whidbey Island, detours through some side roads along the coast, meanders up to the border and then follows the main road to Vancouver.


    The big question is "Can I transfer this route to the Nuvi and, if so, how"? I'm assuming that this will be the same with either model as they seem identical except for the screen size.


    Any advice would be appreciated





    If you are going to create routes before you start your trip using software use the link sussamb posted.Once traveling you can let the GPS route you by starting with "where to" then you can pick cities or POIs and the GPS will route you to the place. Also check out a website called poi-factory.com that people upload custom POI files to such as restaurants, gas stations, motel chains, etc.

  3. I have a Nuvi 50 and am planning to upgrade to either the 2597LMT or, more probably, the 2797LMT. These both have "100 routes" listed among their features, but I can't find anything which describes how a route works.


    I am planning a big trip round North Western USA and Canada, geocaching as I go. What I want to be able to do is create a PQ based on the route I want to take and then use the nuvi to follow the route. For example, from Seattle to Vancouver, I have created a route which starts on the freeway, cuts over to Whidbey Island, detours through some side roads along the coast, meanders up to the border and then follows the main road to Vancouver.


    The big question is "Can I transfer this route to the Nuvi and, if so, how"? I'm assuming that this will be the same with either model as they seem identical except for the screen size.


    Any advice would be appreciated






    Ignore, I messed up the reply

  4. When I was using Map Create all of my registered cards were 1GB so it sounds like you have a problem there. The trick you might be thinking of is there is a way to create map files on any unregistered card but you still have to have at least one registered card to put in the reader when you want to create a map. Maybe try and reinstall the software.

  5. I just purchased a Magellan Explorist 310. I created a pocket query for the closest 1000 caches. When I copied the .gpx files to the GPS I could see all the information for the caches except it didn't indicate which ones I had found. Is there a way to show ALL the caches in an area and show which ones I found and which ones were still lurking out there?

    Use the filters in the PQ.

  6. Hello,

    Thank you for the responses. I drop in to my GPS using the GPX files. I downloaded a total of 1500 but it shows 923 caches on my GPS. Could it be that the zip codes are to close together? Should I delete the waypoints?

    I'm not familiar with the Magellan Explorist 310 but I'll take a shot in the dark. My Garmin will hold 1000 caches, but if I do a PQ that has caches that are over 50 miles from where I'm at it won't show them unless I search for them by name on the GPS or move to where they're within the 50 miles. Could you be having the same issue with your GPS?

  7. Imagine a virtual cache at every lamppost in every parking lot in the world. That's what would have happened had virtuals still been allowed today.

    Virtuals were meant to be somewhere significant that you couldn't place a traditional cache, say at the base of the washington monument looking towards the lincoln memorial, or somewhere on private property where you couldn't place a cache. The virtual was logged usually by the cache finder answering a question or sending in a picture. Check walt disney world - there are five virtuals there because placing a cache on disney property would be an awful thing to keep up with and Disney wouldn't want people being seen hiding things in brush, etc. But, much like lamp skirt caches, virtuals got overly prolific and took away from container caches. the EarthCache sort of replaced virtuals, requiring someone to answer questions about what they saw. I miss the ability to have virtuals, but at the same time, seeing some of the carpetbombing road caches (again, check florida, some roads are just lines of hundreds of caches with no purpose other than boosting numbers) maybe preventing virtual carpet bombing isnt a bad thing. Imagine Disney World with a virtual cache at every ride entrance...

    In the first place I don't believe the original intent for virtuals was to place them in Disney world or in a lamp post, the reviewer should have disallowed them. I found the many virtuals that I did while traveling took me to many interesting places that I would have normally not found. Crummy virtuals existed because the reviewers allowed them. I believe virtuals were dropped because TPTB didn't want them anymore. Bottom line, I'll take a virtual any day over a bison tube in a bush.

  8. A couple of us have been in contact with the OP. No "agenda" that I can see, other than trying to write an assigned paper for a class. I took a very similar course while at the University of Montana. This isn't a scathing exposé here, on its way to the cover of the New York Times- it's a term paper.

    Then why not post his questions on the forum, then everyone can contribute.

  9. I cache in Australia where guns are illegal (except via very restrictive licenses). Most of my finds are in the bush and on the trail I have come across 5 of the 10 most dangerous snakes in the world as well as packs of dogs, large buck kangaroos, goannas and crocs, as well as my fair share of the crazy people too. Only weapons I carry are a sense of intuition and a bit of common sense.

    I feel bad for you guys, I hope the gun grabbers here never win out. By the way, what is a goanna




    A goanna is a very large lizard with very large claws that when frightened has been known to mistake a person for a tree and try to "climb" them. The large claws can do some serious damage. Had one run at me when my dog disturbed it, just lay flat on the ground so it didn't try and climb me.

    Don't feel bad for us, we used to have quite lax gun laws and I owned a couple myself. But, we had a couple of pretty terrible shootings back in the 90s and we "learnt" from this and Australia matured as a country. Hope you guys can do the same thing one day.

    I don't know how it is in your country but in the USA even if they managed to strip the honest citizens of their constitutional rights to own a gun it would just make things worse because the bad guys would still have theirs and the rest of us would be at their mercy. Look at the city of Chicago, they have some of the most restrictive gun laws in the nation and also one of the highest murder rates in the nation. That's something the gun grabbers will never understand.


    We have more deaths per year by drunk drivers than guns. We also have more deaths per year by knives and use of blunt force weapons such as hammers, baseball bats, and clubs. Funny thing is I haven't heard of anyone trying to outlaw any of those items. If losing one my constitutional rights is called "maturing" as a country I hope it never happens here. I have owned guns for over 65 years and have never had an accident or shot anyone, and to my knowledge none of my guns have ever went out by themselves and shot anyone either.

  10. I agree the 'M'-word QR thing is a totally different game (tried once, didn't like). But I do wish geocachers who use smartphones wouldn't get constantly beaten up in these forums. <_<


    Not everybody has room (or funds) in their lives for yet another piece of technological kit and many people would never have discovered and enjoyed geocaching without a smartphone and its accompanying app. Not everybody wants or is able to go for 5/5s up mountains or deep in the wilderness in which case a smartphone does just fine. In the case of areas with poor mobile signal coverage - of which there are many, even in the little UK - you store the cache details and maps before you go; the phone doesn't need network to receive GPS signal. I also have OS maps (1:50,000 and 1:25,000) stored on mine and can overlay cache locations onto those.


    Yes, phones have their limitations. Those who can and who want to avoid these limitations can get a dedicated GPS receiver. Those who don't can still play the game with a smartphone, which is a 'GPS enabled device'. With 850-odd finds between us my partner and I have just placed our first two hides, with another under construction. We found that with care we got good accuracy with our phones for the co-ordinates: but we haven't done wilderness 5/5s. No complaints from finders (or DNFers) yet.


    Someone asked not be 'forced' into using a smartphone. Why should smartphone users be 'forced' into using a dedicated GPSr? It's almost like the last taboo, or something: all over the forum people say 'play the game your way': unless you happen to be a phone-cacher in which case you're somehow not considered a 'proper' geocacher.


    The Membership fee is the same whatever device you use...


    Not one of my logs is just 'TFTC'.

    As Harry Dolphin posted, use whatever you want, just don't try and change geocaching to suit the smartphone users, just because some people are too lazy to sign a log book and can't wait until they get home to log their caches. You say many smartphone users can't afford another piece of equipment to geocache, it costs me about $55.00 a month for my two phones. How much a month does it cost you for your smartphone with a data plan?

  11. I am new to Geocaching.

    Ignorance is bliss. Apologies in advance.

    It seems a pain to fill out a log book.

    Most people these days use a SmartPhone or similar.

    It seems that the log book is a way of proving you were there.

    If the QR code took you to a unique URL on the Geocaching website the same result could be produced.

    What am I missing?

    I guess I'm not most people, I don't use a smart phone, I use my phone to make and receive calls. I have several computers if I want to play on the net.

  12. I've still got my mini maglight from nearly 30 years ago! still going strong and the only thing I've done to it is upgrade the bulb to an LED. great light


    Yeah that's the thing, the flashlights held up so well, we never had any need to replace them!:P I think the current bulbs only make about 5 lumens!


    How does one go about upgrading to an LED? Could it really be less then buying the new flashlight for $17?:huh:

    I updated one of my old mag lights but it still doesn't come anywhere near the brightness of the one I paid $30.00 for and is 240 lumens. I think the upgrade was around $15.00 at Walmart.

  13. FXtNCCm.png


    This would be useful to show for people who use smartphones as their geocaching GPS and want to submit a "found it" log while at the geocache site without having to incur data charges over the cell network. In order for this attribute to be applicable, the Wi-Fi being offered needs to be open for public use.




    Is anybody going to use something like this as a criterion to determine which caches they want to go and find? If there's wifi they'll see it on their precious smartphone, if there isn't they can wait to log it until they have network coverage.


    I'm really struggling to see anyone building a query that says something like "show me the caches I haven't found near home but leave out the ones I can't log with the smartphone the very nanosecond I find them"


    ETA: If people really think it's that important they could always put something in the text to say "hey, free wifi here, you can like the cache on twitface the very moment you find it"


  14. My priorities have changed since I first started from quantity to quality, that's why I have become a casual cacher. Mostly the ammo cans and caches big enough for trade items are gone, the virtuals have gone and that pretty much leaves micros. I can remember when we would go on a trip, do a PQ along the route and have no shortage of larger caches or virtuals.

  15. Maybe I'm missing something but I can't understand why a lot of people feel they have to spend a small fortune on a flashlight. I have a flashlight from Menard's made by Guidesman that is 160 lumens and takes two AA batteries and cost me under $20.00. I also have a Mini Maglight that is 240 lumens and cost around $30.00 and also takes two AA batteries. Both lights do a great job and I don't have to buy any exotic high priced batteries.

  16. Personally I'd rather they not come back, so no.


    For those who want them back, do they want them back in the original form were flag poles and sewer grates were considered appropriate subjects for virtuals, or do they want them back with the "wow factor" that was introduced in 2003?

    We have had this discussion before. If the reviewers were as fussy with virtuals as they were with normal caches there shouldn't be a problem with flag pole or sewer grate virtuals. Another argument TPTB used to get rid of virtuals was that people were doing armchair virtuals. I find this to be a feeble argument because I have done enough virtuals to know there can always be a question asked as a logging requirement that would be impossible to get the answer to on the internet. My opinion on getting rid of virtuals was for some unknown reason someone at headquarters just decided they didn't want them anymore and there would be no argument no matter how valid would bring them back. Instead we got challenges, what a joke they were.

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