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The Artful Dodger

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Everything posted by The Artful Dodger

  1. quote:Originally posted by BrianSnat:Last summer I purchased a dozen tick removers and had been leaving them in my caches until I ran out. A tick remover? ...hmmm...gotta purchase one of those things for my outdoors kit....
  2. perhaps the choice of either using the PDA OR using a cell phone to obtain additional info might be better. Just a thought...
  3. quote: Is there any such group in NJ? Actually, its more of a cult !! ....and the initiation hazing practices are gruelling and horrific. Not many victims, er, members survive.
  4. It's ironic that the author's title line has the incorrect use of the apostrophe... ...unless it was intentional (I think NOT)
  5. Definitely an explosion or it burnt up upon reentry...
  6. on its final approach to Kennedy Space Center in Florida, it exploded over Texas. Man! Not again! This is definitely tragic. My prayers go out to the family of the astronauts. Mission control lost contact at 8am CST when the shuttle was over North Central Texas at 200 000 feet. Pres. Bush is convening his staff for a TV announcement soon. [This message was edited by The Artful Dodger on February 01, 2003 at 07:12 AM.]
  7. I had a bogus coordinate of one of my caches placed 5 miles away. ...but a mile or two away seems like the right thing to do.
  8. This pretty girl at work agreed to go out with me if a certain condition occurred .... I might celebrate this 'heatwave' with a multicache placement this Saturday
  9. quote:Originally posted by Harrald: If you're in the Montvale NJ area you may want to stop and take a look at this. Montvale, eh? Isnt that StayFloopy's territory? Perhaps he can log a 'first find' ..
  10. quote:Originally posted by BassoonPilot:This quality is apparently not reserved for micro caches ... I seem to remember AD considered the original placement of the (ammo box) cache "Alluvial Material" to be too much of a "needle in the haystack." (Of course, that cache is much easier now; they added clues to the cache description when they replaced the cache.) . Yep! Alluvial Material was my nemesis cache - still a newbie cacher back then (probably still a newbie seeker now!) I still get a tad embarrassed at my tirade log at not being able to find it!
  11. like some others, I prefer the journey and not the destination in seeking out a cache and most micros emphasize the needle/haystack scenario quite a bit. Give me a cache that requires climbing mountains and swimming shark invested seas - but once I get there I want to find it within 30 to 45 minutes. So micros wont do. My idea of a cache? Good ol' BrianSnat Ammo Box types. vs ..but, hey, thats just me. I have no problem with micro hiders. Thats their perogative and people seek them out. Different strokes for different folks. [This message was edited by The Artful Dodger on January 27, 2003 at 08:03 PM.]
  12. I think a weekend backpacking trip initially might be the way to go. That might be acceptable to both the seasoned backpacker and novice among us. Later, a multiday one could be scheduled. ...we just need this cold weather to warm up first! Brrrr!
  13. quote:Originally posted by kayakanimal:I didn't know crickets had balls...and even if they do the couldn't be very big. Cricket is a game enjoyed by a dozen countries around the world. Coincidentally, today's Baseball was originally derived from the game of cricket. A cricket ball is much harder than a baseball - the fielders also dont have the privilege of using mitts in catching balls, too. Cricket also has a World Series (or World Cup) but, unlike the US world Series, they actually compete against the rest of the world ...
  14. Some TB's just want to meet as many geocachers as possible as opposed to traveling from A to B. Have a look at my Worldwide Geocaching Cap where I indicate that one can 'pick' it up and 'drop' it off in the same cache. Essentially, you have to figure out if the Travel Bug wants to travel or meet people (or both )
  15. Yep! Count me in. I've never done winter backpacking before - but it sounds like fun! Winter or Spring in Harriman sounds good. I've stayed at a couple of Harriman Lean-To's. They are well positioned around the park.
  16. I just bought a couple from Cheaperthandirt.com. If only I knew .... Still...I'd rather buy the knowledge to some cache hiding places
  17. Yep. Had a good time. I think there should be more team effort geocaching hunts - they are more enjoyable. 30 seconds after I thought of the possibility of a NJ State Police car stopping and hailing us ... what happens next? El Coppo pulls over and asks us what we were doing near the side of the road. Yours truly couldn't think of anything substantial to say - so I said "Nothing much. Just exploring the area." "Fair enough. Just stay off the Garden State Parkway." ..and so onwards we went, making it a fun morning for Team Melvin
  18. Last year in NorthEast, we had a couple (or more?) of geocacher face-to-face get-togethers that was fun. Its a great way to put faces to the geocaching handles. Have a look at this cache as an example of local geoaching teamwork! Spring 2002 - NY/NJ Geocacher's Picnic cache I dont know if there are any scheduled for the winter here - but keep checking the NE board for updates. Have a look at the Geoevents on the Main Page for examples of these events. Welcome to geocaching. Have fun!
  19. Never at a loss to promote one's own cache ... I looked extensively for a place to create a TB hotel near Newark airport here in the NY/NJ area in response to my TB's having difficulties in getting overseas. Nothing doing! No area was secure AND close to the airport. So I placed the Hotel near major highway arteries that people might travel to on the way from and to New York area airports. New York International Travel Bug Hotel and Casino I even created a sister hotel in Auckland, New Zealand, too.
  20. All together now... We are all individuals....
  21. quote:Originally posted by The Geo Chasers:jkhrd: P.S. I am surprised someone else didn't mention it... Does someone want to Markwell him the threads? I am too lazy to look 'em up
  22. I find Maporama.com as a very good source. I have used it for the USA as well as Australia, New Zealand and Britain.
  23. I should have known that Markwell would have beaten me to it !!
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